Right or wrong, why I think Treyvon was shot

I remember a show a few years ago that took makeup and made white people appear to be black. Some of the things they have observed was that white people had a fear of blacks. If I remember correctly there was more fear observed, or at least more instances of white people reacting to those that had been made to look black when they had not only been made to look black but were dressed in a 'hip-hop' style. From what I have seen, Treyvon was dressed in somewhat of a hip-hop fashion. Now, let me be clear, I am not saying that it is OK for people to go around shooting folks just because they have an initial reaction of fear towards someone. But let us face facts. Zimmerman (GZ) was initially suspicious towards Treyvon (TM). Why? Well, I think it is fair to say that the majority of crime is committed by blacks who are hip-hop dressed, whites that commit crimes are also hip-hop dressed, as well as white-trash dressed. The white-trash style has yet to catch on in the African American community. I think had TM been dressed in khaki pants, with a polo or button up tucked in with a belt and nice shoes he would not have been confronted, and shot. Of course, people have a right to dress how they see fit, but sometimes there are negative affects of the choices we make that we have every right to make. A similar thing might be said of a female rape victim that was dressed like a total slut. It doesn't make it her fault she was raped, but her decision to hold herself out as a whore increased her chances of getting raped.

If you want to understand the reasoning why Zimmerman was suspicious all you have to do is listen to the first part of the phone call he made to the police.

#1. It was raining. #2. Travan was not trying to get home in any sort of hurry, he was just kinda hanging out and looking around.

I dont think most hoodies are waterproof.

Therefore, it was apparently Travan's actions that caused the suspicion.

He got shot because he assaulted George Zimmerman.

Look, there are problems with race relations in this country, that much is apparent. Unfortunately for the media, the race baiters, and all the other divisive scum out there this case really does not fall into that category.

I would like to see the government remove all forms of racial classification from every document they process.

Then I would like to see the schools teach every child that you can make a great life for yourself in America regardless of race, social class, etc. That is what we need IMO.
I used to think you were intelligent, now I'm not sure. You seem to very often reply to a post and give it a meaning that you wish it had to further some agenda, red herrings be damned. Either you are incapable of having an honest conversation/discussion with those you disagree with, or you are a blithering fool. At what point did you take anything I said as carrying the meaning that rape is OK, so long as the chick looks like a whore? This isn't even a complex idea that you cannot seem to grasp. The girl that got (date) raped for giving off the impression that she is a whore did things which increased her chances of suffering such a fate, that does not make the piece of shit who raped her any less a piece of shit. It is the same principal as walking down the street in a bad neighborhood while holding $10,000 cash in your hand. It really increases your chances of getting robbed, but it don't make the piece of shit who robs you any less a thief. In the same way, conducting yourself in a manner which will provoke fear in most of the people out there increases your chances of getting shot.

"she was dressed like a whore" is not a valid defense in any court of law, shithead.

you seem too dumb to understand the concept that you are responsible for not raping people, and the clothes worn by the person you're raping are irrelevant.

i'm sure that this is the only way you can get any (unless, of course, you steal enough stuff from your parents to call a low class escort) but that doesn't make it right or excusable or less abhorrent.

rape is a product of a sick mind like yours, not attire choices.
He got shot because he assaulted George Zimmerman.

assault is out the window.

martin was clearly acting in self defense under florida law, and had every right to kill zimmerman dead.

suppose you're walking home in the dark and some creep starts following you in his car, doesn't identify himself, keeps following you, so you run and he gets out and follows you. you really think he's there to bring you flowers, samantha?
assault is out the window.

martin was clearly acting in self defense under florida law, and had every right to kill zimmerman dead.

suppose you're walking home in the dark and some creep starts following you in his car, doesn't identify himself, keeps following you, so you run and he gets out and follows you. you really think he's there to bring you flowers, samantha?

The physical evidence shows Travan Martin committed assault. That is a crime no matter what color you are.

Which crime did Zimmerman commit before he was attacked?
The physical evidence shows Travan Martin committed assault. That is a crime no matter what color you are.

it couldn't have been assault if martin was fearing for his life or great bodily harm, that's the law.

as o'mara pointed out, you don't need a scratch on your finger to kill someone in self defense. martin was in fear from this guy that was following him in the dark, in his own neighborhood, while never identifying himself. that gave him every right to kill zimm and it would be self defense, not assault.

you never answered the question, samantha, so i'll repeat it:*suppose you're walking home in the dark and some creep starts following you in his car, doesn't identify himself, keeps following you, so you run and he gets out and follows you. you really think he's there to bring you flowers, samantha?
"she was dressed like a whore" is not a valid defense in any court of law, shithead.

you seem too dumb to understand the concept that you are responsible for not raping people, and the clothes worn by the person you're raping are irrelevant.

i'm sure that this is the only way you can get any (unless, of course, you steal enough stuff from your parents to call a low class escort) but that doesn't make it right or excusable or less abhorrent.

rape is a product of a sick mind like yours, not attire choices.

You're right, they don't legislate common sense. Which you should be very glad of.
it couldn't have been assault if martin was fearing for his life or great bodily harm, that's the law.

as o'mara pointed out, you don't need a scratch on your finger to kill someone in self defense. martin was in fear from this guy that was following him in the dark, in his own neighborhood, while never identifying himself. that gave him every right to kill zimm and it would be self defense, not assault.

you never answered the question, samantha, so i'll repeat it:*suppose you're walking home in the dark and some creep starts following you in his car, doesn't identify himself, keeps following you, so you run and he gets out and follows you. you really think he's there to bring you flowers, samantha?

