1200w Flowering White Widow and BIG BABIES!!


Active Member
Hey guys CHeck out my 2 big babies and clones and White widow. What you guys think of possible yeild had low stress test done and pruning.



Well-Known Member
What do u mean ripped off? They look good to me. U get a vortex 6" inline 2 6" hood and drop them to about 12" over the plants the colas will be hard as rocks and yield more too.


Active Member
What do u mean ripped off? They look good to me. U get a vortex 6" inline 2 6" hood and drop them to about 12" over the plants the colas will be hard as rocks and yield more too.
Thanks for the Tip gonna look into that right now. :)

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
What do u mean ripped off? They look good to me. U get a vortex 6" inline 2 6" hood and drop them to about 12" over the plants the colas will be hard as rocks and yield more too.
Meaning by the LOOKS of it, he'll be Lucky to Get .2gpw... Which will be around 8oz...That was the question Anyways..

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
Id be very surprised if that was over 8 oz.
My point exactly.

I will be happy to get 100g lol anything that will go into the next grow and then my bills :) Tips Appreciated
No Doubt Man. You're Losing alot of Light having the Bulbs in the middle of that Basement. I would suggest, a Tent. Something that would reflect the light back on the plants. The black walls only soak the light up and make it hotter... You want reflection.


Active Member
My point exactly.

No Doubt Man. You're Losing alot of Light having the Bulbs in the middle of that Basement. I would suggest, a Tent. Something that would reflect the light back on the plants. The black walls only soak the light up and make it hotter... You want reflection.
No doubt but what Size tent will fit both lights? or do i want 2 tentss one 600 veg 1 600 flower? Also with Tents i need to get the cooling hoods and fans with ducking right?


New Member
You should be able to do a 4x8 tent no problem, or you could frame a wall and put up some of that 4x8 rigid insulation bored they have at Home Depot and lowes its like $6 to $13 a sheet it has a Mylar reflective coating on one side and a white coating on the other. Probably run you around 150 for everything if you build it your self


Well-Known Member
Well, you completed the cycle, successfully, so no flies on you!

There are many ways that you can increase your yield. Some goods ones
already mentioned. I was thinking that that hanging plastic should be

Good luck,


Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
No doubt but what Size tent will fit both lights? or do i want 2 tentss one 600 veg 1 600 flower? Also with Tents i need to get the cooling hoods and fans with ducking right?

You should be able to do a 4x8 tent no problem, or you could frame a wall and put up some of that 4x8 rigid insulation bored they have at Home Depot and lowes its like $6 to $13 a sheet it has a Mylar reflective coating on one side and a white coating on the other. Probably run you around 150 for everything if you build it your self
This was along the lines of what I was thinking... Intill I looked at the last picture again.

doesn't look like walls behind that black Mylar... If that's the Case, replace it all with White, and put one more big ass sheet over the opening where you took the picture. Cut out a Walk through and put a fan there, blowing heat out of the Mylar room. This way, the only thing extra is Panda Film and a Tower Fan.(KISS Method)

If their are walls, id throw a Wall up connecting to those 2x4s, cut out a Door way, and again get the fan.
You seem to not having problems with odor or heat. So getting a Tent would be useless. Minimizing your Space to the Fullest, just throw those plants in a Corner, and have the lights on the plants sides... So the light goes straight through the plant, flips off the wall, and back on to the plant.

As for the Lights, idk what your set up is, if you're vegging or those are the flower lights. I'd look into T5s just so you're not stuck flowering everything at once... A 600mh for vegging is alot of electricity... It's best to keep the HIDs on 12 hours... And veg with t5

Oh! And here's a link to Panda Film... I reccomend Amazon


Active Member
This was along the lines of what I was thinking... Intill I looked at the last picture again.

doesn't look like walls behind that black Mylar... If that's the Case, replace it all with White, and put one more big ass sheet over the opening where you took the picture. Cut out a Walk through and put a fan there, blowing heat out of the Mylar room. This way, the only thing extra is Panda Film and a Tower Fan.(KISS Method)

If their are walls, id throw a Wall up connecting to those 2x4s, cut out a Door way, and again get the fan.
You seem to not having problems with odor or heat. So getting a Tent would be useless. Minimizing your Space to the Fullest, just throw those plants in a Corner, and have the lights on the plants sides... So the light goes straight through the plant, flips off the wall, and back on to the plant.

