Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w

you woke up with a hashover? not done that for a while, i prefer to not smoke a couple of hours before bed.

i can't really figure out what is is your doing there jig, is that an extension of your house or like a new shed you are building? it looks like you are doing pretty well, that looks a professional job.

as for the plants, they are looking good, what is the plan for them? vert scrog again maybe? you could do with sexing the seedlings first before you put any more hard work in with them.

edit :omg sorry i read it but it didn't sink in, it's an office for his wife (makes caveman noise).
LMAO you are funny. Thanks for the update :-) whats the word you hate? exercise? Duh I just got it,,, Im not at my sharpest...<< also toking allot.
I also think about you guys all the time out there working. You'll make it out to the farm eventually,,, longer you wait the better it will be ;-) Wife shipping you off again? My mother did that to me, and it was not to amsterdam for the cup either lol boy that would have been nice.

Dude the office is looking fukin serious... Also, Im always rocking out for sure :-) I really really need to hook up speakers and internet out by the garden, that would be so perfect,,, Im killing myself with datta charges haha and I dont want to fork over for unlimited... Errr just need a long ass ethernet cable and another router or something.

The last paragraph I dont get at all haha.

The office is looking totally awesome man, the corners of my room were the biggest pain, so I can only imagine a building like that!

From all the deep thinking and positive emotion your feeling it sounds like a perfect time for a pre baby mushroom trip to me. I happened to be growing my mushrooms when I got my wife pregnant (pretty sure it was while both of us were tripping early that year) anyway, I found the next several months of tripping and thinking about the future very enlightening. We've got a 1/4 set back still for once we finish unpacking and moving in completely for us both to trip here in the new house.
ns plants ,lookin healthy,,,,sounds enlightening, I remember the good ole days , 4 way hit window pane,extremity at its best.
wow a rush of feelings just took over.. sitting here crying in happyness. Insane bro love in this place. HHB!
So so glad for you and the wife.
you woke up with a hashover? not done that for a while, i prefer to not smoke a couple of hours before bed.

i can't really figure out what is is your doing there jig, is that an extension of your house or like a new shed you are building? it looks like you are doing pretty well, that looks a professional job.

as for the plants, they are looking good, what is the plan for them? vert scrog again maybe? you could do with sexing the seedlings first before you put any more hard work in with them.

edit :omg sorry i read it but it didn't sink in, it's an office for his wife (makes caveman noise).

Smoking right before bed is about the only routine smoking time I have.

Room is office for wife, like you saw. It's cuz the babies on the way. Need a quiet place for phone calls and concentration.

Plants, I really have no plan for them. I think I'm only going to run a 250 or 400w instead the big 1000w. I always have too much herb and hate dealing with it, so I'm going to grow less. And all the seedlings are sexed. I put them into 12/12 strait away and they all went into flowering. They are the girls left. I popped 20 s33ds, between males and a couple I just managed to kill we got 9 left.

Oh, and J1 x GDP (?) is the strain I forgot.

LMAO you are funny. Thanks for the update :-) whats the word you hate? exercise? Duh I just got it,,, Im not at my sharpest...<< also toking allot.
I also think about you guys all the time out there working. You'll make it out to the farm eventually,,, longer you wait the better it will be ;-) Wife shipping you off again? My mother did that to me, and it was not to amsterdam for the cup either lol boy that would have been nice.

Dude the office is looking fukin serious... Also, Im always rocking out for sure :-) I really really need to hook up speakers and internet out by the garden, that would be so perfect,,, Im killing myself with datta charges haha and I dont want to fork over for unlimited... Errr just need a long ass ethernet cable and another router or something.

Yeah, exercise. Fuck that spelling. English is such a bastard language. You know other languages don't have spelling bees, because they spell shit the way it sounds.

And getting shipped out to the dam is not the worst fate.

We have a big data limit, we don't get close, so I can listen to all music I want to out there on the phone. Actually... my phone hooks up to the wifi, so I use that. And I understood that paragraph. :)

The office is looking totally awesome man, the corners of my room were the biggest pain, so I can only imagine a building like that!

From all the deep thinking and positive emotion your feeling it sounds like a perfect time for a pre baby mushroom trip to me. I happened to be growing my mushrooms when I got my wife pregnant (pretty sure it was while both of us were tripping early that year) anyway, I found the next several months of tripping and thinking about the future very enlightening. We've got a 1/4 set back still for once we finish unpacking and moving in completely for us both to trip here in the new house.

