Nice to be Independent

Actually the very blood end is Joseph Smith. It is a totally home grown kook religion. You may have heard of it. Utah?
If you looked into federal government FDA regulations this picture begins to make much more sense.
People are so fuckin fat in this country because unless you're eating 100% organic diet you are eating poison in the food, poisons that you become addicted to and become fat off of.

I eat well and it is cheap too.
I'm all for that. What does a watchtower do? Eradicate? Lots of weirdos over here. True. I guess I'm just used to it. They all get to vote.
Maybe that's it.

your pie chart does not tell the whole story, this equates to you having something like 200 million Christians
where the uk has 35 million Christians , so you basically have over 3 times as many Christians as we have people in our total population LOL
that is a lot of Christians by any standard

200 million crazy American fundamentalists what a thought

The hanging of Mary Dyer on the Boston gallows in 1660 marked the beginning of the end of the Puritan theocracy and New England independence from English rule. In 1661 King Charles II explicitly forbade Massachusetts from executing anyone for professing Quakerism. In 1684 England revoked the Massachusetts charter, sent over a royal governor to enforce English laws in 1686, and in 1689 passed a broad Toleration act.

an inbreed king had to tell your ancestors to stop hanging women for the crime of not being your type of christian belt buckle head
you folk have always been savages
That's not the way to destroy ignorance.

That which can be destroyed by truth ought to be.

Merica ought not to eradicate anybody.

well america would be eradicating part of the cancer from within itself, Christianity is such a cancer just like Islam and the rest of these man made control systems
i do not hate Americans or wish them any harm, maybe you feel differently, it is just some aspects of their behavior i am not so keen on

i see religion and nationalism as types of control systems they are mainly designed to cause divisions, eradicating these things is good for most people
bad for a few that created them
We stipulate we ARE savage. Will you stipulate that Ivory Tower insults are meaningless to savages?

We just can't understand the high brow, value system. So, your help is lost to us, alas.
I'm all for that. What does a watchtower do? Eradicate? Lots of weirdos over here. True. I guess I'm just used to it. They all get to vote.
Maybe that's it.

I guess I'm just used to it.

Do you walk around staring at your feet afraid to look up ?
i would not want to be "used" to American christian fundamentalism,

perhaps it is more of a case you have been desensitised from this kind of bigotry rather than not noticing it

something else your pie chart failed to address
you folk are fanatics or fundamentalists or extremists, killing for your God




look up once in a while
People do not even know shit about independence day, or why we celebrate the 4th of july.
This country is already burning in eternal hell fire of stupidity!
good to have you leading the way.

tell me more about the illuminati conspiracy.
Man you really enjoy riding my nuts!
How about the conspiracy of i wagered my life on this very site that obama's 2nd presidency was a forgone conclusion months before the "election" even as the scripted drama of debates was unfolding between him and romney. Here is a random fact of the day to feed you troll.
The U.N. "peacekeepers" run sex slavery!


is that where you get your "news"? no wonder you;re such a conspiratorial douchenut.

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[TABLE="class: infobox, width: 150"]
[TD="bgcolor: #1B621B, align: center"] Some dare call it Conspiracy
[TD="bgcolor: #A9E6A9, align: center"] [/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #1B621B, align: center"]Secrets revealed! [/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #A9E6A9"]
[TD="bgcolor: #1B621B, align: center"]The revealers [/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #A9E6A9"]
v - t - e
[/TABLE] (also under the domain name may best be described as a left-wing equivalent to WingNutDaily. It is the website of the Montreal-based non-profit The Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG), founded by Michel Chossudovsky. The website describes itself as an "independent research and media organization." takes pride in being a reliable "alternative news" source serving as a major repository of a broad range of "news articles, in-depth reports and analysis on issues which are barely covered by the mainstream media" (such as the New World Order). Its politico-economic stance is strongly anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist, anti-militarist, "internationalist but anti-globalization." Its view of science, the economy and geopolitics seems to be broadly conspiracist.
Many of's articles discuss legitimate humanitarian or environmental concerns, but the site has a strong undercurrent of reality warping and bullshit throughout its pages.
Despite presenting itself as a source of scholarly analysis, mostly consists of polemics many of which accept (and use) conspiracy theories, pseudoscience and propaganda.
The prevalent conspiracist strand relates to global power-elites (primarily governments and corporations) and their New World Order. Specific featured conspiracy theories include those addressing 9/11, vaccines, genetic modification, Zionism, HAARP, global warming, and David Kelly. Analyses of these issues tend follow the lines of the site's political biases.
Apparently, contributors to consider information sourced from anyone who seems aligned to their ideology as reliable; during the 2011 Libyan civil war the site was an apologist for Muammar al-Gaddafi, reproducing his propaganda and painting him as a paragon of a modern leader.
what we know about that website's founder is no big surprise either.

spoiler alert: holocaust denier.

