Random Jibber Jabber Thread

I stopped smoking marijuana a few days ago. I actually feel ok. More productive. More responsive. More better.

I noticed Im happier with myself and my life when I dont smoke, or smoke very little, during the day. Night time after all is said and done it sure does help me relax, eat, and sleep. And after a hard days work when my body HURTS... fucking HURTS (work with me for a day and you will see what I mean ;) ), it sure does help me cope with the pain! during the day though it can balance me out if I have had too much coffee, and does encourage me to eat a lunch. I have discovered over these years of consuming on so many different levels- that its really about how I balance it into my life, and how I want things to be. Its like a tool I can pick up to help build myself, my life, my happiness... a kind of spiritual and subconscious exploration takes place, synapses that arent normally occuring at these kinds of rates.... In some ways I have related the over all affects of Cannibis most closely to LSD. Wierd as it may seem.... the kind of "inner expansion" seems to take place (though differently of course) with both, and similarly. IDK... it all depends and its all up to you.

But for me, its all up to me.
I couldn't live if they went out of business they are everywhere but i'm lucky because there's one pretty much right across the street from me
If I had to go to starbucks I would choke someone, I went twice and both times almost lost it, I can't handle that place or the people working there or the ones buying that crap

I have a friend that works at a doughnut shop. He said if you knew how they put those holes in there you'd never eat another one. :)