Dude, mushrooms have become a bit of an issue over here. Maybe that's making more of it than there is. See my wife always had this idea that doing mushrooms on the beach in india would be a good idea. Enter man and woman differences. See what I've leaned in this lesson is that women think differently than men about plans and ideas. When I say I'd like to do something, I mean it. "I'd love to visit Paris one day"... if I said that, and someone walked up and said, here's a free trip to paris, I'd take it. I really want to do the things I say I do. Now apparently women just like to imagine shit. "I'd love to visit Cairo one day" a woman might say. Her man might say something like "Well lets plan a trip to Cairo". It's not about actually going to Cairo... it's about the thought. The idea. No one actually wants to go there. It's hot and dangerous. It's just a nice dream to have.

WTF? I don't understand. Either you want to do something or you don't. ???

Anyways, understanding aside... I accept. It's just an idea. Not something you'd ACTUALLY do.

So it is with mushrooms. I had been trying to think of a way we could make it happen. I thought if I grew them I would know what they were, and it wouldn't involve me going out and finding a supplier. I had a whole plan in place. I was thinking halucinagens were something I should take a look into again. They after all, were a very big part of my formative years. I bring up the subject and she kinda flips out, like "You want to start doing halucinagens right when were about to have a kid"

I'm all caught off gaurd, like the fucking mushrooms were your idea in the first place.

"Oh, well I was just saying that"

"Well you sure fucking say it a lot for 'just saying'"

It wasn't all that dramatic, but it sure caught me out. I was thinking I was solving a problem and I'm causing one.

So I'm not sure that a mushroom trip is in the cards right now lol. It would be cool though.

ns plants ,lookin healthy,,,,sounds enlightening, I remember the good ole days , 4 way hit window pane,extremity at its best.

Thanks raiderman.

wow a rush of feelings just took over.. sitting here crying in happyness. Insane bro love in this place. HHB!
So so glad for you and the wife.

Glad the wave of emotion crashed over you. It's good to get soaked in feelings occasionally.

Moving along steady, Is that Grape Kush from BC?

Yes sir. They are indeed.
The Grape Kush is by far the fastest moving strain out of the 6. It popped first, grew the fastest, showed sex first, got the furthest into flower and so is the only one revegging right now. The rest are just vegging, no 're' needed. lol

The J1 is the smelliest one I got.

No idea about pheno. I guess it's the fast growing one. ??? I can't spot different phenos this early. Not a trained eye.
Very vigorous and the lush really mellows out the dj short sativa-ness of it. i loved it made for beautiful buds and i considered my favorite pheno an aphrodisiac, most strain do the opposite ;).
Sounds nice. Hopefully mine turn out nice too.

Question completely off topic for you guys. I met this dude a few weeks ago. We had a nice conversation, normal chit chat, what do you do, what do you do, blah blah. He asked if I had a card, LOL... yeah, right here. Anyways, next time I saw him I wrote my email and phone number down. I always think it odd when people want your 'info'. Anyhow I didn't think much of it.

A few days ago I get an email newsletter thing talking about "Make money living the life you love" or some bullshit like that. Was one of those SUPER long emails, linked to an even LONGER webpage. Typical scam type thing. Well maybe not scam, just bullshit.

I wrote the guy an email saying effectively, "fuck you... i thought you were actually going to email me."

And he's all confused like what's the issue. You gave me your email address and I sent you something.

Am I trippin? Or is he just a douche? Possibly both.
imo, if he was going to "spam" you. he shouldv'e mentioned his motives first off. maybe you were a tad abrasive but hell. you should hear what i do to telemarketers.
That's what I'm saying. Just say when I give you my email address... "Hey I'm gonna send you my deal"

I might actually even be receptive to it then. And yeah... a bit abrasive should be my middle name. :)
one of the biggest mistakes people make in life is assuming that others have the same morals and standard as themselves, I am always tripping myself up with this in life......

if he had mentioned it to you when talking then fine, but first email to someone you have recently met sending them spam shit...sorry, but long walk on a short pier is in order for that friendship.

