Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
LOL, on Natgeo, I'm watching this fool stick his head in the mouth of a 1k lb. croc he 'knows'.
What makes it even funnier, I think they keep saying the guy's name is 'Cheeto', so I keep waiting for the croc to eat him.


Well-Known Member
Boy its sure dead in here tonight huh :??:
Wonder where everyone is :??:

Well hell, I guess I'm going nuke me 1 of those Kraft mac n cheese's up & hit the sack! Lol
Got a big day ahead of me! I will holla at everyone sometime 2mar when I get to the state I'm going to.. ;)
Y'all have a great rest of the night..


Well-Known Member
Boy its sure dead in here tonight huh :??:
Wonder where everyone is :??:

Well hell, I guess I'm going nuke me 1 of those Kraft mac n cheese's up & hit the sack! Lol
Got a big day ahead of me! I will holla at everyone sometime 2mar when I get to the state I'm going to.. ;)
Y'all have a great rest of the night..
Shit man, I been thinking of getting out one of those frozen veg and noodle chinese shits


Well-Known Member
I'm lazy though, maybe I'll just make a roast cow sammich.
Ran out of sprouts, so i'll have to use cucumber.:(
Have a safe trip if I don't talk to ya before then man,:clap:


Well-Known Member
look good bro.

Hey guys.. here's the Royal Queen Mom & her 3 babies.. this incase you didn't know is a F2 (Mom) RQ that I had in my previous grow. She is super DANK with a capital D! Smells like cheese mixed with a skunk throughout her life! I really,really like this strain! I believe its found a spot in my grow from here on out. The 3 babies are f3's, I've named the #1, #2 & #3. I did LST on #2 & supercroped #3, and #1 is untopped or untouched. I like the structure of #1 myself. She should produce 1 main cola, and I'm sure will be another "white beauty"! ;) that's what her name should be 4 sure!!

I went ahead & took a few of the other ladies for everyone..
Hope y'all enjoyed the update. Any comments greatly apperciated.

Thanks, Dank.


Well-Known Member
be safe on your trip, rather it is a long ride or just a different state of mind. peace.

Boy its sure dead in here tonight huh :??:
Wonder where everyone is :??:

Well hell, I guess I'm going nuke me 1 of those Kraft mac n cheese's up & hit the sack! Lol
Got a big day ahead of me! I will holla at everyone sometime 2mar when I get to the state I'm going to.. ;)
Y'all have a great rest of the night..
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