Attitude Beans seized at Chicago?? Help expose this asshole

[I posted this in a similar thread]

Does anyone know a first hand case - or a reliable 2nd hand report, of a grow bust that occurred because law enforcement was tipped off by customs? Not me, but I'm not all that plugged in. Until I do, I can't imagine - with the shortage of available funding the U S Gov't is up against, an effort made to follow a confiscated bean order to the door in hopes of finding an operational closet.

But if you're ordering dozens at a time, that might make overzealous LE take an interest.
Your not very imaginative there are you Jorgo. You've obviously not seen the kind of info that can be dug up on people from 700 miles away often wearing less then underwear ;) if somehow someone is able to name this person then it would be a free for all if that name got to the right people. We will know what kind of porn this guy pays for. His credit score and all his debt. All his emails. You pretty well can dig up everything about someone if you look deep enough. Now obviously it's pretty far fetched that we would ever find a name but that doesn't mean we can't look. It's not like I'm loosing sleep at night because my seed order has gone unavenged but I definitely would love to kick this dude in the balls as hard as he got me and others with his note. Low blows suck
[I posted this in a similar thread]

Does anyone know a first hand case - or a reliable 2nd hand report, of a grow bust that occurred because law enforcement was tipped off by customs? Not me, but I'm not all that plugged in. Until I do, I can't imagine - with the shortage of available funding the U S Gov't is up against, an effort made to follow a confiscated bean order to the door in hopes of finding an operational closet.

But if you're ordering dozens at a time, that might make overzealous LE take an interest.

I haven't heard of anything and with how many they intercept it would be like trying to arrest drunk homeless people, the resources just arnt there. I don't think they would come after anyone unless maybe it was a HUGE order. I've had several hundred dollar orders come through np but if it woulda been one of those orders this time I'd prolly be sweating a lil more
Guys, if you're ordering something online which is illegal to own in the country you live in, then it's just the luck of the draw. The fact of the matter is, Attitude, Sea of Seeds, Herbies etc, shouldn't even be shipping to these countries in the first place.

The only thing I can suggest for you guys is the next time you're ordering, we'll use an example of 5 packs;

Order 1 pack per day until you've completed your order, start on the Monday, finish of the Friday. At least that way there is a good chance you'll get at least one of your products. It'll cost you a bit more and you'll lose out on the freebies but it's better than nothing, right?

oh please don't even suggest it. I just got mine 5 days after order from sea of seeds. Have any of you ever stepped inside a mail sorting facility ? I have here in Los angeles, and me being the way I am. noticed the LARGE air condition ducts in the roof had 2 way mirrors in it , one of the guys told me they have their own internal police in there walking around and watching the workers. many years ago I worked with a ahole in a hardware store, he was destined to be a real narc, but daddy worked at the post office and stole playboy magazines , that we enjoyed at the hardware store.

I also worked at another company in the transportation industry, and 6 years into working there noticed these boxes with small holes majicly appear looking down the conveyor line, later i found out 2 people knew what packages were going to and stealing it's content (can't elaborate more always paranoid)

anyhow let it go. you either have a repetitive profile or some idiot either side of the pond knows now what to look for. seems like package size and declarations need to change as well as who they are from. would not hurt either to get a UPS box ? I wonder if overseas mail can go there?

keep changing like a chameleon and you will be fine, remember it's ok to be a bit paranoid, nature put it in us to be safe. just don't overindulge in it like me ;)
[I posted this in a similar thread]

Does anyone know a first hand case - or a reliable 2nd hand report, of a grow bust that occurred because law enforcement was tipped off by customs? Not me, but I'm not all that plugged in. Until I do, I can't imagine - with the shortage of available funding the U S Gov't is up against, an effort made to follow a confiscated bean order to the door in hopes of finding an operational closet.

But if you're ordering dozens at a time, that might make overzealous LE take an interest.

they brag about it on " border wars "
I haven't heard of anything and with how many they intercept it would be like trying to arrest drunk homeless people, the resources just arnt there. I don't think they would come after anyone unless maybe it was a HUGE order. I've had several hundred dollar orders come through np but if it woulda been one of those orders this time I'd prolly be sweating a lil more

that's what really should be worrying the OP , is he legit? does he live in a MMJ state? it would help, but as I have been reading won't stop FEDs, so get you stuff clean and tight for a while. that's the pain, and they now they are now fucking with your head, that's what that smiling face tells me.
I'm super legit. I've maxed out with the state with patients so I have high capacity but I only run at about 50% of my numbers. So in covered. Got a lawyer I want to consult about it but they aren't cheap and I figure this one might be no Biggy. Figure a lawyer will prolly overreact anyway.
Your not very imaginative there are you Jorgo. You've obviously not seen the kind of info that can be dug up on people from 700 miles away often wearing less then underwear ;) if somehow someone is able to name this person then it would be a free for all if that name got to the right people. We will know what kind of porn this guy pays for. His credit score and all his debt. All his emails. You pretty well can dig up everything about someone if you look deep enough. Now obviously it's pretty far fetched that we would ever find a name but that doesn't mean we can't look. It's not like I'm loosing sleep at night because my seed order has gone unavenged but I definitely would love to kick this dude in the balls as hard as he got me and others with his note. Low blows suck

I'm more than aware of what "can" be done, but this cuts both ways and bluntly you're not on the side with the advantage here.