In Mike Karadjis' 2000 book Bosnia, Kosova, and the West, Chossudovsky is referred to as a "pro-Milošević leftist", as well as accused of "systematically distorting events in Albania and the wars in the Balkans in the 1990s".[SUP][5][/SUP]
A 2005 article in The Jewish Tribune has criticized as "rife with anti-Jewish conspiracy theory and Holocaust denial." B'nai Brith Canada had complained that there were comments on a forum moderated by Chossudovsky that questioned how many Jews died in the holocaust. Chossudovsky responded that there was a disclaimer that the website was not to be held responsible for the views expressed in the forum, and he had the comment removed. He also said that he was of Jewish heritage and would be one of the last people to condone antisemitic views.[SUP][6][/SUP] The same article also reported that B'nai Brith Canada wrote a letter to the University of Ottawa asking for the university "to conduct its own investigation of this propagandist site."[SUP][6][/SUP]
In a 2006 op-ed by Terry O'Neill in the conservative Canadian news magazine, Western Standard, Chossudovsky was included on the list of "Canada's nuttiest professors, those whose absurdity stands head and shoulders above their colleagues."[SUP][7][/SUP] Listed alongside Chossudovsky were Sunera Thobani, Shannon Bell, John McMurtry, Shadia Drury, Taiaiake Alfred, Leo Panitch, Kathleen Mahoney, Thomas Homer-Dixon, Sophie Quigley, and Joel Bakan. Specifically, the op-ed referred to as "anti-U.S. and anti-globalization"[SUP][7][/SUP] and criticized Chussodovsky's thesis and views — namely: that the U.S. had knowledge of the 911 attacks before they happened; that Washington had weapons that could influence climate change; and lastly, that the large banking institutions are the cause of the collapse of smaller economies — as "wild-eyed conspiracy theories".[SUP][7][/SUP]
More wiki... I'll take GR over any wiki crap you post... That's why your "family" didn't take you over, looking at a new purchase... Jew Mad GR tells it like it is?

it's clear that they do not tell it like it is. they get lambasted left right and center for being good little propaganda fairies, and their founder is a holocaust denier.

that should surprise no one, seeing as how you are a big fan.
it's clear that they do not tell it like it is. they get lambasted left right and center for being good little propaganda fairies, and their founder is a holocaust denier.

that should surprise no one, seeing as how you are a big fan.
One thing is clear however, 6 million jews did not die in the holocaust.
One thing is clear however, 6 million jews did not die in the holocaust.

congratulations on coming out of the closet!

feel free to join your fellow holocaust deniers as repugnant human beings who are shunned by the rest of society.

i'm sure a conspiracy nut like you knows way better than the hundreds and thousands of historians who have formed undeniable consensus on the issue.

i'll refer them your way for their formal reeducation. darn stupid respected historians from all walks of life!
what we know about that website's founder is no big surprise either.

spoiler alert: holocaust denier.

In Mike Karadjis' 2000 book Bosnia, Kosova, and the West, Chossudovsky is referred to as a "pro-Milošević leftist", as well as accused of "systematically distorting events in Albania and the wars in the Balkans in the 1990s".[SUP][5][/SUP]
A 2005 article in The Jewish Tribune has criticized as "rife with anti-Jewish conspiracy theory and Holocaust denial." B'nai Brith Canada had complained that there were comments on a forum moderated by Chossudovsky that questioned how many Jews died in the holocaust. Chossudovsky responded that there was a disclaimer that the website was not to be held responsible for the views expressed in the forum, and he had the comment removed. He also said that he was of Jewish heritage and would be one of the last people to condone antisemitic views.[SUP][6][/SUP] The same article also reported that B'nai Brith Canada wrote a letter to the University of Ottawa asking for the university "to conduct its own investigation of this propagandist site."[SUP][6][/SUP]
In a 2006 op-ed by Terry O'Neill in the conservative Canadian news magazine, Western Standard, Chossudovsky was included on the list of "Canada's nuttiest professors, those whose absurdity stands head and shoulders above their colleagues."[SUP][7][/SUP] Listed alongside Chossudovsky were Sunera Thobani, Shannon Bell, John McMurtry, Shadia Drury, Taiaiake Alfred, Leo Panitch, Kathleen Mahoney, Thomas Homer-Dixon, Sophie Quigley, and Joel Bakan. Specifically, the op-ed referred to as "anti-U.S. and anti-globalization"[SUP][7][/SUP] and criticized Chussodovsky's thesis and views — namely: that the U.S. had knowledge of the 911 attacks before they happened; that Washington had weapons that could influence climate change; and lastly, that the large banking institutions are the cause of the collapse of smaller economies — as "wild-eyed conspiracy theories".[SUP][7][/SUP]

Wiki article was probably written by foxxman and your "wife"...

congratulations on coming out of the closet!

feel free to join your fellow holocaust deniers as repugnant human beings who are shunned by the rest of society.

i'm sure a conspiracy nut like you knows way better than the hundreds and thousands of historians who have formed undeniable consensus on the issue.

i'll refer them your way for their formal reeducation. darn stupid respected historians from all walks of life!
Respected by who? the jew?