leaves so droopy? pics

This is my first grow... its white widow............. 125 watt cfl plus reflector

My question is why are the leaves like that.. and also whats the earliest i could put into flower and get a decent yield from it

coco coir... perlite... canna a and b nutes

im not sure if its over watering.. i have been very careful with that.. water is perfect ph

just transplanted from a solo cup yesterday

light is kept about an inch and a half above

first round of nutes was about 4 days ago 1 ml a 1 ml b mixed with water



Overwatering for sure. Overwatering doesnt mean giving it too much water when you water... It's watering too frequently. You need to let the soil dry out a bit before you water again. Not to the point where the edges of the soil are pulling away from the pot, button where the first half inch to an inch is kind of dry/ not much moisture left.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
So i shouldnt water everyday?

whast the earliest i can put this lady into flower once i fixed this.. im hoping to flower by august 5
Definitely should not water every day. By end of growing you MAY have to water every other day (depending on size of plant to pot)

Do you want to be finished by august 5th?

Also, how big is that pot. 3 gallons? 5 gallons?
Definitely should not water every day. By end of growing you MAY have to water every other day (depending on size of plant to pot)

Do you want to be finished by august 5th?

Also, how big is that pot. 3 gallons? 5 gallons?
its a 3 gallon.. im hoping to be finished with veg by august 5

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Watering every day will stunt your plant. The soil needs to dry out between waterings (which happens naturally from evaporation and the plant using the water) so that your roots can get oxygen.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
The reason the leaves are droopy is because they are FULL of water. Water is heavy. If the leaves were hanging all limp spagetti like, it would be from underwatering.

But the leaves are plump, so they are overwatered.

Don't do anything to the soil or plant. Just wait 4-5 days till you water again.


Active Member
yeah definitely over watering

What I found the easiest method to know when to water my plants is the lift method. When i originally put my medium in the pot (for me FFOF 65% perlite 35%) I feel how heavy it is. I always water to 20% run off to as per instructions int he soil and the nutes I use which for me is 1 gallon for a 3 gallon pot. The pot is obviously much heavier after a watering, and then I lift my plants daily and when they are as light I water. 50% through my first grow I could tell how fast my plants were drinking and based off the weight when I needed to water them. Muscle memory is amazing, this is why chefs can weight meat by hand (ever watch Guy Fieri on triple d!).

when I was using the finger method I would mistake cold for moistness and ended up letting one of the plants go too long once...