Which type of deficiancy would this be?


I know there are tons of threads, I've read through a lot of them and honestly I think I'm to anal to pick one problem lol.

I have this problem where if I see one thing different about the plant, I can't stop assuming shit (all bad like it's dying/going to die ect).

here is the picture of a leaf I took off of the plant. I would say around 20% of the leaves are having these symptoms.

Also, a little extra info. This is my first attempt at growing, and I got the green thumb due to my friend growing beautiful plants. So, I thought I would
try and grow a little something myself this year. I however didn't read anything when beginning. I used miracle growhttps://www.google.com/search?q=miracle grow&start=0&spell=1 soil (lol) and I don't any anything
to the soil. I just water it and it grows, which is exactly what I wanted this first time around.

So just recently I found out I had a mite problem on one of my plants, so I went to a hydro store and the guy recommended Mighty Wash. I used it on my
plant, everything was great, killed all the mites, no problems at all. Found out the plant was a male, killed it, and now my other plant has mites. I used MW
on said plant, everything died, everything good for 2 days, and on the third day, this is what is happening. Wasn't sure what could be the problem though.


Thanks for the help, also if anyone knows the best way to grow with the current soil, i know I won't be getting the best, I just want to complete a cycle.
You likely have several deficiencies which could either be from not giving it any food, or it could be pH lockout. If you are in MG soil, it probably has some food in it, if you are doing this on the cheap just go out and get some inexpensive tomato plant food and give it a light dose (like 1/4 of what is recommended on the label) wait a couple waterings and if things are improved you can bump it up to 1/2 strength and then a couple waterings and goto full strength. If you start seeing signs of burning back off the food and post any pictures and people will help.

Also look up a chart to help identify:

You likely have several deficiencies which could either be from not giving it any food, or it could be pH lockout. If you are in MG soil, it probably has some food in it, if you are doing this on the cheap just go out and get some inexpensive tomato plant food and give it a light dose (like 1/4 of what is recommended on the label) wait a couple waterings and if things are improved you can bump it up to 1/2 strength and then a couple waterings and goto full strength. If you start seeing signs of burning back off the food and post any pictures and people will help.

Also look up a chart to help identify:


haha, I like that lmgtfy thing, comedy!

Anyways, ok cool, i'll do what you said. Yeah, I looked at the chart as well, but I feel I'm not experienced enough with growing to just look at a picture and match it.
Then again, that's me being anal and not wanting to fuck up! Hence why I posted here so people such as yourself can give me great advice!

Thanks for the input!
awesome!! Thanks lot, do you have any idea the messurments for the epsom salt treatment? or anyone for that matter :D

again, thanks a lot guys! Also, the MG has ''feed up to 3 months'' on it. What I read was that MG gives to much nutes, so it gets nute burn.. So my question is, can I finish my grow with MG? Even if I know the bud wont be good.
Are u asking about the curlin darker tips of the leaves? Could be as simple as heat stress, went through a serious case of this and it started just like in the picture, my room temps were exceeding 90 degrees so keep that on mind
Are u asking about the curlin darker tips of the leaves? Could be as simple as heat stress, went through a serious case of this and it started just like in the picture, my room temps were exceeding 90 degrees so keep that on mind
The crispy curling edges and also the yellowing color. I would say 20% or so have those symptoms.
pic of the whole plant would be better. what do you expect us to tell you just seeing one leaf? any answers you get from that pic will just be wild guesses.
I may be wrong here (probably am) but if your outdoors and sprayed the plant might it have been to hot and the moisture burnt at the tips before it could evaporate.
pic of the whole plant would be better. what do you expect us to tell you just seeing one leaf? any answers you get from that pic will just be wild guesses.

Very true, here are a couple of pictures.. Bare with me if they aren't the best to describe the problem lol!




I may be wrong here (probably am) but if your outdoors and sprayed the plant might it have been to hot and the moisture burnt at the tips before it could evaporate.

Yeah, so what I did was put them in a very shady area, like 7 feet away from the sun. Everything was good from the time I sprayed them, till like 3 days later. Then began the curling, yellowing of leaves, ect.
looks over watered and underfed. but are you sure you have mites and not root aphids? root aphids will cause a lot of damage.
Did you research the product you sprayed it down with to see if someone else had a bad experience with it afterwards it may just be the shock its going under right now from indoor to out then sprayed down with some Chemical you sure you even had bugs to be killing in the first place not being a dick just asking.
Did you research the product you sprayed it down with to see if someone else had a bad experience with it afterwards it may just be the shock its going under right now from indoor to out then sprayed down with some Chemical you sure you even had bugs to be killing in the first place not being a dick just asking.

Well for sure I can not say I had spider mites for sure. But I did notice very fine webbing from the base to some branches (noticed due to some grass blades getting stuck in invisible air lol) Turned it over to see little things moving around, very hard to see. I definetly reseached a lot about Mighty Wash. NO ONE had reported any drying of the leaves or shock to the plant. I had sprayed another plant prior to this one, and it
responded perfectly fine. I also sprayed 2 other plants along with this one at the same time, no problems with those.

For the overwatered part, how often would you water them? I normally scratch the surface about an inch or 2 deep and make sure its dry or slightly moist before watering. Also, how might I check for root aphids?
you can see them on top of the soil right after you water sometimes. or you can pull the plant out of the pot if in a pot and just stare at the side roots and you will be able to see them move in and out of the soil. they will turn into something that looks like a fungus gnats when mature.
the lower leaves die sometimes it is a way for the plant to maximise efficiency and only use the solar panels that are catching the light, the ones underneath don't do a very good job so they have to go.

i wouldn't worry about it, the rest of the plant looks ok to me, maybe nitrogen hungry too.
Easy man, the color looks like over watering, also because the dropping in the leaves suggest water bogged. This being said a water bogged plant can cause nut lock out as well witch could be why u can't settle on one symptom. Try letting the soil lighten more and check the knuckle test were u push your finger in soil up to second knuckle to test moisture. If its damp or wet don't water! The curling of the leaves I can say that saturated leaves tend to crisp easier then dryer leaves. This is because of the process of photosynthesis more
Perfect, loving how active this forum is!! Definitely encorages me to want to grow and learn more. Thanks again for the feed back! Much appreciated!

So I'm just gonna hold off on the watering for a little and see how she does.

So if I could describe the plant. It seems to have curling leaves in a n shape, tips crisping/browning, along with what seems to be the tips of the leaves getting pointier.
Also, the leaves are yellowing and the majority is at the bottom, but it goes up to about the middle of the plant. Nothing TOO serious as far as I can see.

Edit: Also, no bugs after watering, and I transplanted it like a week and a half ago, no bugs.