Vape pen suggestions please!


Well-Known Member
I smoked a friends vape pen for the first time.... he warned me not to take a big hit, but I literally felt nothing going in... only coming out... 5 minutes of coughing later I was stoned as fuck lol. Needless to say, I'm hooked. I want one... BAD! He said he paid over $100 for his, but I know there are a lot out there that are MUCH less than that, so I'm wondering if anyone can offer suggestions in a lower price bracket?? Also, stupid question... but do you HAVE to use oil, or can you use keif?
I have a micro g pen. I personally love it. You get 2 for $99. I guess you could use Kief but I never have. I would be careful though because the Kief could easily fall out. The wax stays in place nicely. You could dissolve the Kief in ethanol very easily and make wax if you wanted to.
go look for something called the perfection pen, it hits wax and budder . i bought a box for about 50 bucks. goodluck.
it depends on what your trying to smoke.. if your smoking Full Melt/budder/wax (which i believe is what your looking for due to how you described your hit.)
I personally have a G pen and micro G pen they come in nice kits that usually include two jars to keep your wax, a dabber, charger, batt, and the heating element. The bad thing is they're gonna run you around 80-100.
Theres also Cloud vapes too, dont know anything about em except all my friends who bought em had a LOT of problems with them.. (could in part be due to them abusing them not being careful while loading etc..)
If your trying to smoke dry herb, the magic flight launch box is a great dry herb vape. but they run ya around 120+
I dont believe you can smoke keef (in its regular state...) without gumming up your heating element because it doesn't fully melt it burns. and leaves ash.

All in all unless you want junk thats gonna die in a day, "You gotta pay to play!"
If you use the vapor cone 510 attachment you can pack kieif, it works but gotta repack after a hit basically. Most of the pens are made for oil/wax, some do hash but has to be full melt
Get the cash together and get the Cera, it's the only one made in america, 100% titanium and medical grade ceramic capable of 3500 degrees, seen videos of the guy who made it originally taking hits out of, and he blows out huge clouds like he just dabbed every single time, no silicone no aluminum no plastic, straight heated ceramic on oil. $500 price tag or 250 for the stainless steel, but it has a lifetime warranty and I mean you won't have to buy another one and you get what you pay for. Some day I will have one lol, sorry I've been following its development for months I always tell people about it when they ask about pens. If anyone has one I'd love to hear a consumers review.
WOW! Yall are serious about your vape pens.

Atmos Optimums - S10 $40. Comes with oil chamber and is interchangeable with 70% of other devices.

Burns my Oil perfectly and charges in less than 15 min.
I've tried a whole bunch of these, ranging from omicron to liquid- and wax-based chambers for generic ego ecig batteries to the ones that will do herb or hash (badly and messily so far IMHO). Its a hobby of mine.

My current all time favorite is this cheap little one called the "sticky wax burner". Its a tiny little thing, smaller than a pen and skinny. The usb rechargeable battery lasts a long time and charges fast. You don't load much in it at a time which is one of the things that makes it less fussy. The chamber is shallow and easy to scrape or push a dab down onto the heating element with the included tool or whatever.

The small chamber doesn't matter to me.. the Seattle bho I buy is so crazy strong and the delivery mechanism so efficient that just a tiny blob can easily get a circle of people trashed. You can also cram a pretty big chunk in there that would last a long while, but you'll need to use a scraping/pushing tool intermittently.

This is the most discreet oil pen I have seen. Legality has taken a lot of the fun out of public vaping but this is definitely the right instrument for it.

It comes with two chambers and you can get more without buying a new battery. I haven't actually had one die yet but they can be expected to over time.

You can get some really dense hits off of it when well loaded and there's almost no heat up time.

In order to make loading easy without tools when I am out, I pick out oil that is of a consistency that can be handled with bare fingers easily. I can get really solid shatters and also very dry crumbly waxes that I can handle manually without them sticking to my fingers.

It comes with the battery, 2 chambers, USB charger, and a scraping tool for about $40. I bought mine via amazon.

PS : as an illustration of how efficient these pens can be: I flew to a 3 day music festival with this pen in my suitcase and a little over 1g of AAA+ bho rolled up into a tiny little ball and hidden in my carry-on.

I was there with some other friends and our routine was pretty much to step to the side between every 45 minute set all day long with 4 or 5 people and pass a bowl around one way and the pen the other, with everyone taking a couple pen hits. On top of that i'd be hitting it in my hotel room. My little oil ball made it to the end of the weekend including medicating me for the flight back.
Like someone said it really depends on what you want to use it for... oils can be put in any "e-cig" cartridge but they also have ones for flower, keif, wax, any way you want to smoke.
I got a white rhino dv2 that works ok. It's supposed to work with flowers and wax too but I figured why would I need it for flowers when you could just roll a fatty? Somebody had a globe style vape pen that I hit last week. I mention the globe because it's much cheaper than the dv2 & seems to work the same. Also it uses standard e-cig batteries which is a plus. There's literally so many out there it is hard to choose. A lot of online reviews are fake & not to be trusted
If you have any ego battery with 510 threads sells this thing called the dab tornado thing is a beast I have a atmos raw and my buddy has a gpen and this thing shits on it for wax. And even better it's cheap and comes with 3 heating elements just if you order get a extra Pyrex globe cus if you abuse it it will break on you but again a replacement is cheap
Ego variable voltage battery with a glass globe setup works very well for me. Good taste and lots of vapor/smoke.