Help make a neighbors list (person/job)


Well-Known Member
This place going to be self sustaining? I know how to make a gasification generator that could run on hemp.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
This place going to be self sustaining? I know how to make a gasifaction generator that could run off hemp.
I certainly hope so! It's all in our heads so we can dress it out anyway we want! Best of all everyone is invited :) and seriously you have some important skills we need!


Well-Known Member
I certainly hope so! It's all in our heads so we can dress it out anyway we want! Best of all everyone is invited :) and seriously you have some important skills we need!
Awesome! Throw me on the other side of town from Clayton and we'll keep the crazies out/in, whatever.:-P


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Can I leave my christmas lights up all year?
Well of course! We ain't gonna have no officious intermeddler homeowner's association getting up our butts! Frankly nothing is prettier in my opinion then christmas lights at night. If we produce our own electricity we could string the trees in the park etc... even! Competitions for best hamburger stand, LOL. But of course as a group we'll have to discuss since we may need to turn them off on occasion when the Astronomer's of our group need to lower the ambient conditions at night. But I'm sure we could work that out with copious pot although this might rise to the level of concentrates!

Oh and of course we need a concentrate production department. I'm thinking CN would have to help there and double JJ has this incredible process already setup So hopefully he'll pitch in there too. But considering the trees he's growing his hands could literally be full! So much to do!!

can i be minister of getting high and mowing lawns?
Well that's the point you gotta work that out with the other lawn mowing crew. As for minister of getting high I think that will be hotly contested LOL so U gonna have to share :) we are all gonna take our turn in that particular barrel LOL!

I think something like "Official town greeter and Head of newb inquisition" would be more your speed. You've a way with words, a gift. You find the bullshit, and then the weakness. and you let one inspire you to use the other in such inspiring ways!
I must agree. I think doing security checks on newb's is one of UB's strengths. He has mad research skills. Plus if my memory serves he brings with him a potential medical team member (I call dibs on the neurosurgical concession tho). But hey we all like doing all kinds of shit so what the hey. I'm sure we'll be sticking our noses into everyone else's jobs this could be great fun.

I am interviewing for the lawnmowing position next week. Bring a joint and we'll see
Oh it's a crew! This will be big we need an outdoor horticulture crew. I could see outdoor mj ag as a subset of the entire outdoor horticulture crew. So the guys with the really mad outdoor skills will prepare the next gen to assume the position, errrrrr job. But again this is beyond my pay grade and so the outdoor crew will have to negotiate amongst themselves. I am willing to be part of the impartial panel selected to judge the outdoor grow down that, I hope, ensues!

Can I be the cat lady?

Ummm tough call, but I'm tending toward no, but if you PROMISED not to conspire with the cats and not to walk around with them, in a bag, or just throwing them at people then I think we could risk a go at that. But I worry what you and sufficiently motivated cat(s) could come up with.


Again this is merely my brain fart. Others in the group you wish to join will have the voting power, me not so much, as I have no plans for sanity in my foreseeable future. I think we all agree on that at least. But those are my thoughts.

I'll be the sheriff, or Supreme General of Security, Humanity, Empathy, and Good Nature!

I'm thinking we would need one helluva network infrastructure, and a LOT of very high tech security... Will lethal traps be allowed in the community? If not, I think I remember how to code for end-point termination systems, and pilot-less flight delivery systems.

EDIT: Can I bring a couple dump trucks, and skid steers? Only 248s, but they haul some ass. And, I believe I could lend a few tools for small and large (gas, propane, and diesel) engine repair, hydraulic systems, and pneumatic systems. Oh, and I guess we should pave the roads -- asphalt or concrete? Asphalt's more environmentally friendly (no, seriously, it is.) But, concrete lasts a lot longer. Climate will also be a factor in that.
Well they say once you can fake sincerity LOL!

I must agree about the network security.... You do have some mad skillz here but again we have a similar issue as to beardo and cats. Also the perimeter security (I find firewall to be to constrictive a term), can be written in any language whose initials begin with C (don't say cobol or I end you), :)

If see4 pitches in to help here no delegating outside comparison testing! I'm not that stupid and yeah I'll volunteer for this team as code review geek since my native lang. is C. Oh and there will be NO obfuscative C contests on production code! LOL jesus why did I volunteer to help the fucking flying monkey code team!

Code commenting, eloquent and minimal

mmmmmmmmmm pilot-less flight delivery systems! OH my!! those words warm this girls heart, yum! Do I know you?

Yes roadwork, we will need roads and that is way beyond my skill level Ahh ashphalt vs concrete. There's so much to like about concrete as I'm sure you aware. Plus the entire road crew will have to work this out. You are gonna be very busy coding and laying road (that just sounds good). Laying roads! yes but I digress

You also need to be in the ministery of death metal music. oh and no lethal traps inside the community (seriously we are stoners)! I'd be the first person that would be dead! OK so possibly this has advantages I must admit. So discuss that amongst the entire security team. I think we need an internal team and an external army. We should also discuss posse comitatus :) LOL


Well-Known Member
I just got off the horn with Jesus. He says that I should be head of religion. He also says that stoners need extra help getting to heaven, so you all need to give me 15%, not the usual 10%. Sorry, it's God's call...


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I just got off the horn with Jesus. He says that I should be head of religion. He also says that stoners need extra help getting to heaven, so you all need to give me 15%, not the usual 10%. Sorry, it's God's call...
So far I think it's eyexaggerate on the religion crew? Cn is that right? So this you will have to discuss with him and everyone else who joins that committee. They will handle the religious concession. This is a community by committee, think camel / racehorse :)


Ursus marijanus
I just got off the horn with Jesus. He says that I should be head of religion. He also says that stoners need extra help getting to heaven, so you all need to give me 15%, not the usual 10%. Sorry, it's God's call...
First guy tries to build a church gets rolled in honey oil and Doritos, then released into a roomful of bored stoners with snaggleteeth. cn


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Staff member
I'd like to apply for 'forest ranger'. Somebody has to sit around I mean look after all the trees......
OK I'm restraining myself from sexual harassment here! You do not know how hard this is for me.

If you grow trees like that you can do whatever you want in my opinion. Personally with that new hat and spiffy beretta and mad camo skills you'd be external army or inner security team and definitely in the outdoor ag team. I also was thinking about your concentrate skills you have a wild process there you know.

Also I keep flashing on the cobra, a real cobra..... mmmmmm driving team too. Oh and looking at those legs let's not forget the bait team. Someone needs to bring in the mature ladies. You just have skill written all over you!

So you'll just have to do what you want LOL or all of them as you have time :)


Active Member
Aw I wanna join~ lol

I'm good at cleaning things and delivering bad news. Is that useful? :P

(this was a fun read haha ^^)


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Fine, then. I'll bring Finshaggy and we will run the bitcoin mining operation.
Ok I'm good with this but you have to be responsible for sneaking him past UB and cleaning up all the fap material he engenders! Seriously if you bring a pet you clean up after it!

Aw I wanna join~ lol

I'm good at cleaning things and delivering bad news. Is that useful? :P

(this was a fun read haha ^^)
OH GAWD YES Everyone can join! This is going to be fun and relatively friendly. I was over in another thread promoting you as auto body goddess! I was trying to get you to show indagrow your car (black/purple). His truck's south end got demolished and my probie's front end needs a come-a-long applied, so I was suggesting we head your way for classes and we could be the sweat equity :) So hell yes! We need all your skills!