USA - Probably the most ****ed up country on earth

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
You just described reality without giving any alternative. You need governance, not a ruler. Why you go there? I need governance, obviously.

WE govern each other. It is no fun. Good people killed every day.

You don't like it. But, it is the best there is. And you know your ideas can't work. We have discussed it.

It cannot withstand the first wiff of empathy. It simply won't work. That is why we are here. We learn. We abandoned a lot that the world still suffers from. We adapt. We improve the infrastructure, and we can improved ourselves, more or less.

Not everyone can fend for themselves and no one will agree to when the road should be fixed vs the library painted.

We vote.

Unfortunately, you can't cast you mind back to the beginning of this or you would appreciate it more. It almost didn't happen well, a bunch of times and it is very likely not to last much longer. There is no up from here. Just fantasy world.

Can you even describe anything else but this personal utopia, mind set, which you have already, by the way? You just can't push it on the world. So, you are in trap of Intellectuals.

Hold the tokes longer? That's what I do. :)
I agree that not everyone can fend for themselves. That's why I do voluntary charity. Nobody has to agree on painting the library, if it is privately owned. Only the owner. Voting at best is a hand job by a fat girl.

Describe something other than a personal utopia? Sure let's talk about bears. My favorite is the Kodiak. I saw a big black bear the other day. Walter Peyton was a running back for the bears. A guy by the name of "Fridge" used to block for him. Yogi is another bear, but Yogi Berra is NOT a bear.

I will now take a toke.....and hold it for awhile.


Well-Known Member
Biggest egos on the planet, I'm talking about the US, where we have sub-standard measures according to every survey given recently on this planet in every quality of life measure. We are no longer number one in anything, unless you want to talk infant death rates for developed countries. Forget about Asia, again we are losing again as far as test scores go. We better get our heads out of our asses soon, and admit we are becoming a second rate country, or we are totally fucked in the 21st century


Well-Known Member
US Government backed and supported. Who do you think buys all the weapons for Al Qaeda?
So not the US government. That was my point. Russian arms manufacturers supply most of the weapons for al Qaeda, of course. Surely you realize the fruits of that 80s effort has dissipated to very little now, decades later.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Biggest egos on the planet, I'm talking about the US, where we have sub-standard measures according to every survey given recently on this planet in every quality of life measure. We are no longer number one in anything, unless you want to talk infant death rates for developed countries. Forget about Asia, again we are losing again as far as test scores go. We better get our heads out of our asses soon, and admit we are becoming a second rate country, our we are totally fucked in the 21st century

Maybe it's time to secede?


Active Member
Biggest egos on the planet, I'm talking about the US, where we have sub-standard measures according to every survey given recently on this planet in every quality of life measure. We are no longer number one in anything, unless you want to talk infant death rates for developed countries. Forget about Asia, again we are losing again as far as test scores go. We better get our heads out of our asses soon, and admit we are becoming a second rate country, our we are totally fucked in the 21st century
If you are talking about pre-natal death rates I would agree. Abortion. I would have to see numbers regarding infant death rates. I imagine the US is up there in the rankings for murdering unborn children.


Ursus marijanus
I agree that not everyone can fend for themselves. That's why I do voluntary charity. Nobody has to agree on painting the library, if it is privately owned. Only the owner. Voting at best is a hand job by a fat girl.

Describe something other than a personal utopia? Sure let's talk about bears. My favorite is the Kodiak. I saw a big black bear the other day. Walter Peyton was a running back for the bears. A guy by the name of "Fridge" used to block for him. Yogi is another bear, but Yogi Berra is NOT a bear.

I will now take a toke.....and hold it for awhile.
Awww man you missed the highest and mightiest of all the ursines. :( cn


Well-Known Member
I agree that not everyone can fend for themselves. That's why I do voluntary charity. Nobody has to agree on painting the library, if it is privately owned. Only the owner. Voting at best is a hand job by a fat girl.

