Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w


Well-Known Member
S'morgens J. Mrs is F.A.B my son. She took yesterday morning off as it was another hectic week and then her work called and said just take the rest of the day off. So we had a day in the sun, then went into town to mooch about, catcha drink on a sun terrace, then had a braai (wife even had a cheeky glass of wine, lol). Ickle was off the hook yesterday, must of been happy with all the rest Mum got. And Mrs Jig, must be real uncomfortable now for her?
Oh, and we got delivery of a large box of baby things. Video monitor, chair that does little moves and shakes around (are we making baby milkshakes or something???) along with elephant mobiles and all sorts. I am beggining to wonder where the little blighters cot is going to go the boxes are mounting up in his room!:)


Well-Known Member
They are tiny, aren't they.

It is pretty hilarious....just how long they will each be used.

Clothes for children should either come from some common depot,
shared by all, or be made from paper or some such.....they are only
useful is such a small window!

The early ones are precious though, like something carried to the moon in
an astronaut's pocket. Any item becomes precious when it is associated
with such an event.

Onward and upward,



Well-Known Member
Yeah, we only have about 3 new outfits for baby. The rest is used off ebay or craigslist. Wife got a few lots for next to nothing. I always say baby don't need to wear shoes until they start school. I'm a city boy, but I got a little bit of country in me lol.

Had an interesting thing happen this morning. Was up early working outside, while the air is cool and still, the birds aren't up yet, and I'm alone with the trees. A jeep pulls up to the White Trash People's house. And yes... 'White Trash People' is our official name for them. So the jeep pulls up with two guys and a kid in the back. I thought it odd as no one over there wakes up very early on the weekends... plus I had never seen that jeep, nor the kid. It all just didn't fit. So I watch as Dad packs the kids bag up and car seat and takes it all inside.

At this point I'm thinking it must be a custody handoff type thing. Still odd cuz I've NEVER seen a kid over there. So I don't pay much mind, go back inside, and get on the PC for a bit. Listening to music I thought I hear some sound. Sounds turn int bloody murder screams and I look outside. LIttle boy maybe 4 years old, possibly younger, is in the middle of the street (a good 100 ft from the house) screaming for DADDYYYYYYYY. So being the _____ that I am (nosey s.o.b., great guy, self appointed neighborhood watch captain) went out to make sure little dude was OK. We converse and he says he was dropped off for babysitting. After a few minutes a guy emerges from the WTP house. He walks down the driveway just as the kid runs back up on the other side of the cars so he didn't see. He gets to the back of the cars and sees nothing. At this point I think he thought I was on drugs talking to no one.

I point to the kid.... the guy sees the kid... then looks at me and says "Who's that?"

LOLOL Are you serious????? WTF.

I said, "His dad dropped him off for babysitting?"

WTP "What was he driving?"

A red jeep.

"Who's your dad kid?"

Kid says somthing.

Dude says, "OOOOHHHHHHHH..... thanks bro" he says to me and the walk off.

WTMFF. Who just drops their kid off in a house where no one is awake, and seemingly no one knows you are dropping the kid off. Apparently people who are friends with the WTP do. :)

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ END STORY +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

My parents are on the way for a visit.

@JD. I love the astronauts pocket bit. Do you read a lot?

OH... speaking of reading. The guy who interviewed me at the Cannabis Cup and on the phone subsequently, got his book bought. He's writing a book on the love of marijuana. It got picked up just the other day by a subgroup of Macmillan. Super stoked that 'jigfresh' is gonna be in print on bookshelves near you (or amazon lol).

He asked the guy from Sea of Seeds a bunch of questions too. The SoS guy was all sketched out and thought I was giving information to a law enforcement guy or something. He said to me "Yeah, I gave that writer guy a fake email address" which I thought was super funny because the writer was asking questions about the SoS business... at a convention... in which it's sorta assumed businesses are there to talk to people about themselves. ??? I swear there's so much money to be made in pot industry for people who have a good business sense.


Well-Known Member
Seriously. Poor little buddy.

I just asked because you seem to always have something interesting/ funny/ intelligent to say.


Well-Known Member
Hello.fam well all my grand daddy purp beans popped and all were male damn out of 15 plants not one female.I feel like kicking ken in the nuts but I'm the one who feels like I been there some one I can email ? On the lighter note.bassman said to get super sour og kush and man oh man bassman was on the money.


Well-Known Member
Sent an email to seaofseeds they responded saying more or less " contact kens estes good luck buddy" wtf ...did I just piss away my money? Hell I knew I should have gotten cc gear.


Well-Known Member
Breeders Boutique is the only s33d company I've ever ordered s33ds from. And I'm more than happy with the smoke and ratio of females I got from regulars I got.

I actually signed in to share some pretty shitty news. It's never a dull morning around the neighborhood. My wife and I were chillin this morning on the deck. Our neighbor was on her deck with her girlfriend. These are the somewhat normal folk, not the nuts folks from down the road. ANyways, one of their phones ring and theres some talking, all of a sudden burst out in horrible sobs. Sounded really bad. All we could hear was that someone woke up and found someone else not breathing. We talked to our neighbor just now when she got back, turns out her friends grand daughter was the one who stopped breathing overnight. They are only about 45, so grand baby can't be very old. Really really sad.

Hug yer kids and grandkids. :)


Well-Known Member
Hello.fam well all my grand daddy purp beans popped and all were male damn out of 15 plants not one female.I feel like kicking ken in the nuts but I'm the one who feels like I been there some one I can email ? On the lighter note.bassman said to get super sour og kush and man oh man bassman was on the money.
out of 5 I got 3f/2m
Breeders Boutique is the only s33d company I've ever ordered s33ds from. And I'm more than happy with the smoke and ratio of females I got from regulars I got.
my next seed purchase will be end of the year, but it will be bb and tga