Mail order anyone?

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Active Member
all this talk has pissed me off no end so i said fuck it, got out the plastic and booked tickets to the dam on thursday thru to sunday. no mail order required!


Well-Known Member
:roll::roll::roll::roll::roll: they think were all so burnt out we forgot.
lmfao, you know what it's when the word "tight" came out, or "fresh" in the late 80s, early 90s.. and than you hear your parents try and use it to sound "hip" (as they put it..who the fuck says hip in our generation in correlation to being cool? lmfao).. cops are the same way with drugs, at least if they aren't narcos

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I've used the word hip before...but anyway, cant you hear em.."We're about to enter the lair of the marijuana fiend....Theyre so desperate to corrupt everyone, theyre gonna be pm'ing us left and right with seed offers...then...WE GOT EM!"
lmfao, you know what it's when the word "tight" came out, or "fresh" in the late 80s, early 90s.. and than you hear your parents try and use it to sound "hip" (as they put it..who the fuck says hip in our generation in correlation to being cool? lmfao).. cops are the same way with drugs, at least if they aren't narcos


Well-Known Member
lmfao, you know what it's when the word "tight" came out, or "fresh" in the late 80s, early 90s.. and than you hear your parents try and use it to sound "hip" (as they put it..who the fuck says hip in our generation in correlation to being cool? lmfao).. cops are the same way with drugs, at least if they aren't narcos
LOL! The cops are losing this battle sir, hundreds of MJ dispensaries in CA more opening everyday narcos can't close em all:joint:


Well-Known Member
LOL! The cops are losing this battle sir, hundreds of MJ dispensaries in CA more opening everyday narcos can't close em all:joint:
shit, and u forget the personals opening clubs are opening all the time around my hometown.. i'm still not going to understand why the fuck this substance is illegal, i bet half the police use it..but, i can't hate them all the time, some of them are just doing their least we got prop 215 now in ca, but full legalization would be beautiful for folks like me who don't have a medical card..of course my back does bug the shit out of me after i got a muscle ripped playing football in my grade school years..


Well-Known Member
shit, and u forget the personals opening clubs are opening all the time around my hometown.. i'm still not going to understand why the fuck this substance is illegal, i bet half the police use it..but, i can't hate them all the time, some of them are just doing their least we got prop 215 now in ca, but full legalization would be beautiful for folks like me who don't have a medical card..of course my back does bug the shit out of me after i got a muscle ripped playing football in my grade school years..
Get a card man! That muscle needs medicine! They almost passed an initiative in Colorado to legalize an ounce it already passed in Denver its only a matter of time until we get a new one up for vote the numbers were SO close! Stoners unite! Had over 10,000 people this year at UC on 4:20 and no arrests.


Well-Known Member
Get a card man! That muscle needs medicine! They almost passed an initiative in Colorado to legalize an ounce it already passed in Denver its only a matter of time until we get a new one up for vote the numbers were SO close! Stoners unite! Had over 10,000 people this year at UC on 4:20 and no arrests.
At UC? I use to be a stoner from 6th-8th grade than stopped, I graduated high school last year and just recently in the past 2-3months started stoning again, but am now involved in the culture(I love this fuckin website, it's so fun and a great expenditure of time imo) long story short, what's UC? (lollerblades--pointless introductory ramble on my behalf)


Well-Known Member
At UC? I use to be a stoner from 6th-8th grade than stopped, I graduated high school last year and just recently in the past 2-3months started stoning again, but am now involved in the culture(I love this fuckin website, it's so fun and a great expenditure of time imo) long story short, what's UC? (lollerblades--pointless introductory ramble on my behalf)[/QUOTE
University of Colorado, Boulder - 4-20 GROUND ZERO 2006
University of Colorado, Boulder
And that was just 2006 this year it was huge!


Active Member
Haha who buys bud from the cops?!:roll:
boy, the land of the free, huh?

i've never heard so much paranoid rambling in my life, and as far as i can tell all the MoM naysayers on this forum are from the USA, am i right? and i guess you guys and girls have a right to be paranoid, seeing as how you live in a neo-fascist state that wants to crush you and your kind, but for us lucky ones living in europe etc the idea of having high quality bud delivered to yer door is not ony possible but completely viable.

i've bought off 4 (count 'em!) MoMs in the last 15 months ranging from expensive one man show type affairs to full on, run like a proper business, inexpensive kinda ventures, all have delivered, and i've had no difficulty from any kind of law enforcement in that time. at present i'm waiting on a 1/2oz of jack herer and a 1/2oz of kahuna which cost me less than £200 ($400). simply put, if you live in the UK (i don't want to speak for the rest of europe here) and you order less than 1/2 pound at a time YOU WILL NOT GET BUSTED. at worst you will receive a customs note telling you that they have intercepted a package, but that is it.

i recently was in the dam and i posted back 2 packages, un-vaacum packed, just bud and hash put into a plastic pencil case, and that put into an envelope, and posted to my home address. one made it, one didn't. do i think that THE MAN now has my address? no. i'll leave that kinda paranoia to my american buddies. the point i'm trying to make here, is that if an un-vaacum packed, undisguised bundle of smelly bud can be delivered from the bud capital of the world without any hassle, then a disguised, double vaacum packed package from somewhere that isn't the bud capital of the world is gonna make it through no problem whatsoever.

i'm supposing that all the "watch out for LEO" brigade have never actually ordered from a MoM before and as such are talking about a subject that they have no experience of. also, there seems to be a lack of people getting busted by LEO for using a MoM and then coming onto the forums and warning people- you would think that if you got busted this way you would pass a warning onto yer fellow smokers. well, is there anybody out there that has been busted for using a MoM? is there? huh?

peace and love to ALL my fellow tokers:joint:
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