Describe something other than a personal utopia? Sure let's talk about bears. My favorite is the Kodiak. I saw a big black bear the other day. Walter Peyton was a running back for the bears. A guy by the name of "Fridge" used to block for him. Yogi is another bear, but Yogi Berra is NOT a bear.

I will now take a toke.....and hold it for awhile.
A private library? How quaint. But, the artful dodge of the point. We have govt precisely because we need much more access to information than that. Who gets to decide which books are out? We used to get together and talk about it.

And this still happens all over the USA, if the town is still small enough. At the end of the talking is what? A show of hands.

You act like voting is nothing, but it is everything.

All we do in the USA is subject to vote. In my marriage we vote. I get 1/2 a vote and she gets 1 and 1/2 vote. :)

So, longer hits and less media......take both and we will vote on how you do in the morning.


Well-Known Member
Biggest egos on the planet, I'm talking about the US, where we have sub-standard measures according to every survey given recently on this planet in every quality of life measure. We are no longer number one in anything, unless you want to talk infant death rates for developed countries. Forget about Asia, again we are losing again as far as test scores go. We better get our heads out of our asses soon, and admit we are becoming a second rate country, or we are totally

fucked in the 21st century
We are already second rate. The DEMS are winning this. The dumbing down. Pretending All can have ALL. Govt dependecy. And moving to scrape the Big C. It is happening Jim. Right before our very eyes.

But, don't hate the govt. Blame the DEMS running the Exec. Blame the DEMS with welfare for Lawyers. Corporate welfare is just a buzz word. Obama care means the lawyers are busy for a 100 years setting up the elite medical class for the RULERS in fact.

It is self rule, that has been compromised, Jim. It is the DEMS that promote this big ego trip to smear the faces of the despots.

YO! If you are under 30 years old I have only one question for you.
“Think you a little din can daunt mine ears?
Have I not in my time heard lions roar?
Have I not heard the sea, puffed up with winds,
Rage like an angry boar chafed with sweat?
Have I not heard great ordinance in the field,
And Heaven's artillery thunder in the skies?
Have I not in a pitched battle heard
Loud 'larums, neighing steeds, and trumpets' clang?

And do you tell me of a woman's tongue,
That gives not half so great a blow to hear
As will a chestnut in a farmer's fire?
Tush! tush! fear boys with bugs."

― William Shakespeare, The Taming of the Shrew

Now go ahead and give us an interpretation, I dare you. (your own words would be preferred! but if you can't do it without google, then, I guess that will suffice.)

I don't think belligerents have any obligation to take on additional risks themselves in order to best minimize collateral damage in combat operations. Can you point me to one? Collateral damage is unfortunate, but it is certainly not an "atrocity," and certainly not a war crime.

How about if I come to your house and declare war under the law of the "highlow" government and then slaughter everyone inside while I loot anything good there may be inside?
Under my law, I would also have no obligation to minimise collateral damage whilst engaging in possibly threatening situations.

Who else should rule? You. You should not have a ruler, you should own yourself. Me. I should not have a ruler, I DON'T have a ruler. I own myself or try to. If you want a ruler, good for you, don't impose that ruler on me and we are fine.

Of course I'm taking responsibility, it is when people follow arbitrary rules and their OBEDIENCE to the rules becomes more important than evaluating the end goal of the rule that people are shirking personal responsibility.

If voting could change anything, it would quickly be made illegal. Your vote is for the most part a losing proposition. The two party system is designed to make you think you have a choice.

Spot on.

WE govern each other. It is no fun. Good people killed every day.

You don't like it. But, it is the best there is. And you know your ideas can't work. We have discussed it.


and no one will agree to when the road should be fixed vs the library painted.
oh wow you're really deep with your metaphorical contemplations aren't ya? Bro, that was deeper than the ocean the Titanic sank in! Not.

So much drama! I think somebodies been watching too much OBAMA! lol!

