Asking again for precise step-by-step how to change my signature links to read as text.
Can't describe easily here, cause the forum formats the example.. go here and look for the URL/text one.
I appreciate the help, but that is greek to me. I need step by step for dummies
Okay, replace >< with ][
<URL=>this is some text</URL>
Then replace the link in the brackets with your thread link, and the text with your text.
Bestbuy 13 watts 800 lumens 3000k,Home depot 9.5 watts 800 lumens 2700k and the Bestbuy is normally $5 more than the HD one.At $10 by their numbers at 12 hours a day it would take 2 years for the homedepot cree to make up the difference in power savings.At the normal prices the HD bulb is a better buy,so get them while their on sale.
Also with the cooling design there are 3 dead spots in the sides so you would be better with a clamp light like reflector for these.
ok so bestbuy bulb is 3k warmwhite redish spectrum good for flower?
Homedepot bulb at 2700k would be coolwhite blue ish spectrum good for veg?
Great news about the A/C pF! Glad it was an easy fix!!
I guess I thought outdoors when you mentioned Yurt. I wish I had time to do the project with you but I work a ft 50 hours a week very stressful job and just don't have the time to do it, really bummed.... It sounds really fun and I look forward to following along!
Those lava rocks sound the bomb! it was really strange to see you put them big rocks in your I admire your creative innovative to experiment. and dude... Your roots look really really awesome ! nice work!
That's a cool link to the medium.. but the ones I once saw aren't on there. Oh well, the lava rocks sound better anyway.. Are they pH neutral?