As for the Lights, idk what your set up is, if you're vegging or those are the flower lights. I'd look into T5s just so you're not stuck flowering everything at once... A 600mh for vegging is alot of electricity... It's best to keep the HIDs on 12 hours... And veg with t5

Oh! And here's a link to Panda Film... I reccomend Amazon
Thanks for the great info and yea its a empty basement eventually want to hang lights all down there for now jsut made a area and yea i prob should move it to a wall But i need to find a place to hang the lights concrete floor and walls down there and i really want a scrog area i am pretty good with lst and hst so scrog time :). and as for ordor or heat no problem there as long as i scrog like i did i had to hst that long one that grows str8 up cause it was burning once during start of flower but now it looks great like my other perfect lsted plant and atm i veg under those 1200 but when those go off i take my whitewidow and clones to the 24hrs on cloning room only 125w cfl atm eventually want to get something setup in basement aswell with no light leaks i have some nice shelfs i might convert into a t5 veg room but to make a doorway hmm lightproof.


Active Member
I have a very good plan for this basement once i harvest and can put back into it i should have a great setup for flower and veg.. I will prob t5 the Veg and 1200w hps/mh the flower will have 3 rooms. [ f ][ f ][ v ] will make the rooms with that panda Film cover everything in it and divide each room but the 2 flower rooms those will be together with 2 [h=1]Xtrasun XT6AC 6-Inch Xtrasun Flange White Air Coolable Reflector
and 1 6 in. In-Line Fan - 400 CFM


Well-Known Member
Listen man you need some work on your crop, heres some advice get the ballast screwed into a wall or the ceiling above and if you can with a fan on them I always fan cool my ballast keeps them cool to the touch and extends lifes and lowers temps but the main point it to get the wires off the ground(water and electricity dont mix well) . Second too that you need more fans for air circulation now dont go buying a silly vortex just go buy 2 box fans and a cage fan from walmart i hang a cage fan(pretty decent 3spd lots of air $15) right behind my hoods(really batwing hoods) which are positioned in line like yours, this allows me to get the lights about a 10 inches from the canopy and really penetrate the tops, and 3rd is a worth investment to really increase lighting power buy mylar from your local garden store and make the walls of the grow room out of it really increases light output heavily. lol well my stoned ass thought no it doesn't increase light output it utilizes output haha but yeah just those simple things will help and def increase your yeild


Well-Known Member
You have a good start on the tools needed for nice grows. Most start out with some CFL's and a closet. You have the room and the lighting, now it's time to tweak what you have for a better yield. The white plastic, or in my opinion, reflective mylar will go a long way to improve your grow.


Active Member
You have a good start on the tools needed for nice grows. Most start out with some CFL's and a closet. You have the room and the lighting, now it's time to tweak what you have for a better yield. The white plastic, or in my opinion, reflective mylar will go a long way to improve your grow.
Haha i have other posts indoor i did start CFLS in my upstairs closet in my now veg room haha now its game time downstairs :) and yea the MYLAR deff is incoming!


Active Member
Listen man you need some work on your crop, heres some advice get the ballast screwed into a wall or the ceiling above and if you can with a fan on them I always fan cool my ballast keeps them cool to the touch and extends lifes and lowers temps but the main point it to get the wires off the ground(water and electricity dont mix well) . Second too that you need more fans for air circulation now dont go buying a silly vortex just go buy 2 box fans and a cage fan from walmart i hang a cage fan(pretty decent 3spd lots of air $15) right behind my hoods(really batwing hoods) which are positioned in line like yours, this allows me to get the lights about a 10 inches from the canopy and really penetrate the tops, and 3rd is a worth investment to really increase lighting power buy mylar from your local garden store and make the walls of the grow room out of it really increases light output heavily. lol well my stoned ass thought no it doesn't increase light output it utilizes output haha but yeah just those simple things will help and def increase your yeild
Agreed with ballast idea i might just screw into that beam atm i do have them off the ground tho and a fan on them ;) keeps em cool all 12 hrs. and that mylar is deff incoming as for the fans i do have a bigger one i take down there a box fan from wally world $25 does great down there they love it and yea i want to get more fams and are you saying put it right behind the hoods? hanging from ceiling? or just pointed towards hoods?


Well-Known Member


Active Member
I'll have to get photos of my room, but yeah take a http://www.walmart.com/ip/Massey-9-inch-High-Velocity-Fan-Powder-Coated-in-Silver-Color-Stock-MF-9/9219112 fan, now in the picture of the fan the stand for it to stand up, has two big bends up front( the more separated two rubber dampeners) get to nails and string them about a foot apart and just flip the fan upside down and tie it so its hanging right behind the bulb output(mogul) on the hood this should allow great cooling
Great idea yea im going to mylar my whole basement and get it set up next paycheck. atm i cant upload my pics but when i do i will show u the room i have to work with the people that lived here before me used to grow i just dont know what to look for down here to benifit me other then the vent hole and electricity is set up hardwired.