Nice to be Independent

You have devolved to baseless insults. If I were a deserter, how would I have 100% VA disability?

So you do take a cheque from the US taxpayer while claiming you're a staunchly anti-American anti-imperialist La raza supporter...

US money is never too green for you is it....

I don't even know what la Raza believes, do you even have the capability to argue with out resorting to strawman?

Can you stop making shit up about me to attack, please? pretty please, with sugar on top, could you stop doing that?

There is mention of the 101st again, I told you, that was not my unit, you have me confused with some deserter and I have already reported you for this, it is called libel, and you are doing this as part of your strawman.

Now to the point, no, Australians did not do any fighting, so watch your words you green fucking cherry, unlike you, I'm a veteran warrior. Learn some respect you antisemitic libelous fucking coward.
I don't even know what la Raza believes, do you even have the capability to argue with out resorting to strawman?

Can you stop making shit up about me to attack, please? pretty please, with sugar on top, could you stop doing that?

There is mention of the 101st again, I told you, that was not my unit, you have me confused with some deserter and I have already reported you for this, it is called libel, and you are doing this as part of your strawman.

Now to the point, no, Australians did not do any fighting, so watch your words you green fucking cherry, unlike you, I'm a veteran warrior. Learn some respect you antisemitic libelous fucking coward.

report it all you want buck... Yes there I go mentioning the 101st again, they provide Australian troops with a 6/4 rotary package. There you go proving how much of a mexicant you are... Mexicans can read...

You wouldn't know what Australians did what fighting and so STFU, soldier... So you were in a 75th or on a ODA team were you soldier?
The difference is it's not going on today moron

it sure is. the deaths you guys caused the natives, driving them off their land, the continued persecution and racism, are horrible. just because you guys got into civil rights a few years after we did doesn't mean you're not still on their land.

Glad you voted for the bloke ... who funded and armed ... the VERY TERRORISTS THAT HIT YOU ON 9/11...

That's priceless, your tax dollars at work..

are you seriously that dumb?

obama wasn't in any position to even vote for that kind of thing before 9/11, much less actually fund and arm it himself. that's just silly talk from an aussie who is out of touch with reality.
and for the record, i am not accepting your claim that israel has no right to exist, i am simply assuming it for the purposes of argument.

if those jewish invaders have no right to conquer the palestinians with their superior force, what right then do you have to be living on land that you stole by similar force?

what makes you so special and the jews so contemptible?
and for the record, i am not accepting your claim that israel has no right to exist, i am simply assuming it for the purposes of argument.

if those jewish invaders have no right to conquer the palestinians with their superior force, what right then do you have to be living on land that you stole by similar force?

what makes you so special and the jews so contemptible?

Not their land... In 1948 the IDF "ethnically cleansed" the Palestinian population and still continue to do so today... CIA paid off Latin American countries to vote in favour of a Jewish state at the UN... They perpetrate war crimes all day long and the UN have ruled post 1967 borders illegal, Israel have also publicly state they do not want a two state solution, they never intended on it.

Buck if you can post one picture of the Australian government bulldozing aboriginal homes or killing aboriginal protesters, for the purposes of ethnic cleansing, from anytime during the last decade and i'll never post a negative comment towards jews or Israel again.

I can post thousands of pics showing that Israel is doing the above right this second...
Not their land... In 1948 the IDF "ethnically cleansed" the Palestinian population and still continue to do so today... CIA paid off Latin American countries to vote in favour of a Jewish state at the UN... They perpetrate war crimes all day long and the UN have ruled post 1967 borders illegal, Israel have also publicly state they do not want a two state solution, they never intended on it.

Right, but that is absolutely not a good reason to post so much antisemitic bullshit. Now coming along as if it has something to do with your concern for Palestinians is just making the people who actually care about Palestine seem like they are aligned with your antisemitism. Go back to Stormfront or Tacoburrito or what ever racist forum you came from, your bigotry and libel are ruining too many threads here just because you dislike what people have to say.
How is collecting my VA disability incompatible with my hatred of capitalism? Are you just jealous?

Anarchist... Libertarian Socialist... WTF you call yourself today, don't forget who pays your bills, the US Taxpayer via it's government... As I've told you many times, youre a Mexican in mexico... Jealousy...? Please bitch...
Not their land... In 1948 the IDF "ethnically cleansed" the Palestinian population and still continue to do so today... CIA paid off Latin American countries to vote in favour of a Jewish state at the UN... They perpetrate war crimes all day long and the UN have ruled post 1967 borders illegal, Israel have also publicly state they do not want a two state solution, they never intended on it.

Buck if you can post one picture of the Australian government bulldozing aboriginal homes or killing aboriginal protesters, for the purposes of ethnic cleansing, from anytime during the last decade and i'll never post a negative comment towards jews or Israel again.

I can post thousands of pics showing that Israel is doing the above right this second...

Oh yeah, I just looked myself. And I can remember when some Jewish settlements were bulldozed by the govt. Yeah, that was meeting some demand by the Pals of Israel. The Pals didn't stick to their end and claimed it was the Jews who clamed the Pals started it.

The settlement war has gone on for a long time. But, lands won in war are settled.

Thus it is ever so. The only difference here is I don't choose sides. The winner won until he can't anymore. That what will happen to the USA.