Caught my son stealing

Tokin Tosh

Active Member
For sure let him tell his mom himself. I had to do sentences when I was younger. I dont think they work as while I was doing them I just felt hatered towards my parents. Phisical work is better. Or better yet scare the shit out of him and call the cops have them give him the low down on stealing.


Well-Known Member
When I was 12 my dad caught me smoking cigs and he smashed my hands with a small hammer made me smoke a full pack of camel non filters handcuffed me to his truck and made me run for hours it was summer and it gets easily 125 degrees here ive never smoked cigs again ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Too many brownies
When I was 12 my dad caught me smoking cigs and he smashed my hands with a small hammer made me smoke a full pack of camel non filters handcuffed me to his truck and made me run for hours it was summer and it gets easily 125 degrees here ive never smoked cigs again ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



New Member
omg and I thought my folks were brutal ;)
When I was 12 my dad caught me smoking cigs and he smashed my hands with a small hammer made me smoke a full pack of camel non filters handcuffed me to his truck and made me run for hours it was summer and it gets easily 125 degrees here ive never smoked cigs again ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
When my bro found out I smoked cigs he hit me with one of these:

YouTube - Brachial Stun

The explanation is about two minutes in.

After I spent 10 minutes on the floor doing the chicken, he apologized then handed me one of his smokes. XD


Well-Known Member
Shit thats nothing when I was real little my grandma was sick of me playing with her sowing machine cord so she gave me scissors and she started too sow and watch me cut the cord zzzzaaaaaaaaapppppppppppp never played with electric cords ever again............hell my grandpa taught me that metal gets hot from friction by letting me grab a hot drillbit and imean hot 25 years later and you can still see he drillbit...


Well-Known Member
You know what i completely agree,but all that spanking might wear a person out so you spank the kid ill spank your wife.:mrgreen:

Sorry you guys set yourselfs up for it.


Active Member
haha, damn. I remember the one and only time I have ever stolen anything.
I took ten bucks from my mom, and about 5 minutes into it I felt so horrible I went back and gave it to her and told her what I did, she was so awe struck she didn't even punish me. Honesty is the best policy. I was always taught to be open with my parents, they told me everything vice versa, honesty like you said builds character and it should be up to the kid to do it. That doesn't mean you shouldn't use the all mighty Dad boot on his ass to give him a little kick start though haha. Parents who smoke weed are so laid back though, my parents sat me down when I asked about it and offered to smoke with me, taught me how. Figured it was better learned with them then somewhere out where they didn't know about. weed does wonderful things we don't even really notice it has a influence on, so awesome lol.


Well-Known Member
in some places stealing costs you hands ... id save that for the last drastic measure. dont beat him all beating does is piss them off they dont learn anything , make them stand in the corner that what i did when i was littler i know some people are thinking a corner well wtf is that going to do i know... but stand in that corner without looking anywhere else or sitting down or anything for a couple hours and youll do just about anything not to go back (even though i was a frequent quest to the corner)


Well-Known Member
My brother used to make me sit in a chair in the middle of the kitchen for 30 minutes if I ever fucked up while he was babysitting me. After a few times, I got the idea and behaved like a saint for him.


Well-Known Member
I got caught stealing once, my very first time when I was about 10 or 11. Stole a pack of Bubbleyum at the drugstore because I wanted to try it, but I didn't want to pay for it. Walked out the door and this lady starts calling to me and my friend, a 16yo girl whom I IDOLIZED, to come back inside to the store. We did, they made a HUGE deal about it, took us in the back of the store, brought in uniformed cops and everything, SCARED THE LIVING SHIT OUTTA ME, embarrassed me, OH my God, it was awful! They called my sisters, who were home alone while my parents were out, told them I was going to be arrested and put in jail, my friend played along with them (I think she knew they weren't going to do it), and.. I've gotta say that her disappointment in me did more than the prospect of what my folks might do. It really hurt, and I felt a very deep shame.


New Member
My wife went looking for the cash in her purse last night, and couldnt find it. I pick up my 8 yr olds shorts and find it in a pocket. Havent told my wife yet, i want my son to do it.What the hell do you do? If it was me when i was young, i would have got my ass beat. And why do people feel the need to make my day harder? How ocme they just cant act right so i dont have to be a dick?
look out..... next it's your stash box! Try killing people with kindness...From the looks of your posts the other method isn't working to well!