unreliable dealers


Well-Known Member
So basically I made this to vent. If you wish to discuss your dealer that's cool too..... so I call up my guy yesterday, he makes his customers pre order. Whatever I'm cool with that , understandable. So I call him up order a brick. OK so this afternoon I call to confirm, tell him I'll be there as soon as my wife is off work bout 6 30.. of course of course I got you man can always count on me..... so its time to get it, and he won't answer his phone...hell probly call in the morning saying he got arrested or some bull....so now I'm bout out of weed:(....

What's your dealers best excuse
I don't have one anymore, but when I did they didn't bother making up excuses. Around here it doesn't matter if they're a bad dealer or a good one, dealers aren't exactly coming out of the woodworks and they know it.
I don't have one anymore, but when I did they didn't bother making up excuses. Around here it doesn't matter if they're a bad dealer or a good one, dealers aren't exactly coming out of the woodworks and they know it.

they always like " MAN IM LEAVING NOW "
never had 1. the first guy i ever bought from has yet to let me down to this day. granted i dont buy often at all but yea unreliable dealers should be shot with rubber bands
Lol rubber bands.. yea I wish i had a new guy. It took me a while just to find him everybody around me only wants to sell 20 sacks... guess that kinda says a lot bout where I live though
Lol rubber bands.. yea I wish i had a new guy. It took me a while just to find him everybody around me only wants to sell 20 sacks... guess that kinda says a lot bout where I live though

they small time and want make more even if have deal to more
u need find guys they get it from
next time u see him act like this
just replace money with weed
u got my weed
my last guy always gave me the "5 min im down the road" speech and i remember thinking to myself, This is bull shit if this was pizza this shit wouldnt fly.
I grew up with Dealers.(My only friends) The ones that stuck around were the faithful ones.

The ones that started dealing with other stuff are the ones that disappeared.

Till this day, I got about 15 Pushers, we all end up at my house for a BBQ once a month. Were all Cool.
Never had a problem buying drugs, except for Yayo...

Tacoma, WA
Where U AT!
I mostly use just one dealer now unless its an emergency or its after 11:30pm which is when he stops. Delivers to my crib within 20 minutes, primo bud always, always gives me a lil extra like 3.7-3.8 for a 8th, has o's and up if i need, rarely does he not pick up his phone cause he has like 3 dudes workin for him that all deliver. I guess im lucky.
I mostly use just one dealer now unless its an emergency or its after 11:30pm which is when he stops. Delivers to my crib within 20 minutes, primo bud always, always gives me a lil extra like 3.7-3.8 for a 8th, has o's and up if i need, rarely does he not pick up his phone cause he has like 3 dudes workin for him that all deliver. I guess im lucky.

that how a pimp supposed to do
ive been my own dealer since i can remember. im what you call the hnic.
your what u call a crack head....