Threatening Federal law enforcement? Not smart.

You don't think the Feds can find you RIGHT NOW, if they really wanted to?

Also, if, as you imagine, this guy has the balls to steal contraband directly out of Customs in Chicago for commercial sale, don't you think he might have the potential for other "mischief"?

I'll just leave it at that.

Does anyone know a first hand case - or a reliable 2nd hand report, of a grow bust that occurred because law enforcement was tipped off by customs?

Customs routinely turns over information on significant contraband (ie real drugs) to DEA and other law enforcement. I'm absolutely sure this has led to arrests and convictions, though I can't the direct trail to customs would likely be obscured, and no I can't name specific examples.

On grow bust, I know of no such example. If this happened on any kind of regular basis, or even on an irregular one, we'd probably know about it.

Which isn't to say its NEVER happened or never will, but I do know that customs policy is not to involve Federal or local law enforcement for what they consider "minor" violations, including shipments of SMALL amounts of actual drugs. So they won't get the DEA involved over a gram of coke, but they will over a kilo.

Given that cannabis ceeds aren't even a drug, I just don't think its worth anyones time (ICE, DEA, etc) to try and build a case over something like this.
No bickering please I started this thread to unite us against this asshole. Also to find a way to fish em out. So let's mount up together:bigjoint:

I don't really care if the guy is found out or not I want attitude to update their shipping method to be more snaky or change envelope colors or something. I am going to email the tude if my package does not arrive by next week.
To be clear, did you or did you not receive the beans?

i did ...about 5 weeks out of the normal schedule since i've order from sannie more than 8x

the jewelery package was removed from the card and visually inspected, never opened, and re-taped to a different area of the card.
well i have read every post in this thread and from what i have seen it looks to me like its in the postal service.. customs will take your order and send a letter to the address that the package was intended for.. they keep everything including the envelope.. they will send a certified letter stating that your package was detained in customs for items not allowed to the states. if you would like to retrieve your package you can come to the address stated in the above.. and they will send a pic of the package.. at least that's what they did with my package from a friend trying to ship contraband to me from amsterdam.. so unless you have a letter from the customs agency that seized your package then it's in the postal service.. customs don't take the time to open it and write a goofy note and put it in the tin from attitude.. they send you nothing from the original packing..

my suggestion is to check the postal carrier in your area.. either they have or they know someone that has ordered from attitude and are looking for the packages to swipe.. i will bet its a punk in the sorting section looking for the packages from there UK address.. Chicago is the only place where the packages are being ripped off. so go to the source..and JODIE will tell you the same about customs and there seizure process..good luck and i hope the punk gets there ass screwed up for this shit..
Please spread this link like a germ. Florida is gonna bring legal cannabis to the ballot 2014.:shock:Please help spread the word. We got a big and well known figure to help out.>>>

I wish you the best of luck with that. . .you're going to need it.

So far, FL couldn't even get an MMJ initiative on the ballot despite multiple tries, and the State legislature just banned bongs 31-2 in the Senate and 112-3 in its House less than three months ago. That doesn't look like the political climate of a pro-cannabis state to me.

In general, though South Fl is fairly liberal, its population skews old, and older votes tend to both show up and vote anti-cannabis. Up North, its Georgia/Alabama Bible belt all the way.

Don't get me wrong, I do think FL will get there eventually, and it may even be the first Southeastern State to do it, but I wouldn't hold my breath for a big breakthrough next year.
a lot of states are going for MMJ laws that severely restrict patient grows so you have to get your meds from dispensaries which pay huge taxes, and to open a dispensary you need major cash( here comes big pharm co). not to hard to make your own hooch, but its illegal cause big brother don't get a cut. see where this is going.:sad::hump:

tell me about it the feds would never allow us to grow our own meds but I do see them dropping it to a schedule 2 and allowing doctors to prescribe Sativex and/or other pharmaceutical made cannabis products even though you can make an oil from cbd crew plants for a fraction of the price you can buy Sativex and the cannabinoid levels are about the same.
John Morgan is well known lawyer down here. He is putting up a lot of funds to help out. He is one of the few lawyers I would trust. This time its going to be on the ballot by vote from florida citizens. Its also going to happen around voting time. So politicians are going to tread carefully this go around. I'm sure this go around people are not going to vote for Rick Scott. That's for sure.

He did the pipe ban to TRY and hamper the soon to be legal pot issue. In my opinion its a bitch move. It shows he is scared that their is a very good chance this new legal mj proposal will go through. This time stoners are getting off their ass to vote. The old fart relgious brainwashed zealots won't win this time.

But who knows Florida has been known to have voting scandals before.
Thats what you gotta do chronic.

I got a few suggestions maybe? ignore them if they sound retarded. but in my home state I'm in the process of setting up a website so i can get people to register to vote now so they will be good to go come 2014.

AND THEN step 2 is people applying for absentee ballots. HOW MANY MORE STONERS ARE GONNA VOTE when they don't need to go in. its how I've always voted and how i always will. its fairly easy to do too.

then step 3 is inform which you got under control. get the names of the people out there. explain the issues that seem confusing to people and make it easy mode. Hmm maybe the site i make i could divide it up state by state instead of just my home state?