Nice to be Independent

Dog* forbid israel defend herself from those thousands of bombs that are lobbed their way.

The US taxpayer actually intercepts the majority of those "bombs" via Iron Dome.

I doubt you know the difference between a Qassam rocket, an air burst white phosphorous round M825A1 or a BLU39 fired from an f16... The people on the ground sure do...
All I am going to say is that there are a shit ton of horrible things this country does on a daily basis to it's own people and to others abroad, but I will be damned if there is any other country that is any better! I have done a lot of traveling in this world and I am always glad when I come back. We have the cjance to be the greatest country in the world! We as a society just need to grow the fuck up and learn a little.
"supports" is a new claim of yours.

your original claim was "supported", and the timeline was completely erroneous.

You wanna dance around the fact Obama supports al-Qaeda, cool... It'd suck having to admit my president supports al Qaeda if I was an American. No point killing off UBL if you're now gonna deal with individuals, more extreme in ideology than him...

Regardless if they're AQ, AQIM, ALNF, FSA - they're ALL Takfiri Sunnis... Same ideology, same goals...

Just for further clarification as you seem a little slow on the uptake;

Obama is currently supporting salafi jihadists with weapons, training and logistics in Syria, Iraq & Iran.

Obama has and is currently supporting the same people that attacked you on 9/11. The people in AQ's Al Shura are still around, the individuals who supported the attacks in their positions within foreign governments are still around, the people in your government that supported them are still around...

old habits. temporary relapse. it was a well earned fisting by the recipient.

I don't want to know what you let your equine master do to you, none of us do...
You wanna dance around the fact Obama supports al-Qaeda, cool... It'd suck having to admit my president supports al Qaeda if I was an American. No point killing off UBL if you're now gonna deal with individuals, more extreme in ideology than him...

Regardless if they're AQ, AQIM, ALNF, FSA - they're ALL Takfiri Sunnis... Same ideology, same goals...

Just for further clarification as you seem a little slow on the uptake;

Obama is currently supporting salafi jihadists with weapons, training and logistics in Syria, Iraq & Iran.

Obama has and is currently supporting the same people that attacked you on 9/11. The people in AQ's Al Shura are still around, the individuals who supported the attacks in their positions within foreign governments are still around, the people in your government that supported them are still around...

you could write all that, or you could just admit that you changed goalposts.
you could write all that, or you could just admit that you changed goalposts.

I don't have to, because at the end of the day Obama supports takfiri sunni terrorists... If you can't understand that, well it's not surprising...

After all you voted for terrorists via proxy...




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he included pictures. how cute.

I can include definitions too as historically they've eluded you...

The Intelligence Community is guided by the definition of terrorism contained in Title 22 of the US Code, Section 2656f(d):

◦The term "terrorism" means premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against non-combatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents.
◦The term “international terrorism” means terrorism involving the territory or the citizens of more than one country.
◦The term “terrorist group” means any group that practices, or has significant subgroups that practice, international terrorism.

A terrorist group would consist of terrorists moron...
Most Holocaust denial claims imply, or openly state, that the Holocaust is a hoax arising out of a deliberate Jewish conspiracy to advance the interest of Jews at the expense of other peoples.[9]

If he said 6 million jews died in the holocaust how is that denying the event took place?

Actually it's 12 million... 6million jews and 6million of anyone else they didn't like...

You accuse echelon of denying the holocaust took place when he stated 6 million jews were killed?

Six million Jews died in the Holocaust. Jewish communities across Europe were shattered. Many of those who survived were determined to leave Europe and start new lives in Israel or the United States. The population shifts brought on by the Holocaust and by Jewish emigration were astounding.

Maybe the US Holocaust Museum is anti semitic too?

Jews conflate their number to garner more sympathy and justify ongoing israeli war crimes nothing more...

More than 300 Holocaust survivors and their descendants have issued a statement condemning what they call Israel's "genocide" in Gaza.

The International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network placed the statement as an advertisement in the New York Times.

It was in response to an advertisement by Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel which compared the Palestinian militant movement Hamas to the Nazis.

More than 2,000 people have been killed in Gaza in the ongoing conflict.

Most of them were civilians. On the Israeli side, 68 people - mainly soldiers - have been killed.

More decendents of holocaust survivors who must be anti semites too.

You're very angry and bitter today. Did KKKeynes stick it in too deep at the stormfront gangbang?
You accuse echelon of denying the holocaust took place when he stated 6 million jews were killed?

you refer to echelon as if he is a different person than you.

you said, and i quote:

"Jews conflate their number to garner more sympathy and justify ongoing israeli war crimes nothing more..."

that is the very definition of holocaust denial, cupcake.
Now you changing the name of the poster in your quote to suit your purposes?

Drunk and bitter much?

Don't talk about rape with such glee and you wouldn't have made my sig
Now you changing the name of the poster in your quote to suit your purposes?

wasn't it you that changed names after you got banned?

i am simply doing a public service by pointing out that you are a holocaust denier, that way everyone knows to disregard anything you have to say until your next ban.
wasn't it you that changed names after you got banned?

i am simply doing a public service by pointing out that you are a holocaust denier, that way everyone knows to disregard anything you have to say until your next ban.

You performing a public service would be eating a shotgun. Your wife would call that divine intervention. We would call it karmic justice.

You can't prove i'm echelon1k1, neither can your buddy. Lie all you want but you said you are the cause of rape and that's what you're really pissed about. That and I summed up your relationship with the walrus in two words

You can't prove i'm echelon1k1

must have been a completely different bitter anti-semite holocaust denier who had an odd fascination with pugs and a propensity to crop quotes. the exact same repertoire of insults must be pure coincidence too.

is your brother in law (who had to co sign on your house) still banging your meth whore of a girlfriend (who also had to co sign on your house0?

That means you - uncle "THE CAUSE" buck