foliage feeding!


My plants need nutes asap however I can not add any directly to their pot. If I foliage feed them will it atleast maintain their deficiencies until I can properly feed them


Well-Known Member
Don't. You already have an overwater problem and you want to foliar feed also?
Use your head, common sense is great.


Don't. You already have an overwater problem and you want to foliar feed also?
Use your head, common sense is great.
yesterday when I went to give them a little bit of nutes the run that came out was dark yellow and smelled very bad like a swamp. I immediatly flushed my plants and roots. Now the soil is moist so I can't add any nutes that they currently need. This is why I need to foliage feed. I don't want to do this permanently just temporarily until the pots dry out and I can feed them through the roots


Well-Known Member
If that's the case, you prob need to do more than just let them dry out. Sounds like you're using very compact soil with poor drainage. When your roots are just sitting in water in compact dirt, they're not gonna be very happy and your plant is gonna have issues. Personally, I would take the plant out, break up the root ball a bit and try rinsing the roots and transplant to some better soil with a lot of perlite.


Well-Known Member
That smell that came up is water sitting in the bottom of your planters rotting. That means it isn't draining properly. That will destroy your roots in no time. Putting water on top of water on top of water isn't doing anything but speeding up the process of killing your plants.
It doesn't matter if it is showing a deficiency, you cannot keep over watering.

What is worse, a plant with signs of deficiency, or a dead plant because you have destroyed the root system?'
You cannot fix your deficiency problem until you fix your overwatering problem. You are compounding the issues.


Yes I know this, I completely rinsed all dirt away from my roots took half of my soil mixture and mixed it with half a pot of perlite. If in the future I'm still not having proper drainage then I don't know what to do because at this point I have more perlite than I do soil in my pots. But I do not plan on watering again until the pot is completely dry, in the mean time I was only planning on misting them with nutes on leaves so that the pot and roots can still continue to dry while I correct the plants deficiencies that I caused from over watering and poor drainage


Well-Known Member
Yes I know this, I completely rinsed all dirt away from my roots took half of my soil mixture and mixed it with half a pot of perlite. If in the future I'm still not having proper drainage then I don't know what to do because at this point I have more perlite than I do soil in my pots. But I do not plan on watering again until the pot is completely dry, in the mean time I was only planning on misting them with nutes on leaves so that the pot and roots can still continue to dry while I correct the plants deficiencies that I caused from over watering and poor drainage
Not good having to much perlite in your mix.
Sure you can foliar feed. You can grow a whole plant by foliar feeding.
The only problem is that your stomata need to be open in order for it to work.
It might not work like you plan. You might have to go to plan "B" if your plant is stressed.

In the future.
Try watering from the bottom up.
Feel the weight of your pots. If it's to heavy don't water.

If you finger it and it's moist don't play with it. No water :)


New Member
perlite is good girli use sunshine mix#4 and all u see is perlite and i just switch to this soil after using foxfarm and before i used miracle grow and that shit made the run off stink like u said swamp water but soil is very important i realized after switching from fox farm to sunhine thier is no comparison my plant at a month old from seed blew fox farm and MG out of the water i had little dinky plants when i used those inferior soils trust go to a hydro store and buy the good stuff i hear that promx i think its called works awsome also ppant are 2ft tall and like 2 andhalf feet wide in a month and some days i cant even believe how fast thier growing but its the great soil im using..remember soil lights and nutes are the main thing u want to worry about if u want nice big healthy plants o and pot size cant forget that


perlite is good girli use sunshine mix#4 and all u see is perlite and i just switch to this soil after using foxfarm and before i used miracle grow and that shit made the run off stink like u said swamp water but soil is very important i realized after switching from fox farm to sunhine thier is no comparison my plant at a month old from seed blew fox farm and MG out of the water i had little dinky plants when i used those inferior soils trust go to a hydro store and buy the good stuff i hear that promx i think its called works awsome also ppant are 2ft tall and like 2 andhalf feet wide in a month and some days i cant even believe how fast thier growing but its the great soil im using..remember soil lights and nutes are the main thing u want to worry about if u want nice big healthy plants o and pot size cant forget that
thanks best advice so far!


Well-Known Member
I can assure you that in soil or coco no matter how well your drainage may be you can still over water. Lets not ignore the "root" (no pun intended) of this problem. I definitely think that you did the right thing by rescuing your roots from the swamp! Good thinking:) my advise to you would be to take a couple of steps back, get down to basics and spend some time relearning proper watering techniques. Sounds like swimming in the kiddie pool, I know, but its worth its weight in gold! Happy growing


Well-Known Member
Just a note since you were worrying about deficiencies.... when a plant is over watered it can easily display the same signs as over fertilizing, under fertilizing, heat stress and the rest. Any time a plant acts a little funny for me the first thing I review is how I've been watering. Some plants drink slow. Some drink fast. They'll all need more the bigger they get and when they are still small they don't need a lot. They would rather be a little dry sometimes than always wet.
Good luck and happy growing. Peace.