

Well-Known Member
So I thought this was a pretty interesting subject when I read about it.. I was wondering your thoughts..

What makes someone or something creepy?

Now, before you answer, consider the exact same things said that you think you might consider creepy on the surface... Now consider if someone who you find attractive said/did it and compare the outcome of that situation with the possibility that someone you find unattractive said/did it... Seriously consider this and be honest with yourself... Does a person's physical appearance contribute to outward perception of creepiness? Do you think the gender matters? Why/why not?


Active Member
People say im creepy sometimes (mostly ppl who dont know me) like im very quiet and look weird etc..but my life moto is just give a fff!

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Creepy. Is creepy. No matter how a person looks if a hot chick told me to put on a diaper and call her mommy and encouraged. Me to shit so she can change me and give me a bath.....this sounds kinda fun now that i think about it...lmao did that last sentence answer ur questins....if not the next one ugly hoes better ask me to put on a diaper. ...


Well-Known Member
But come on.. if the hottest chick you can imagine said that to you compared to an someone you considered ugly as fuck, your reaction would be different, would they not?

The question of the thread, and what I'm trying to get to the bottom of is why?...


i think people are very biased when it comes to attractive people being creep compared to un attractive...if a good looking person follows around a girl trying to get her to hook up with him hes courting her or hitting on her or whatever, but if an ugly dude or older dude does it, hes creepy... bullshit if you ask me, people only find it creepy if its uncanny or not beneficial for them, it just shows how our society has become a Service-to-Self one...which sucks, and is pathetic

everyone....EVERYONE should live their life in a Service-to-Others way, which means everyone helps everyone no matter what. end of story.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Its simple i think when u think with the head on ur shoulders its creepy but when u start thinking with ur second head u stop thinking with ur first dont know how much sense that made it sounded good in my first head


Well-Known Member
I do an impression of this guy just to creep my wife out.


Well-Known Member
To be honest I find the attractive psycho much more creepy then the bucked tooth halitosis ridden used blow up doll salesmen...but I do see your point Pad.


And how about these guys



Well-Known Member
So I thought this was a pretty interesting subject when I read about it.. I was wondering your thoughts..

What makes someone or something creepy?

Hm... rape vibes, murder vibes, thief vibes, not having any clue what's going on in that person's head vibes...

Oh, and text messages can be a lot more telling about how creepy a person is then what you see in person...

Now, before you answer, consider the exact same things said that you think you might consider creepy on the surface... Now consider if someone who you find attractive said/did it and compare the outcome of that situation with the possibility that someone you find unattractive said/did it... Seriously consider this and be honest with yourself... Does a person's physical appearance contribute to outward perception of creepiness?
I used to work with this guy that I thought was super hot. That was before I got to know him... suddenly every day I was getting texts about what he'd like to "do to me" but in person he was as normal seeming as could be. At a work party he (drunkenly) came over to me and said "hey, my fingers can show you a really good time in my car"... when I looked at him in disgust he said he was just kidding. lol. He was dead serious though. He was creep central, and very attractive, so no... IMO it doesn't matter.

Do you think the gender matters? Why/why not?

Yeah... well, I'm a girl, so I'm going to find males a lot creepier than females because I'm not concerned about them raping me. Guys also seem to be a little more overtly sexual in situations where they probably shouldn't be... I know far too many guys that give off a MAJOR creepy vibe because they make it oh so obvious that they are only speaking to you in hopes that you'll suddenly rip your clothes off for them or some shit haha.

Oh, but I did know this one girl who thought she was a wolf and would get up in the middle of the night and crawl around on all fours, making weird noises, oh and the best part is that she would piss on the floor and shit... total creepiness right there.

But... creepiness is entirely subjective... people probably think I'm creepy too, and I can be lol.


Well-Known Member
Oh, but I did know this one girl who thought she was a wolf and would get up in the middle of the night and crawl around on all fours, making weird noises, oh and the best part is that she would piss on the floor and shit... total creepiness right there.
Does anyone else want to say it?