Those are not the details of the case so you are asking me a hypothetical question slanted in a way you choose to ask it. I am not required to answer your questions.

Travan Martin had the time and physical ability to run away from Martin and be home within the 4 minutes it took for the encounter to start. According to all of the evidence we have it appears he chose to turn around and confront Zimmerman and then assault him. It was a bad choice for everyone.
Those are not the details of the case so you are asking me a hypothetical question slanted in a way you choose to ask it. I am not required to answer your questions.

the question i am asking you is based on exactly what happened to martin.

a strange man followed him in his car, and then on foot after he ran, in the dark, while martin was doing nothing wrong, in martin's own neighborhood.

if someone did that to you, what would your response be? would you be expecting a buoquet of flowers for being the prettiest girl at the dance, samantha?

you're too much of a pussy to answer that honestly, i know.

Travan Martin had the time and physical ability to run away from Martin and be home within the 4 minutes it took for the encounter to start. According to all of the evidence we have it appears he chose to turn around and confront Zimmerman and then assault him. It was a bad choice for everyone.

zimmerman had several minutes to walk 50 feet to an address and get back to his car, instead, as he told serino, he went down the T to look for martin. his very own words in the first interrogation were "and then i went towards him" after hanging up with dispatch. to me, it appears zimm kept looking for martin.

and again, assault is out the window, my pretty little princess. as long as martin were in fear of his life or great bodily harm, as anyone who was followed like he was would be, it's self defense under florida law, not assault.

now go ahead and type out another asshurt reply where you refuse to answer the question.
The jury acquitted Zimmerman...

You have made personal attacks on me in your last 3 or 4 posts and it is somehow I that is butthurt???

LOL!!! I will let the forum decide...
The jury acquitted Zimmerman...

You have made personal attacks on me in your last 3 or 4 posts and it is somehow I that is butthurt???

LOL!!! I will let the forum decide...

you're too much of a vagina to even answer a simple question:

suppose you're walking home in the dark and some creep starts following you in his car, doesn't identify himself, keeps following you, so you run and he gets out and follows you. you really think he's there to fix the idle on your lawnmower, samantha?
you're too much of a vagina to even answer a simple question:

suppose you're walking home in the dark and some creep starts following you in his car, doesn't identify himself, keeps following you, so you run and he gets out and follows you. you really think he's there to fix the idle on your lawnmower, samantha?

Maybe he was LDS...
oh noes! save me from the scawy question! it's soooooooo scawwwwyyyy!


If you continue to make personal attacks against me I am going to start reporting each and every one to the mod's.

I have read this forum long enough to never take you seriously.
assault is out the window.

martin was clearly acting in self defense under florida law, and had every right to kill zimmerman dead.

suppose you're walking home in the dark and some creep starts following you in his car, doesn't identify himself, keeps following you, so you run and he gets out and follows you. you really think he's there to bring you flowers, samantha?

... so, you run home, terrified by the creepy ass cracka and get on your knees and kiss the door step of your home, finally safe. Then you slink back to the location of that creepy ass cracker, determined to teach him a lesson he won't forget, vowing to introduce him to your right fist and left fist... BANG!
... so, you run home, terrified by the creepy ass cracka and get on your knees and kiss the door step of your home, finally safe. Then you slink back to the location of that creepy ass cracker, determined to teach him a lesson he won't forget, vowing to introduce him to your right fist and left fist... BANG!

zimm had several minutes to get back to his car or look for an address, but here's what he says happened instead: "and then i went back towards him".
If you continue to make personal attacks against me I am going to start reporting each and every one to the mod's.

I have read this forum long enough to never take you seriously.

awwwww, too scared to answer a simple question :(

there is no apostrophe in "mods", sport.

you're welcome for the lesson.
you are allowed to kill someone in self defense if you fear for your life though, which anyone with self preservation instincts would be if they got followed, first by car then on foot, in the dark, in their own neighborhood while doing nothing wrong, by a creepy looking guy who didn't identify himself.

zimm's lucky martin didn't have a gun, otherwise martin could have just shot zimm dead because he legitimately feared for his life.

sorry bro, zimm is white, and he isn't mexican or puerto rican. he's white and peruvian.

do try to contain your butthurt, or if you can't, seek out the nearest railroad tracks still in service and finish what you started.

To the first, you go ahead and try that scenario and open fire without injuries AT LEAST equal to the ones that Zim received (they can tell when they're self inflicted) You also better have an eyewitness that can attest to the fact you were getting your ass beat. Your assertion takes the law to a comical extreme and a jury would most certainly convict you. The situation you describe above could be an overly zealous magazine salesman trying like hell to sell you a subscription and you better have FAR more than that as a justification. Now if the magazine salesman is beating your ass, then you have a chance at an acquittal.

To the second, I'm sorry bro, Zim isn't white. He's Latino in the EXACT same way that Obama is black. He looks Latino, which seems to be a major determining factor of folk that argue Obama is black. And, just like Obama self identifies as black, Zim self identifies as Latino. If Elizabeth Warren can successfully claim to be a Cherokee Indian while looking like a housefrau from Corvallis, then Zim can be as Latino as he wants.