That's what I'm saying. Just say when I give you my email address... "Hey I'm gonna send you my deal"

I might actually even be receptive to it then. And yeah... a bit abrasive should be my middle name. :)
It's true. :) Too friendly will get you a lot of annoying folks chatting your ear off. It also gets you invited to random events, which is sometimes fun. The path of my life was significantly altered by a conversation I had with a guy at my first rave. I was ripped on ecstasy and so was he. We chatted like long lost friend, no brothers, for seeminly hours. I wrote his phone number on a flyer and think I called him a month later. Left a message saying whats up. A couple weeks later he called me on friday night. Said, hey, we are leaving for a party in about an hour, you should come with us. He lived an hour away, so I made one call to invite someone I knew... they declined.

I sped off to this dudes house who I sorta kinda remember. I knew he was really tall, skinny, and black. That's about all I remembered. I get to his place and it was about the trippiest place I had ever been. I don't know where I expected Dr. Rave master to live, but I didn't expect him to live with some rednecks lol. No idea who knew who, or how that works out, but 22 year old A.J. lived with two 50 year old white guys, and a 15 year old boy. The kid was glued to the computer while we were there and the dad's or whatever were talking about getting beer and lynyrd skynyrd.

So me and AJ, quite the pair, are waiting for the rest of the crew to show up. I'm feeling distinctly out of place... and then the crew shows up. 10 people and everyone is Asian and raved out to the fucking max. No fur pants or anything, but I was definitely wondering what the hell I was doing there. Everyone else wasn't sure what to make of the white guy so I rode alone with AJ. We drove near 2 hours to the 'party'. It's actually near where I live now.

We go to this rave, have a blast, and around 6am we head to the car. Super funny... I had latched on to this girl we came with. We were just talking, I wasn't hanging on her or anything. And we are all shuffling out to the cars and I'm walking with her. We get to the car and she's like "Where are you friends, and where are you guys parked?" I'm like "Un... I'm with you and the car is this one." She seriously didn't believe I came with them. I tried to remind her, I was the white guy you came with. She still wasn't sure until the other folks let me in the car with them. We talked a lot on the way home. I kissed her. :)

About 30 minutes away we stop for gas. The car we were in was a P.O.S. and the guy driving it wasn't the owner. He didn't know the car couldn't handle speed bumps. He went over one and it sliced the brake line. A car with no brake fluid is a bit scary. My stupid drugged up ass thought, I could drive it and just use the E brake to stop us. Everyone thought, huh, we've never met this guy... but it sounds like a plan. I got in the drivers seat, put my feet on the peddles and though, "FUCK THIS". One of the best thoughts in my life.

So all 7 of us pile in a 2-door 99 Acura Integra. The kinda car you could barely fit 5 adults in. I was bummed I couldnt sit with my new lady friend for this leg of the trip. The car drove ok... but the brakes weren't designed for so much weight. We almost plowed into a car on the freeway. Exciting time I really hope my daughter does not relive.

On with the story... I said it altered the course of things. We get back to the dudes place and it's getting light by this time. Me and the girl exchange numbers and end up spending the whole weekend together. She was my girlfriend for the next 3.5 years. She was the one I followed up to LA from San Diego. And in LA is where I met my wife and started this lovely life that has brought me together with you guys.

Never would have met any of yall if it weren't for talking to AJ at that rave. :)
Oh, and I'm bummed. I had made it my whole project without hurting myself, till yesterday. I got the ridgeboard up. It's the spine along the top of the house. Well I stood up right into in knocking the top of my head real good. No stars or blurry vision. Alls good... just wasn't very much fun. I took a nap and tried again later. Did the same thing. I'm going to have to be careful up there. Got more than 1/3 of the rafters in, so that's good. Need to finish today. It's almost a building.
great story jig. life is only what you make of it, keep an open mind.

raves have a lot of good to answer for, where else could you put so many young people together and see complete harmony?.

edit: and be careful on the roof, just because you are high up doesn't mean there is nothing above you. roofers wear hard hats for a reason
Hahaha..... bumping my old post from December. SOmeone gave me a rep for it and I wondered what it was. Some nice views up here. You'd think people would want to come visit.... still only had a handful of folks up in the almost 6 years we've been here. Only 2 hours drive from about 22 million people. Such a nice hidden away spot. Not sure what buds those are.

I was out doing inspections the other day and the clouds were pretty, so I snapped a couple shots for you guys. And yes... I do think about you guys all the time lol.



