NOT GUILTY ...zimmermen

Can you PLEASE use proper punctuation, sentence structure and paragraphs perhaps? I'm sick of reading your posts...
You're talking to a certified heavy duty med taking individual. Manic or schizophrenic, though I hear the new term is schizoaffected.

Edit: not a shot at justugh in the least btw.
Ironic the level of vigilantism I witness from the "justice for Trayvon" crowd on Face Book and other social media outlets. Weren't they the ones that were calling Zimmerman a "sick and depraved" vigilante? I think it might say something about the world view/ state of mind of those people. They live it and feel it (the vigilante mentality)... so obviously everyone else must be the same way. (not referring to justugh or kinetic)
The thing many people don't understand is regardless of color, of EITHER party, the verdict would have been the same. Verdicts are arrived at by logical examination of evidence, not fantasy and ill feelings towards another group. That's dark age kinda stuff and has no place in our society.

holy shit, the white supremacist is saying racism has no place in our society?

this is the kind of irony you can't pay for.
You're talking to a certified heavy duty med taking individual. Manic or schizophrenic, though I hear the new term is schizoaffected.

Edit: not a shot at justugh in the least btw.

all good no i do not hear voice or see things (unless up for more then 72 hours or shrooms/lsd)
clincally bi polar manic depressive with adhd and dyslexic

i just stopped careing about all the stuip rules that only part of the ppl listen too .............rules apply to all or they apply to none ........this is justice this is fair play correct
Ironic the level of vigilantism I witness from the "justice for Trayvon" crowd on Face Book and other social media outlets. Weren't they the ones that were calling Zimmerman a "sick and depraved" vigilante? I think it might say something about the world view/ state of mind of those people. They live it and feel it (the vigilante mentality)... so obviously everyone else must be the same way. (not referring to justugh or kinetic)

i am just pissed becuase common sence ....basic logic screams this is a bad person and should be locked away
armed older man confronts unarmed younger man ..............if this was wild west he would have been hung for killing him becuase no weapon

what happend to the days men just beat the shit out of the other wth fist the shit settles ........u are pissed at each other few months then later getting drunk laughing about it

the valus coomon sence morals and just basic justice in this country is gone ...........u have money u get off .....u do not u go to jail
sister in law got pulled over last night .................she is not good with cops and had soemthing to drink fails the test outside so they take her in for a breath test she blows under the limit ......the cop giving it to her tells her the best lawyers name in the county and saids if he was the aresting office he would have just let her go was a brand new young buck cop tring to get numbers on his record

the whole reason it started was a headlight was out
She should keep proper maintenence on her car so she doesn't have to encounter police whom she is not good with.
this lawyer is good too ...........several years back buddy got popped with a whole sheet of acid ......clean bust speeding had warrent sreach they find it

55,000 later and he is walking around with nothing on his reacord ( as i understand it 25 was for the lawyer 30k for the judge ) the case was throwen out he did not rat anyone out he did no time
She should keep proper maintenence on her car so she doesn't have to encounter police whom she is not good with.

he was going to do it sunday when i come over and grab his kid for a trip to comic store ......he finally saved up 35 bucks
he will get his in due time. vigilantly style. he will get shanked. i hope he does.

i like me some titties
honestly do u like her .............the women is a reptile and does not hide it well ( if u are a unlikable person.......they are scared of u ) your ass is going down hence the reason the shaves the hair cuts the suits and all that to make u more likable the ties the colors

this whole thing was do to one thing the head cop of the whole thing said he would not have charged him those ppls minds the case was over then the Person they were told to listen and rescept since childhood said this is what he would do ...........then they sleep on it and think about it for the next 10 hours .....then the judge tells them to disregaurd it ..............i am not going to lie the ppl that are on jurys and most ppl in general are rather weak willed ppl because they have ben taught told and beaten down to be this way ............and a few little things can sway them to what u want ......... and something like the HEAD COP of the CASE knowing it was a huge cost and all this time the man incharge of gathering the info said naw i do not think he should have been charged they stopped thinking stopped listening and was just waiting for it to end

the judge tried to do it right tried to make it just about the facts of the case the info that was gathered but that statement should have never been made or allowed that was his own thought and idea those are like assholes everyone has one but it is not a fact .....not info data this is what we know from this person and 2 others said it........... this is what we have on the tapes ..............this is what was there...............this is how it looked

sheer common sence saids zimmermen is a bad person he killed for the trill of it his choices someone died ( he had the training and he had a weapon he could foresee someone will die that is in the training) it was not his job to stop and question the person.........he was in a car the kid was walking away he was not indanger untill he put him self in it...........armed with hollow points 11 bullets in a 10 clip ( one had to be mannuely loaded into the chamber then clip added)

i fear for u ppl..........all of u u get scared and u do something stuip........u let common sence be overriden by what someone thinks that has the power........u have stopped questioning the world and just accpet how it is ............

quick break down and i will stop let u munch on this
remove 7 celluar layers on the human body we are all pink ..........50% of u have attached earloops 50% do not.................are u going to call that a new race .......think come on u have minds

next sorry to do it reilgon ............shut up and stop thinking about all the crap u been filled with and look at the other cultures the books and see ...............IT IS ALL THE SAME DAMN THING JUST DIFFERENT PATHS ........there is no right way to cross a mountain get over yourself and let live for pete sake

u might call me crazy u might laugh u might blah blah blah .....................but stop for just 5 mins and think about those 2 things clear your head of all the crappy u were told and start logically from the start ............monkey to men or god popped us all down does not fucking matter just think about it u have minds ...............impress a crazy person if i am so stuip and crazy it should be something simple for all u correct spelling grammer ppl