Lollipop Yes or No???

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
I have searched and really cant find a solid answer about lollipopping outdoors. I want to do it cause to be honest I don't want to deal with all the pop corn nugs and I also want to increase yield on my Top Colas. Does any one have exp lollipopping your plant outdoors if so how did it go and was it worth it? If any one has pics that would be awesome.
do it on at least one of your plants so you can compare/contrast. I personally love it, more airflow, less water splashing on leaves, less chance of mold, less popcorn nugs and thicker colas. its a win/win in my eyes. just dont go to crazy with it, i just do the bottem of the plant.
I was going to do it to the bottom 1/3rd. The shorter branches that's left on the bottom stem after stretch is finished.
do it on at least one of your plants so you can compare/contrast. I personally love it, more airflow, less water splashing on leaves, less chance of mold, less popcorn nugs and thicker colas. its a win/win in my eyes. just dont go to crazy with it, i just do the bottem of the plant.
Outdoors I found it best to let them do their thing. Some strains like OG#18 (Indica dominant) naturally have really nice and even branch structure that can't see how topping could help. My Super Silver Haze (Sativa) took a noticeable drop in yield when I topped her. Although if she was the only SSH plant I would be none the wiser. She filled out great, but seeing her side by side next to an unmolested SSH, the difference was obvious.

IMO Every time our plants get injured, sick, infested, heat stressed, or deprived nutritionally, the yield takes a hit. The fattest plants have the easiest stress free lives and an over abundance of resources.
Outdoors I found it best to let them do their thing. Some strains like OG#18 (Indica dominant) naturally have really nice and even branch structure that can't see how topping could help. My Super Silver Haze (Sativa) took a noticeable drop in yield when I topped her. Although if she was the only SSH plant I would be none the wiser. She filled out great, but seeing her side by side next to an unmolested SSH, the difference was obvious.

IMO Every time our plants get injured, sick, infested, heat stressed, or deprived nutritionally, the yield takes a hit. The fattest plants have the easiest stress free lives and an over abundance of resources.

He's asking about lollypopping, not topping.

About one week before flowering starts, snip any growth towards the bottom of the plant that won't get enough sunlight to produce quality buds. This includes sucker branches and the small nodes towards the bottom of the branches. Like someone said, don't go overboard. Just do the bottom third, give or take, as each plant is different.

Oh yeah, and whatever you do don't trim/prune shade leaves. Those produce the energy that the buds need to grow.
yup - I like to trim up anything that doesn't seem like it gets any light whatsoever - the bottom growth and anything in the heart of the plant that grows towards the center of the plant instead of outwards.
So around what date is flower about a week away?
He's asking about lollypopping, not topping.

About one week before flowering starts, snip any growth towards the bottom of the plant that won't get enough sunlight to produce quality buds. This includes sucker branches and the small nodes towards the bottom of the branches. Like someone said, don't go overboard. Just do the bottom third, give or take, as each plant is different.

Oh yeah, and whatever you do don't trim/prune shade leaves. Those produce the energy that the buds need to grow.
even indoor those lower branches attract bugs and little flies its much better to remove them
air can be fed directly under the canopy once they are removed, this air is then pulled through the plants by the extractor

outdoor bugs are a much bigger concern if the lower foliage is touching the ground its a ramp for bugs to walk up
also if the ground is damp it could cause the foliage hanging near the group to develop mold which could spread up the plant
im not so sure about it benefiting yield wise that is very debatable ,
i would do it do keep them as healthy as possible , there really is not much point in keeping growth that is badly shaded

Same thing I was thinking about bugs. I think I will just Lollipop around Aug 7-10
even indoor those lower branches attract bugs and little flies its much better to remove them
air can be fed directly under the canopy once they are removed, this air is then pulled through the plants by the extractor

outdoor bugs are a much bigger concern if the lower foliage is touching the ground its a ramp for bugs to walk up
also if the ground is damp it could cause the foliage hanging near the group to develop mold which could spread up the plant
im not so sure about it benefiting yield wise that is very debatable ,
i would do it do keep them as healthy as possible , there really is not much point in keeping growth that is badly shaded

I like it and yes some strains dont need it but if you are growing big outdoor plants it works great just dont go overboard.I am not talking bottom branches but bottm to lower middle inside will normaly be bs larf popcorn airy buds that are a pain to trim and not nearly the quality of the tops.The last few years i have done it lightly and at harvest time there was still to much of the larf that really noone i know wants to smoke or deal with.So this year i am doing it alittle more than previous and the tops have really shot up.
Also the air flow like stated above is key i grew an la con outdoors last year and not only do you have to clean up the insides i had to remove some of the leaves which i never do but it was recomend on the breeders seed pack so i did with no adverse affects,also grew out a blue widow that did not need any triming at all so depending on what you are growing and how big you plan on the plant being has to be taken into consideration.Some may not agree with me but i am speaking from experiance so there it is good luck.
Flowering in my neck of the woods begins around August 7th, (Northeast US).

That being said, I plan on lollypopping August 1st so that they have a chance to recover.
Im growing a Blue venom right now same cross as Blue widow and that Pretty fine dime is Huge. I had to apply support just for my fan leaves because they got so big they were to heavy and started falling down breaking off slowly.
Also the air flow like stated above is key i grew an la con outdoors last year and not only do you have to clean up the insides i had to remove some of the leaves which i never do but it was recomend on the breeders seed pack so i did with no adverse affects,also grew out a blue widow that did not need any triming at all so depending on what you are growing and how big you plan on the plant being has to be taken into consideration.Some may not agree with me but i am speaking from experiance so there it is good luck.
i only cut whats hittin the ground. if they r in a got spot outside then they should still produce some nice nugs (every fat lil nug is another joint) & if u dont want them then give them 2 one of your helpers cause they do add up & if you feed the ladies right then you shouldnt worry about them not havin enegry to make great top colas.
my experience with lolipopin is indoor, but my experience is that you can get away with more than you think if you do about 10 days before flip and do any final clean up about 10 days after flip (shouldnt need much but if so do it before the popcorn shows too much.) the buds that remain will take the weight on that the lowers would have, so the remaining fruit is larger and you can get some pretty nice nugs. this is my first year outside but I have trimmed the bottom 18-20inches and was going to take a bit more this weekend. i used to be all scard to cut the plant or take too much off, untill I started doing it, now its no big deal my wife yells at me cause she thinks I get too happy with the piching and cutting , but I know its not doing anything but traing her for big ol buds, imo


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New to this forum but so far I like it. This is my second year outdoor with great success. My potted plants I find taking about 50% seems to work best for me, but my in ground Monsters (Amnesia, Cheese, and Lemon Skunk) I only do the middle for airflow as previously stated and bigger nugs. It's probably 20-30% max, but with each stem being 6+ feet thats still about a 3ft center that is nice and clean about half way up the plant.
Also the air flow like stated above is key i grew an la con outdoors last year and not only do you have to clean up the insides i had to remove some of the leaves which i never do but it was recomend on the breeders seed pack so i did with no adverse affects,also grew out a blue widow that did not need any triming at all so depending on what you are growing and how big you plan on the plant being has to be taken into consideration.Some may not agree with me but i am speaking from experiance so there it is good luck.

What did you think of blue widow? Yield? Flavor? Smell? Ease of growing?
I've grown some Blue Widow and Blue Venom (same plant). They grow so easy and huge also the smell is strong when I was trimming mine I had to step out the room for about 25mins the strong pine sol smell like had my nose burning. The smoke is amazing 1 gram blunt did me in knocked me on my ass.
What did you think of blue widow? Yield? Flavor? Smell? Ease of growing?