Your not very imaginative there are you Jorgo. You've obviously not seen the kind of info that can be dug up on people from 700 miles away often wearing less then underwear

if somehow someone is able to name this person then it would be a free for all if that name got to the right people. We will know what kind of porn this guy pays for. His credit score and all his debt. All his emails. You pretty well can dig up everything about someone if you look deep enough. Now obviously it's pretty far fetched that we would ever find a name but that doesn't mean we can't look. It's not like I'm loosing sleep at night because my seed order has gone unavenged but I definitely would love to kick this dude in the balls as hard as he got me and others with his note. Low blows suck
I'm more than aware of what "can" be done, but this cuts both ways and bluntly you're not on the side with the advantage here.
Threatening Federal law enforcement?
Not smart.
You don't think the Feds can find you RIGHT NOW, if they really wanted to?
Also, if, as you imagine, this guy has the balls to steal contraband directly out of Customs in Chicago for commercial sale, don't you think he might have the potential for other "mischief"?
I'll just leave it at that.
Does anyone know a first hand case - or a reliable 2nd hand report, of a grow bust that occurred because law enforcement was tipped off by customs?
Customs routinely turns over information on significant contraband (ie real drugs) to DEA and other law enforcement. I'm absolutely sure this has led to arrests and convictions, though I can't the direct trail to customs would likely be obscured, and no I can't name specific examples.
On grow bust, I know of no such example. If this happened on any kind of regular basis, or even on an irregular one, we'd probably know about it.
Which isn't to say its NEVER happened or never will, but I do know that customs policy is not to involve Federal or local law enforcement for what they consider "minor" violations, including shipments of SMALL amounts of actual drugs. So they won't get the DEA involved over a gram of coke, but they will over a kilo.
Given that cannabis ceeds aren't even a drug, I just don't think its worth anyones time (ICE, DEA, etc) to try and build a case over something like this.