Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w


Well-Known Member
is that frost chernobyl by any chance? lovely pics but i cant rep you unfortunately, i'm such a scrooge with rep and likes "i must spread some around"


Well-Known Member
I don't think it could have been the chernobyl. I just harvested that this year, and mine wasn't very frosty really. Bit of a failure of a grow tbh. Smokes pretty good though. Good thing I still got tons of Dog to keep me held over till next harvest.

And I seriously should wear a helmet up there. Dangerous among the rafters I swear.


Well-Known Member
!@#$%^& feels good!
.....just tenderizing your coconut!?!? ;)
I think those were DOG testers? You know what? That was when you got your new car, I started looking into those cmaxs I was going to ask you what you thought about the mileage after having it for a while? I read that they were exaggerating with the sticker numbers but what better than from the horses mouth eh.


Well-Known Member
Well... I can't evaluate the mileage fairly as we live up a giant mountain. So the gas mileage absolutely sucks coming up the hill... and we are usually loaded down with shopping goods because that's one of the main reasons we even go down there. I can say we were right at 40.0 paying attention to our driving. We both estimate it would get at least 43 if we lived on the ground, or anywhere near. We're around 5,000. I don't think it would get over 45 for us though. The 47 seems nuts, but if you had a flat commute and drove like a grandpa I think it's possible.

We haven't been paying as much attention to driving as well recently and it's dropped to 39. If we continue this it will probably go down to 37. I think if you just bought the thing and didn't pay any attention at all to how you accelerated you could get anywhere from 35-37. Not bad considering, I suppose.

I'm very happy with our 39-40. And that's over 16,000 miles now. Aside from the mileage I absolutely love the thing. It's comfortable, roomy, has fold down back seats that make it flat with the trunk area. Like a big deck, has a hatchback with no lip to the deck, so it's easy to load. We bought the Cadillac of car seats for the kid and it doesn't fit in a lot of cars, but it fits in ours fine. It also is very easy to get in and out of the back seats, there isn't that hump that most 4 doors have near your but. It's really open. I love the interior, all the features. We got the touchscreen radio, but the rest is the basic. Basic on that car is super nice to me. Everything feels really nice. Like another class of car. We ended up paying I think $30k with everything, including maintenance and all the bells and whistles.

Only complaints I have about it are the downhill assist sucks, so we use our brakes a lot going down the hill... but we have the maintenance plan that covers brakes, so all's good. And I don't like the cup holders. I don't hate them, but if I have to search for a negative there you go.

Has good power, great suspension. Great stereo. It's just a great little ride.


Well-Known Member
I like all that, I really want the mileage on my next buy. The report I read said you couldn't get 47 in it no matter what you did, 40 isn't bad at all though. I like your review of it, even more that it was for me with great detail. To me the next best is the volt but 12k more. Man I was getting 45 in the late 80s and through the 90s with Volkswagen diesels, they leveled the field by jacking the price of diesel though. Have you heard this crap where they want to raise the taxes on hybrid owners to take away the little bit of savings they are getting, I think that is in NC. Thanks again for the review dude!
puff, puff, pass.... bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Our government is based on an oil burning model. They couldn't let it go easily. What would we fight wars over ??? And if we didn't fight wars how could we justify such a large military ??? And who would get all the overseas contracts the pay bank ???

Crazy how it's all justified. Especially like you said, we were getting 40 and 50 mph in the 90's. Some dude got on me saying hybrids aren't that great for the environment because of the batteries and stuff. I could care less about that. I'm doing this to get off the middle east's jock as much as possible. Well, as much as possible for $30k and a nice new ride lol.


Well-Known Member
Electricity would be a more expensive way to drive, except that
the electricity used is generated using coal.

The total amount of energy from the sun that hits the earth every day
is can dream....



Well-Known Member
Oh for sure, you can't reach out your hand and touch a single thing not already touched by oil.... very nice ride, me likey! The foot release hatch is bitchin', that touch screen module is wicked cool too.
I had a physics teacher in college that made the point for us that at the turn of the century 1900 every person produced an average of 4 horsepower a day, by 2000 the average is 7 horsepower consumption per day. Our dependence on cheap energy is not sustainable and getting off that teet will benefit us all. I feel like there is a general shift of understanding, like you said though it will be driven by the dollar. Those with them (dollars) will bend the flow once they tap out the fossil fuel reserve or the ozone burns off, whichever happens first. :|


Well-Known Member
Electricity would be a more expensive way to drive, except that
the electricity used is generated using coal.

The total amount of energy from the sun that hits the earth every day
is can dream....

More than dream! We already have commercial technology capable of collecting solar energy in orbit and beaming it to the surface at a very efficient rate.

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
We have enough natural gas to supply our energy needs for the next 100 years. Need to get corn out of the biofuel market. It takes 1 1/2 gallons of fuel to produce 1 gallon of biogas. Get the government out of the energy business and let the markets dedicate. .......................:peace: cof


Well-Known Member
We have enough natural gas to supply our energy needs for the next 100 years. Need to get corn out of the biofuel market. It takes 1 1/2 gallons of fuel to produce 1 gallon of biogas. Get the government out of the energy business and let the markets dedicate. .......................:peace: cof
I hate to dissent but fossil fuels are a dead end and promulgating their use only adds to the destruction of the environment. I'm afraid that I don't feel like we own this bitch and we are naive to think she needs us to continue or that we won't/can't ruin our ability to live with her. She may be our mother but we might just overstay our welcome. This idea that business knows best is malarkey, plain and simple. The only best interest that business has in mind is the best interest of the business. Some things are too important and belong to the rest of us, or none of us at all! The free market deciding the fate of the atmosphere is a commercial interest by it self that has been shrewdly gouged into the minds of those hungry for a cheap and fast answer to energy demand.


Well-Known Member
Our next cadilac limo.....there is a store just around the corner from us. Try peddling this up yer mountain Jig? hehe.


Well-Known Member
do you think somebody was driving alongside at the exact same speed when taking that photo? it's amazing the way the focus on their faces is perfect yet the background is blurred.


Well-Known Member
lol, I think it's photoshopped. I have never seen one that long to be honest, but that is the principal of them. Just google "Bakfiets" and check out images:)


Well-Known Member
lol, I think it's photoshopped. I have never seen one that long to be honest, but that is the principal of them. Just google "Bakfiets" and check out images:)

i had suspicions about it being tampered with but i honestly think the dutch are that crazy they would be a regular thing, like the new school bus or something.


Well-Known Member
Haha Id much rather tow a wagon of some sort... It could even be covered.

edit: Have any of you seen "carbon nation"? Pretty cool... algae ftw!


Well-Known Member
Word up peeps. As for govt getting their hands in stuff... they belong out of everything really. Haha... anarchy FTW. Shit, I don't have the answer, but I do know the Federal Govt is out of control in every way, and stands for literally nothing this country was founded on (in my opinion).

I know one thing though. The sun will come up tomorrow and I will still have a building to build. And my wife will still have a HUGE fuckin belly. I honestly don't know how that thing is supposed to get any bigger. We're only at 34.2. Supposedly going another 6 or so weeks, lol.

It's raining here today. No bike rides sadly. Ok, I don't have a bike, so no bike rides ever. :(

Rain rain go away. Come back in a month or so. Call me tarp man. Got tarps up all over the spot.