Club 600

Well I made it. Had to break down my cabinet so my girls are in a closet. Be back tomorrow to catch up and post some pics. I know I have been saying that ,but I'm taking the day off.
How are they going to deal with extracts? ..................................................

AP Photo: Elaine Thompson
Jim Andersen, left, displays butane hash oil to Mike Steenhout, comptroller of the Washington State Liquor Control Board.
8 hr ago By Gene Johnson of Associated Press share



As some states make marijuana legal, they're forced to grapple with regulating hash and other stronger, more concentrated forms of the drug.
Jim Andersen, left, displays butane hash oil to Mike Steenhout, comptroller of the Washington State Liquor Control Board.

SEATTLE — Jim Andersen has a 40-year history with hashish, the concentrated cannabis sometimes referred to as the cognac of the marijuana world.
When he served in the Air Force in Southeast Asia, he said he smuggled it home in his boots. When he was in grad school in California, he made it with a centrifuge in a lab after hours.
So when Washington was on the verge of legalizing the sale of taxed pot last fall, Andersen decided to move back to his home state and turn his hobby into a full-time, legitimate paycheck — a business that would supply state-licensed, recreational marijuana stores with high-quality hash oil.
"Every major culture that has marijuana associated with it has hash associated with it as well," said Andersen, whose company, XTracted, already has two Seattle locations serving medical marijuana dispensaries. He said his business would help prevent such pot extracts from ending up on the black market.
Substance-abuse experts are concerned that such increasingly popular, extremely potent and potentially dangerous pot extracts will be sold and that state regulators' interpretation of the recreational marijuana law will allow people to buy vastly more hash than they need for personal use.
That, they fear, will increase the chances that some of it will end up in the black market out of state.
"It's a concern not just for our kids, but for kids in neighboring states as well," said Derek Franklin, president of Washington Association for Substance Abuse and Violence Prevention.
Related: Baby boomers want marijuana legalized in increasing numbers
The legal-weed law, passed by voters last fall, allows adults over 21 to possess up to an ounce of dried pot, 16 ounces of pot-infused solids such as brownies or 72 ounces of infused liquids such as soda. When the state-licensed stores open sometime early next year, that's how much people will be allowed to buy.
The law precluded the sale of pure hash and hash oil but didn't specifically address concentrated-marijuana sales. That has led to a conversation about hash's place in the new legal-pot world.
The regulators at the Washington State Liquor Control Board, who are charged with overseeing the creation of the new legal-pot industry, issued draft rules this month saying hash and hash oil can be used in "marijuana-infused products" — even if the product that's being infused is just a drop of olive oil or glycerin, for example.
In effect, the stores can get around the ban on hash or hash-oil sales by simply adding a minuscule amount of some other substance to what is otherwise nearly pure THC, the primary high-inducing compound in cannabis.
Hash oils can sell for $40, $60 or more per gram, depending on quality — meaning more tax revenue for the state. If such extracts are considered a "marijuana-infused product," people would be allowed to buy up to 16 ounces of oils in solid form, or 72 ounces in liquid form. Such transactions could run tens of thousands of dollars.
"When we set the 72-ounce limit, we were thinking about marijuana juice or tea, not a high-potency extract like that," said Alison Holcomb, the Seattle lawyer who primarily drafted Washington's law.
Holcomb said it will be up to state lawmakers to adopt new ceilings on marijuana concentrate sales early next year — before the state-licensed stores open for business. The Legislature also could tweak the law to allow for sales of pure hash and hash oil — something hash makers would like to see.
They say if they have to adulterate their product with even a drop of olive oil or glycerin, customers might instead turn to medical dispensaries or the black market.
In Colorado, which also legalized recreational pot last fall, stores will be allowed to sell hash and hash oils.
"Our goal is to replace marijuana prohibition with a system in which marijuana is regulated and taxed similarly to alcohol," said Mason Tvert, who led Colorado's legalization campaign. "Some marijuana consumers choose to use more potent forms of marijuana, just as some alcohol consumers prefer a martini or glass of scotch over a beer."
The term "hash" covers a variety of marijuana preparations but is generally the compression or concentration of cannabis resin rich in THC.
The preparations can involve anything from the simple shaking of the resin off the plant and pressing it into bricks to the use of stainless steel, closed-loop extraction systems that cost tens of thousands of dollars, use butane or carbon dioxide as a solvent and turn out oil that is more than 90 percent THC.
Drug-abuse prevention advocates argue the proliferation of extracts also has coincided with a dramatic rise in marijuana-related emergency-room visits, often for severe panic attacks. According federal figures, there was a 62 percent jump in marijuana-related emergency-room visits nationally from 2004 to 2011 — from 281,000 to 455,000.
There also have been explosions as home chemists try to make hash with sometimes dangerous solvents.
Hash oils, which already are sold at medical-marijuana dispensaries around the country, can be taken by medicine droppers in liquid form or by vaporization in the solid forms known as shatter, glass, budder or wax. By means of a metal wand, users place a "dab" about the size of a grain of rice on a glowing-hot metal stem of a pipe and inhale the resulting cloud, which delivers a powerful, nearly instantaneous high.
Andersen said many users prefer it because it gives a "cleaner" high: No plant material is burned, and people know right away what the effect is — rather than waiting an hour or more for a pot-laced brownie or other edible to kick in.
"Dabbing" has become ever more popular over the past decade; a recent festival in Denver was devoted to it. Ralph Morgan, owner of OrganaLabs in Denver, with two medical-marijuana dispensaries, said hash and other concentrates now make up nearly a third of his business.
"This is the way the industry is going," he said. ....................... ........................................:peace:cof
I got some reading to do but had to post this veggie garden update,,,


