what are you running now ?

4- Cherry Pie clones, in ground
2- Girl Scout Cookie clones, 1 in ground 1 in 7gal. clay pot
2- Sleeslack x Skunk#1 reg. seeds (haven't shown sex yet, almost) both in 5gal pots
1- TNT Kush fem. seed, 10 gal. Smartpot

Just had to come back and edit my post. Both SleeslackxSkunk#1 plants are showing female!!! I checked them this AM and couldn't tell just checked at 6:30pm and they're showing. Love it, don't have to execute any plants and my whole garden is safe, all plants are showing female.
bought ready to hit the seed stash & germ some beans.

gooeybreeder = on the way & got a shot glass waiting :-)

kandy kush , sure sure.

but im in the mood for something different.... just cant put a finger on it.

to the fridge !
grow something stupid gud! a 14 weeker or something else ridiculous like that lol. i just ordered some claustrom from positronics. 12 weeks + from what i gather. kali mist, super silver haze, jack herrer, yes please.

got any weird landraces? I'm bout to pop bhodis aruba in this next bunch that should be fun too. I've actually never ran a landrace so i hope my system is ok for them. i actually would like to see males, lots and lots of males.

weird to say but this is what I'm praying for


i won't turn down a sexy mama but the stable is getting a little full of XX i need some XY in my life
bought ready to hit the seed stash & germ some beans.

gooeybreeder = on the way & got a shot glass waiting :-)

kandy kush , sure sure.

but im in the mood for something different.... just cant put a finger on it.

to the fridge !
try some of Mandala's gear. I still got Satori around. I love the smell and stone
I had a a nice warlock male. Got killed off due to some dumb slum lord bitch. So I got to choose males all over again. Its all good though germed like 16 beans to make up.
that sucks. hey whats the deal storing pollen? I've heard its pretty hard any idea how hard? might of been able to save some for later and tried to bring him back that way.

How rare are the "breeder males" the ones with crystals and all those goodies?
that sucks. hey whats the deal storing pollen? I've heard its pretty hard any idea how hard? might of been able to save some for later and tried to bring him back that way.

How rare are the "breeder males" the ones with crystals and all those goodies?

To answer the first question, I've used pollen that was stored airtight in a fridge about 6 weeks after I stored it and it worked great. I stored it mixed up in fine corn-flour to keep it dry. I usually mix with flour before pollinating anyhow, if you can actually see yellow it's a LOT of pollen grains together, mixing with flour I can see where I painted it on too, nice even pollination makes for fatter beans.

I think good males are as common as good girls, it's just damn hard to tell before you use the pollen. Selecting a good boy is a BEEEAAAATTTCH. You actually have to hit more than one girl with pollen per each possible male to make sure about what the boy carries over. If you have a solid knowledge of which traits are dominant which are recessive it helps a LOT too. I don't so to me it's the good ol 'shotgun method' of spread the pollen and take notes upon notes upon notes.

My Diesel boy was one of the first ones I tested. Since then I haven't found a boy that I like :( This is my main interest in Bodhi gear to be honest. I have a feeling there be plenty good boys in his gear...

I'm busy with a small local gene pool looking for a good one again. Found a KILLER Transkei batch this year, I mean Haze-like nugs as long as my arm, smallest bud I've put on the scale so far was 22 grams. Landrace Sativa from a little isolated valley so Greenhouse Seeds' herm shit hasn't contaminated it yet. Hoping I'll find one in here somewhere... Picking the seeds out one by one, damn near Sensi though so I'm geting a bean per 30 odd grams...
bought ready to hit the seed stash & germ some beans.

gooeybreeder = on the way & got a shot glass waiting :-)

kandy kush , sure sure.

but im in the mood for something different.... just cant put a finger on it.

to the fridge !

You do a multi-strain SoG? My experience level will turn that into a nightmare for me LOL... One at a time for now still. Breeding pairs go outside, winter here has enough sun for breeding no problems. But my SoG, 10 weeks left of Tahoe then the switch to LVBK, my that time I'll have 7 LVBK moms so I need to EXPAND... BIGTIME. At least 3 more tables.
Thats the florida strain thats in lucky charms isn't it? I got golden triangle on the way but i might have to grab some lucky charms. keep us updated on that one it sounds like a winner.
Clone only strains don't count! Clone only strains don't count! Unless I can have it shipped to me I refuse to believe it exists. Only way to cope with that lol...
"Frozen Mystery" by me.

I took the most heavily sativa dominant ICE I've ever grown or smoked (out of over 80 plants of Ice) and crossed it with a slow, small and highly frosty male. The results so far have been better than my expectations. Though they are only 4 days old they are over two inches wide. Whats more is that I have yet to have a plant I've grown have a root system as they do at such an early age.

Another cross we've made was my buddies RBD. The mom was a nice C99 crossed with the same male as FM was and the final smokeable product was stronger then C99 and far smellier too. The Cindy had a nice pineapple scent, rbd smelled like a pineapple with both skunk piss and black pepper.

So I'm hoping this FM's high blows me out of the water, because if it is anything like its parents it shouldn't dissapoint.
4- Cherry Pie clones, in ground
2- Girl Scout Cookie clones, 1 in ground 1 in 7gal. clay pot
2- Sleeslack x Skunk#1 reg. seeds (haven't shown sex yet, almost) both in 5gal pots
1- TNT Kush fem. seed, 10 gal. Smartpot

Just had to come back and edit my post. Both SleeslackxSkunk#1 plants are showing female!!! I checked them this AM and couldn't tell just checked at 6:30pm and they're showing. Love it, don't have to execute any plants and my whole garden is safe, all plants are showing female.
How do those Sleestack X Skunk Look? I have three in veg at 4 weeks.
I got them as freebies and lost one of the four.
I am excited to see some pics if you have some.
Keep us posted!
Cracked some 7x 303 biodesel [(Sensi Star Star Pheno x Sour Diesel) Denver Relief] x (Original Diesel x East Coast Sour Diesel). They're just popping out right now after 2-3 days -- I'm guessing the summer heat is helping.

Plan on sexing those out and come Sept running two 2x2 tables (9-15 clones/table depending on pot size). First I'm running a Vortex pheno I didn't get to run before summer. I originally wanted to run my favorite plant, a JTR pheno I had from seed cause the high was great, but I messed up and lost it so going with this Vortex. On the other table, I plan on running 3 clones of each of the females I get from these biodiesels.

After that I think I'm gonna go on a bodhi spree and crack these Gogi OG, and Dream Lotus I've been sitting on... but time changes things so we'll see.
Being subbed to this thread is sending my brain into overload. The herb culture still has a way to go over here, and finding out about all this exotic reefer is driving me NUTS. From now on they don't exist without a picture to prove it lol. I mean I'm being reasonable with myself, I can grow out about 10 or 15 strains a year if I think it over REALLY well. And that'll be quite a bit of planning so I get a decent amount of each not just a few little plants I mean where's the sense in that? What if it's DANK and you only have a tiny bit? That's my idea of torture right there. Some of you guys are just on a whole other level goddamn... I need to get off my lazy ass and make some plans lol...
Hey mad, I feel you and think you're 100% reasonable. My FM's are in the boring stage and will be starting a thread in the comimg few weeks as things start to pick up. I've taken pics but only on my phone but will post em all as soon as I start it up... :-) :peace: