OFFICIAL: Auto-flower Solo cup contest - Sign up here!

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Good Luck y'all. May the circumstances be in Yer favor.

Hey everyone! I hope we are all having a good night. I just thought I would give a little news on how we are moving along. We ARE moving along, I promise, albeit slowly :)

Anyways! I have an OFFICIAL START DATE finally!!! we are going to be starting the cotest on: MONDAY, JULY 29th, 2013 --- 7/29/2013!!!

Ok guys, so that is the date we are going to get started, we are going to allow 20 days for 'veg' to basically germ, get started and run 24 and 0 and get them going and bigger, after that we are switching one of three time period, I personally DO NOT care if you want to run 20/4 or 18/6 or 15/9 or whatever, i really dont give a shit, BUT the max number of hours that will be aloud after the 'veg period' is 20 hours, cannot be anymore than 20 hours. after that we will go by ear on the end date of the contest, i want everyone to be able to grow their plant out to the maximum that THEY want to grow, if others harvest a little earlier then no problem, just take pics for later refrence so judges can look back and start your trim/dry/cure process....once all the bud for every member has been in a jar for 10 days (more is fine to) we will then start picking winners at this time! i want to wish EVERYONE the BEST OF LUCK, and please guys LETS HAVE FUN!!!! thats what this is about!

Now, for prizes...we are still trying to figure out ALL of the category prizes, and i want some of it to be a surprise for the winner at the end of the contest (mostly the grand prize winner, but everyone may receive bonus' and freebies if they are an honorable mention!)

but anyways :
The Grand Prize of the Auto-flower solo cup contest will be : 50 dollar 'gift card' for the grand prize winner to be spent AT THEIR CHOICE OF BUSINESS. They can get things like: seeds from a seedbank if theyd like. I also have no problem getting them their choice of 50 dollars worth of equipment at ANY garden store or hydro shop that accepts gift cards or at last credit card transactions. Please be aware of picking a place when you do that I WILL be able to get you your prize! The grand prize winner will also receive a bottle of THEIR choice of nutrients or nutrient solution/additive. there will be about 30-40 dollar limit on this, but they can get one nice bottle of nutrients of their choice. i will also as i said be giving out a surprise gift for winning the grand prize and for participating! i am going to keep this secret til toward the end for some incentive ;)

Now, for the category winners that will be judged by mods that were selected by me and a special member judge TEKDC911
the prizes for the best outdoor and indoor category as well as the best sativa and best indica auto solo cup: A nice pipe chosen by either me or our special friend dankshizzle may be donating some beautiful hand made pipes by him. I will make sure they are beautiful pipes, as time goes i WILL post pics of what the pipes look like and as long as we dont have fights on choosing i will let the winners PICK the pipe they want, i am hoping to have a selection of about 10 or so pipes to choose from, all withing the 20-40 dollar range.

There is one more category after this, this is the 'highest yielding' category, the winner of this category will receive a 25 dollar gift card to their choice of store ( again the same guidelines apply for the overall winner ) The highest yield winner will also win a beautiful pipe out of the same stock for the other category winners. the winner for this category will also be receiving a surprise gift for winning this category as well as the overall winner will. the over-all prize will obviously be better than the highest yield prize, but it will still be a great prize, i promise!

now the voting system, what we are going to do for the indoor, outdoor, indica and sativa categories will be chosen by the JUDGES of the competition, the judges are as follows, PotPimp, sunni, tekdc911, me and 2 other mods, we are not sure who but they will be finalized by the start of the contest. ok guys thats all i got for now, i knowits been awhile coming and ive worked hard on getting this to work, i just want to emphasize to PLEASE HAVE FUN, dont be negative and remember this contest is for FUN! not dick measuring ;) so lets keep it that way, there should be nothing but positive vibes here, and if anyone continually is disruptive and negative then we have the right to disqualify them if they are in the contest, i really hope that it wil never come to this and it will not happen, but please dont mistake our kindness for weakness, we will act if we have to and sunni WILL take the appropriate actions for nasty, name calling or generally inappropriate posts. anyways, sleepy time for me guys, i hope everyone has a wonderful rest of their night and morning.

stay tuned for pics of the prizes and some other cool stuff that we will be mentioning along the way!

I am going to advertise on all of the sub forums or at least the most popular ones to try and attract not only as many people as we can to enter in the contest but also to just watch the sub to the contest. we want to try and get the word out guys, so mail ur friends! anyways. no more info tonight, im sure this is already a freakin wall of text so sorry for the bleeding eyes gentlemen, ladies and queen sunni !:)





Well-Known Member
I'm kinda confused as to why we HAVE to switch to a photoperiod if we are all running autos..... Auto's require no photoperiod and no darkness... It just seems like a hassle to those of us who run 24 for veg with our normal grow. I'm just saying this because I'd have to remove the plant from the grow room daily and put it in a non sterile environment for a dark period(but risk light exposure)....

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
I'm kinda confused as to why we HAVE to switch to a photoperiod if we are all running autos..... Auto's require no photoperiod and no darkness... It just seems like a hassle to those of us who run 24 for veg with our normal grow. I'm just saying this because I'd have to remove the plant from the grow room daily and put it in a non sterile environment for a dark period(but risk light exposure)....
You could put her in a cardboard box and cover it with a blanket.??


Well-Known Member
My main concern is I live in a 3rd floor apartment. I have 1 AC(because only 2 windows in my apartment will fit an ac) and it's not in my grow room. we are currently having work done on our roof(the thing is stripped to wood) so it's BLAZING hot in here. even with the ac set at 62 for 9 days straight now. ALL my closets are hotter than my apartment so I'm risking heat stress as well. I don't see what the problem would be with a 24/0 when it's never been proven that 24/0 vs 18/6 increases yield. If anything a dark period would increase potency and i'd rather risk potency than the whole plant... please let me know here or in PM if this photoperiod for the auto contest is necessary. if so I'm dropping out just to save my bean from any environmental stress.(i'll still grow one in a solo but be disqualified for not following directions.) lol


Well-Known Member
see I could however the blanket would get hot from either sunlight or MH light increasing the already 85 degree temp. I've thought of that too.. I also sleep WEIRD hours. I go to bed at 6am and get up at 2pm. the sun is up when I go to bed and get up. I'm trapped in this dome of hot dry air right now and it's horrible. I've got not problems just getting DQ'd for 24/0. i'll still grow and post pics for no reason other than to show off some sick purple buds.


Staff member
it would be easier for ak to read any questions if you K.I.S.S ask your question but dont clutter up the thread over with jibber jabber guys, this way we can keep it straight to questions or concerns :D


it would be easier for ak to read any questions if you K.I.S.S ask your question but dont clutter up the thread over with jibber jabber guys, this way we can keep it straight to questions or concerns :D

great point sunni, and do not be afraid to personally message me and ask me any questions or concerns you may have if thats what your comfortable with , i have no problem answering PMs and i will always return your message within a short time.

if anyone is unsure the whole list of rules can be found on the first page and i beleive i posted the rules a 2nd time on the 3rd page, i will post them again just so everyone entering is clear what the rules are, i will put them up as we get closer to the start date that way the rules dont get buried in this sucker. anyway cant wait to start guys and lets have lots of fun ok?!

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
No I meant to pull it out and put it in a box. I did this with a 400 watt. Kept two gardens under two shifts of 12/12 with photo period plants. Got a nice yield doing it too.


I'm kinda confused as to why we HAVE to switch to a photoperiod if we are all running autos..... Auto's require no photoperiod and no darkness... It just seems like a hassle to those of us who run 24 for veg with our normal grow. I'm just saying this because I'd have to remove the plant from the grow room daily and put it in a non sterile environment for a dark period(but risk light exposure)....
i can understand your concern stew, thanks for letting me know. does everyone feel this way? if many have these feelings i guess we can change it to wahtever period of light and darkness youd like, my only concern with this was the plants taking forever to finish but i guess its not such a huge deal, so whats up guys, do we want to have no photoperiod and you may run your lights however you see fit? please let me know your opinion here and dont be scared to say something, i want as many people to decide as possible, i think its only fair to vote on something like this and if the majority agree with stew, im happy to change it to your choice of light schedule as stated before, i have no real problem with this

so whats it going to be guys? light schedule of YOUR choice or do we want to stick with the original rule of 20 and 4 after 3 weeks? stew if we can get enough people to agree with you and want it this way, i have no problem changing it :) i hope this addresses your concern fairly and i hope you are pleased with the outcome, if not feel free to send me a message and we can always talk about it :) thanks guys let me know, its your contest! :peace:


Well-Known Member
I understand your concern Good Sir...... The strain I am growing is 10 wks at 24/0. I'm fairly certain that is an average time. maybe a little on the high side at 70 days. if no one else feels as I do(being the other circumstances I have with heat and such) I'll be fine. I can't have special treatment because of a heat wave. :)


I understand your concern Good Sir...... The strain I am growing is 10 wks at 24/0. I'm fairly certain that is an average time. maybe a little on the high side at 70 days. if no one else feels as I do(being the other circumstances I have with heat and such) I'll be fine. I can't have special treatment because of a heat wave. :)
well i understand where ur coming from and i think if more agree with you i have no problem changing it, ill be happy to. and yes 8-10 weeks is average time no matter the light schedule so maybe my worry is nil.


Well-Known Member
Me personally, if inside I like 20/4 hrs for auto's. I feel the 4 hours makes them start to flower more quickly, just my 2 cents. Also, if growing (outdoors) how would anyone control the cycle :??: unless they maybe place something over there baby.. say a trash bag..
i can understand your concern stew, thanks for letting me know. does everyone feel this way? if many have these feelings i guess we can change it to wahtever period of light and darkness youd like, my only concern with this was the plants taking forever to finish but i guess its not such a huge deal, so whats up guys, do we want to have no photoperiod and you may run your lights however you see fit? please let me know your opinion here and dont be scared to say something, i want as many people to decide as possible, i think its only fair to vote on something like this and if the majority agree with stew, im happy to change it to your choice of light schedule as stated before, i have no real problem with this

so whats it going to be guys? light schedule of YOUR choice or do we want to stick with the original rule of 20 and 4 after 3 weeks? stew if we can get enough people to agree with you and want it this way, i have no problem changing it :) i hope this addresses your concern fairly and i hope you are pleased with the outcome, if not feel free to send me a message and we can always talk about it :) thanks guys let me know, its your contest! :peace:


Well-Known Member
well i understand where ur coming from and i think if more agree with you i have no problem changing it, ill be happy to. and yes 8-10 weeks is average time no matter the light schedule so maybe my worry is nil.
AK, since I have no auto seeds, could I have somebody grow one out FOR me?
I know who I would ask to do it.....

Basically on the honor system?
I'd just like to be included, since this is the first contest I am aware of since first visiting the site last June.


Well-Known Member
AK, since I have no auto seeds, could I have somebody grow one out FOR me?
I know who I would ask to do it.....

Basically on the honor system?
I'd just like to be included, since this is the first contest I am aware of sine first visiting the site last June.
Check the email.


Well-Known Member
How come our name and address is needed?

Lol i feel like your gonna get a list of grow ops and addresses, that is not good in the wrong hands


AK, since I have no auto seeds, could I have somebody grow one out FOR me?
I know who I would ask to do it.....

Basically on the honor system?
I'd just like to be included, since this is the first contest I am aware of since first visiting the site last June.
your more than welcome to join in any way you can bakatare, welcome to the contest just pm me and explain a little more to me what you want to do and how you want to do it, this is all on the honor system because i beleive this community is full of good people. i dont think people here would try to cheat or get one over on me or any of the other paticipants and judges. so with that said, your more than welcome to join anyway you can bakatare :)


Well-Known Member
How come our name and address is needed?

Lol i feel like your gonna get a list of grow ops and addresses, that is not good in the wrong hands
He already said, will be viewed by him ONLY.
I'been here a bit, and I have no prob giving my info to AK, but I feel your apprehension.
I guess, if you don't care about getting any prizes should you win, don't give addy.
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