I hope most of the pics can speak for themselves,,, if youve been following closely.

Did I mention I love NOFX?








So I never put a herbs and shit patch in this spot (tall grass) and this is where my fall lima bean spot is going to be, I love lima beans. (these are the bush variety)
The two empty beds at the upper right corner are going to be irish potato towers, and the next two beds will be one sweet pie pumpkins and more butternut squash,,, the BnS << lol butternut squash, will actually be in a tower. I will also have two more towers of cantaloupe that are not in the pictured area, but close. These tower ideas are only days old so much more to figure out for sure, but once Iv decided something is going to happen well its going to happen fsm willing.


Thanks for stopping by everyone.

I ended up removing some of the verticle wires. Remember to file the sharp edges. Next year I will use the 4" X 6" fencing..............:peace:cof

Thats what I planned on doing when the time comes, thanks for the safety reminder COF ;-) we should call you WOF! (wise old fart)

Im munching on some dehydrated crookneck squash chips made last night dipping in canned salsa made last year,,,,,, fuck me this shit is so good I could cry...
I had some sobby shit posted but this came on and it says more than I could..... You could say Im vine ripened at a young age,.

If you cant feel that your not alive.

Morning fellas. Called in sick today with my knee. That asshole of a boss i have just groooaned and hung up on me :) He used to be a good friend but then we went on different paths of enjoyment. Hes a everyday pillpopper with the white in the nose, dancing on mdma to an extreme that he needs to be at work otherwise he cant control that shit. Even at work he needs the coke to keep him going. Well i waked n baked real good after i called in sick and dont really now where im going with this :) Good day to you all!

Edit: Congratz Jhod Damn you make me wanna try some cookies and im a cake guy :P
Amazing garden W. I wish that I had that space.

I had to look up Potato Towers, but I am sure that I will try one.
It is a great idea.

Thanks for sharing.


P.S. And Beautiful nugs J!!!
She's a girl. We're going to call her Hannah. I can't wait to meet her. And I often think of you when thinking about being a father. I'm not sure why but you are wrapped up with me being a dad in my head. I almost feel like you have helped things come about. It sounds weird saying, but thanks. :) You have more than returned the favor.
Congrats to you and your family, there are no words to explain the feeling of being a Father!

well empty'd veg room, asbestos check coming this morning... also my little cloner is awesome will get pics of them when i set the veg room back up once they been and gone the day..... 3 every 3 weeks is a bit to much work for me so i think im going 6 or 9 every 8 weeks and do a few clones for the boys in me veg room
I am faced with similar net problems with my tomatoes, luckily I used just tomato metting which is easy to snip with scissors. Whodat, the "patch" looks amazing my man!!!!

Jhod, purple luvleeeeeeness right there bru!
ooo, do i have some epic toke spotS!!! gonna hit up the new competition thread :]

anyone hungry?


new $6 humidity dome! :]