Unfortunately, you can't cast you mind back to the beginning of this or you would appreciate it more.
Oh really? is that the reason why? well that's an odd reason for not being able to do something! because you would enjoy it more!, lmao

Hold the tokes longer? That's what I do. :)
Don't forget to breathe! Brotha! I think your brain is lacking in oxygen!! (BRAIN DAMAGE!!)



Well-Known Member
How about if I come to your house and declare war under the law of the "highlow" government and then slaughter everyone inside while I loot anything good there may be inside?
Under my law, I would also have no obligation to minimise collateral damage whilst engaging in possibly threatening situations

Well, if you try that at my house you will be killed. How does that settle with your law?

EDIT: I forgot the quote.

If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? And if you wrong us shall we not revenge?
You act like voting is nothing, but it is everything.
yes because two wrongs make A right, don't they doer? Just the same as the majority vote makes a right, doesn't it?

You genius you! Doer!

Bill need no interpretation for the agile mind. That is why it has lasted and inculcated itself into the fabric of western language.

I think you know very well what I am saying.

A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool. W.S.

What are you trying to say Doer?

Well, if you try that at my house you will be killed. How does that settle with your law?

Are you sure about that? What If I get away as the only survivor? huh? WISE GUY?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for that.

There is no right and wrong for you to decide about us. We don't care. We balance the needs of many and the needs of the few and it cannot be balanced. But we try.

And we try the same way a hunting band does it. We fight it out. But, the advancement is hired brutes. Lawyers, guns and money. Faster horses, older whiskey, younger women, more money.

That above is the USA. Giant and unruly. Especially unruly in self rule selfishness.

You don't like it that you can't shame us with scorn. So what?
I can totally shame Americans with scorn if That's what I wanted to. It's just the dumb brainwashed ones who're too far gone to be saved from them selves! :mrgreen:

Edit:..... that can't be nudged.


Well-Known Member
You can only provide the scorn. You can look like a dick.

But, we don't feel the shame and we don't feel embarrassed for you.
I can only provide scorn? Interesting way to form that sentence. (not) I can look like a dick? Oh can I really? that suggests you actually felt something doer! great progress! ;)

But, you don't feel the shame and you don't feel embarrassed for me? Well, the fact that you, an American, don't feel shame is Nothing but total surprise for me!!! :o (<sarcasm)
And you don't feel embarrassed for me, you say? Oo the scorn! Doer is scorning me for scorning his country!.. or something like that?

Forgive me, It's been a while since doer has actually posted anything coherent, and thus I don't actually remember exactly what he is going on about anymore.


Well-Known Member
No. Missed again. Since you are so concerned about appearances and if you are a good person and if you care about people, I am submitting some feedback for you. It is dark mind influence. I have no feelings to provide in a faceless forum. I have words and phrases as my only tools.

All we see is your photon scatter....your type scat. You appear... is all. You appear as the very thing you appear to detest.

Funny how that works, eh, Freud?


Well-Known Member
I find it really f'd up that people raise hell over a trial verdict but dont
raise hell over the constitutional violations of peoples rights.

Again, I ask..... Those who defend the 2nd A to the death, where are you in defending
the rest of the document?

No. Missed again.

Missed again? what are you even talking about? I wasn't aiming at anything so what did I miss?

I have no feelings to provide in a faceless forum.
That's because you're creepy bro!

I have words and phrases as my only tools.
Good for you.

You appear as the very thing you appear to detest.
Can you elaborate? go ahead, use your words ;)

Funny how that works, eh, Freud?
Too much weed for you doer.


Ursus marijanus
I find it really f'd up that people raise hell over a trial verdict but dont
raise hell over the constitutional violations of peoples rights.

Again, I ask..... Those who defend the 2nd A to the death, where are you in defending
the rest of the document?

Which part of the rest of the document do you have in mind (as being neglected or actively subverted by 2nd Amendment interest champions)? cn