PC Grow Journal


New Member
I'm about 2 weeks into my first pc grow and i thought id start a thread to bring y'all along for the ride.

The setup

Old compaq tower
3~7 13w cfl 6500k for veg
2 50 cfm fans (1 intake, 1 exhaust)
Fox Farms happy frog soil

The seeds Im using came from a bag of very high quality bud, not sure of strain.

Thanks for stopping by.
2013-07-11 20.25.41.jpg2013-07-11 20.25.25.jpg2013-07-11 20.23.48.jpg2013-07-13 23.35.37.jpg2013-07-15 21.58.47.jpg


Active Member
I'm no expert at growing, but I don't think that's how you're supposed to start your seeds... Surprisingly the plants look not too bad, cept that one up on top. Are you sure your case can accommodate three plants?? Do you plan to lst/top/scrog them? Just saying that b/c if you say it's an unknown strain, could stretch like a mofo. Anyways good luck!

Edit: actually I'm curious. How'd they grow for two weeks in that? What is that? Lol maybe I'm missing something. But if not, should prob transplant into your happy frog.


Staff member
i would pot those plants immediately when you do the paper towel germination you're only supposed to do it until you see this :View attachment 2738176 than you place them in soil. if you dont put them in a pot with soil soon youll end up with rootrotted plants and a whole lot of problems including but not limited too dead baby mj plants


New Member
That's is actually a few moist paper towels inside the bottom half of a 2 liter bottle. I created my own mini green house with the top and bottom parts of a 2 liter taped together with paper towel as a medium for germination. I've always used paper towels and ziplock bags taped to a sunny window but with this grow I wanted to take it from seed to smoke inside the pc so I devised this and it's worked great. Planted on the 4th of July and they are doing pretty good IMO. I don't plan on keeping all 3 in the case until harvest, whichever one shows the best growth will stay the others will end up in a different setup.


Active Member
sunni is Right on the money. :) Seriously tho My seedlings are almost that big and they are only 4 days old.


New Member
I have to wait until Thursday to move them to soil since I broke the pot I planned on using and need to buy a new one and I don't get paid till then.


Staff member
I have to wait until Thursday to move them to soil since I broke the pot I planned on using and need to buy a new one and I don't get paid till then.
if you have the soil use empty pot bottles something else until thursday they will die


New Member
if you have the soil use empty pot bottles something else until thursday they will die
Thanks for the advice. I thought it would do them more harm than good to transplant them into a temp space just to transplant them again in a few days when i got the pot. I'll get them into dirt asap.


Staff member
Thanks for the advice. I thought it would do them more harm than good to transplant them into a temp space just to transplant them again in a few days when i got the pot. I'll get them into dirt asap.
as long as youre gentle and dont rip up the plants when you transfer them they will be perfectly fine


New Member
I'm no expert at growing, but I don't think that's how you're supposed to start your seeds... Surprisingly the plants look not too bad, cept that one up on top.

The one up on top got stuck inside the seed casing after it had already popped so it was stunted a bit.


Staff member
no youre good as long as they arent like all mushy and rotted, but im sure they will be fine since their in their soil they will get better, good job on the pop bottles generally its not advised to have clear bottles for pots but because you cant do anything until thursday it will have to do and its still better than sitting in wet paper towels. is that mylar on the inside..


Staff member
it is an emergency blanket that i cut to fit and double sided taped to the inside of the pc.
hmm just keep a close eye till thursday , with the clear bottles check everyday to make sure they dont get burned from reflection im sure they will be fine though


Active Member
All lookin good so far. Gonna sub and stick along for the ride. Amazed you got the seedlings that far on just a paper towel. Good luck with finding the right pot for your pc, you wanna use as much space for soil as possible.


New Member
All lookin good so far. Gonna sub and stick along for the ride. Amazed you got the seedlings that far on just a paper towel. Good luck with finding the right pot for your pc, you wanna use as much space for soil as possible.
Every time I've germinated seeds I've used paper towels until they are about that big. I found a pot that is the same footprint as my pc and 4" deep. If need be later in the grow I plan on custom building a pot with thin wood and visqueen sheeting.