Attitude Seed Bank Compromized


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, I am still amazed to see multiple threads on RIU about customs seizures.
Have any of you been reading?


In case you missed it, Attitudes so called "stealth" has been discovered!
A five year old child could find that stuff.
My last two orders from SOS were opened and had the green tape.

I love the Attitudes selection but do you want to keep rolling the dice?

Or wasting more posts about the same thing?
They obviously have been found out. (not just in Chicago)

Until they change their packaging, why would anyone still order from them?
Ordering ceeds is risky enough, you want to add to the stress?
yeah for real the guarantee aint worth the risk you may not be watched but why risk the paranoia everyone always asks if it will be ok to use the same address to send the package so you know they get paranoid about it. cause even though its not sent to your home it could still be linked to you as your not sending beans to a strangers house it has to be someone you trust so someone fairly close to you. I know I won't order from attitude anytime too soon I just haven't heard of any other company getting snagged not even the ones who don't guarantee shipping.
Unless you're ordering 50+ seeds, you don't really need to worry about being watched or spied on. The government really aren't interested in small fry as it's the small fry which end up being the least useful to them.

They'll get no names worth naming, no evidence worth confiscating and no bumper pay rise for a huge bust.
I agree with hsfkush, I use my real name, address and cc. Three separate and successful orders with no problems. Call me crazy, but I don't think they're gonna scatter jets and bust out the swat teams every time I order 2-6 beans. =P
I agree with hsfkush, I use my real name, address and cc. Three separate and successful orders with no problems. Call me crazy, but I don't think they're gonna scatter jets and bust out the swat teams every time I order 2-6 beans. =P

yeah but I've never ordered 2-6 beans at once I like to make a selection of strains I buy so I never really buy just one pack and I've had a few orders over 50 seeds one order I got 60 shark shock and a few other strains so I am somewhat paranoid not that I'm running a warehouse but I want one of the best mother rooms on the east coast and for that you need big selections.
Does anyone know a first hand case - or a reliable 2nd hand report, of a grow bust that occurred because law enforcement was tipped off by customs? Not me, but I'm not all that plugged in. Until I do, I can't imagine - with the shortage of available funding the U S Gov't is up against, an effort made to follow a confiscated bean order to the door in hopes of finding an operational closet.

But if you're ordering dozens at a time, that might make overzealous LE take an interest. I'm going to post this in the other similar thread, as I'm interested in any possible busts I may have missed.
ok so let me get this straight, because i think i may have missed a lot , first attitude has been compromised by having a few orders in Chicago seized.. this is how they have been compromised???????????? any other source that they have had any type of governmental statement or bust or anything other then a few paranoid people posting on a website with a package taken from them.. or opened .. well if you must know that our government is watching everything that goes on on the internet including this very post that i am writing now.. so if they want anyone they will come get them.. all packaging coming in from all international shipping is gone through by dogs running the conveyor belts as all items are sent through this way.. i used to work in memphis tn. at fed ex and there are customs agents and dogs running the belts on all incoming international flights.. so if they want a package they will get it... so until i see first hand a bust coming from attitude then your so called compromised statement is just another paranoid stoner tripping about hearing about something they might have heard from someone they think they heard.. so it is a so called so called story being put out by the internet .. let me guess you read it on the internet so it must be true ,,lmao..
ok so let me get this straight, because i think i may have missed a lot , first attitude has been compromised by having a few orders in Chicago seized.. this is how they have been compromised???????????? any other source that they have had any type of governmental statement or bust or anything other then a few paranoid people posting on a website with a package taken from them.. or opened .. well if you must know that our government is watching everything that goes on on the internet including this very post that i am writing now.. so if they want anyone they will come get them.. all packaging coming in from all international shipping is gone through by dogs running the conveyor belts as all items are sent through this way.. i used to work in memphis tn. at fed ex and there are customs agents and dogs running the belts on all incoming international flights.. so if they want a package they will get it... so until i see first hand a bust coming from attitude then your so called compromised statement is just another paranoid stoner tripping about hearing about something they might have heard from someone they think they heard.. so it is a so called so called story being put out by the internet .. let me guess you read it on the internet so it must be true ,,lmao..
Bon Jour:leaf:
Ya I order from SOS before there good on the stealth. I see attitube has a nice selection so I watch a YouTube video and stealth to them is wrapping them in a T-shirt when they say stealth I think they mean they'll send more if there found out.
Well hell, I just made an order from Attitude last night. Just 5 seeds. Hopefully I'll get them. I've ordered several times from Attitude in the past with no problems whatsoever.
Damn right befor i join thearmy I used to work at UPS in townsen Massachusettsand what I use to work there they would havecustoms working on the conveyor belts incomingfrom outside countrieslike hollonad or spain and everyone whos everworked knows ups and fedex handle a lot of uspspackages coming ffrom overseas and they seach all of them the largest port athoritu is in jamacia plaind new york all of atitudrs or most of them come througj there and they know who they are i have talk to guys working there have even said that some companies actually have a remove first tag that trully declared whats in the package then customs pulls the first copy and the second copy says what suppsidly in the package
I don't know why anyone order from Attitude anyway. Herbies is better. Lower price, better freebies and faster shipping.
attitude is the bomb. forget sos. :)

The TH Seeds promotion this month is excellent. I highly recommend the A Train, an awesome 'tude freebie some time ago. That's what sets the 'tude apart - the quality of the ad-ons. The daily special at SOS is pretty cool, but I'd rather have brand name throw-ins than 10% and generic extras most of the time. Same with Sannies.
I think this a bit extreme after all I guess the op is not familiar w another seed bank recently shutting down all orders to the us after many snagged orders.. not naming names but if you know than you know who I mean..
Plus if you think of the quantity of orders the tude ships and the amount that don't get through their odds are still pretty good..
Am I saying I don't think that they need to rethink their shipping methods? Hells to the nahs.. but at the same time I don't believe the sky is falling .. not quite at least..
And who ever asked about a direct bust coming as a result of snagged seeds.. well I've been on forums for half a decade or so now and have never heard of a single bust coming from snagged seeds.. there is no way that an order in the mail could lead to a bust IMO or I'd be ordering seeds to people whom I don't like all of the time.. lol.. so kidding but I think you can see where I'm going with this..
Also I've had one order snagged a few years back and the very next day I got my replacement order from the same bank.. not to mention plenty of other orders since that time .. I'd think if I were put on some sort of watch list I'd not have nearly 1/4 of the seeds I have now..
Just my $.02 of course..
Unless you're ordering 50+ seeds, you don't really need to worry about being watched or spied on. The government really aren't interested in small fry as it's the small fry which end up being the least useful to them.

They'll get no names worth naming, no evidence worth confiscating and no bumper pay rise for a huge bust.

This is absolutely horrible logic.

I don't care if your order is $50 or $500, if it isn't secure then it's bad business. Period.

I said it before and I'll say it again... Attitude has gotten too big for its britches. She has taken her market share dominance for granted too long and now she will tail spin downward because of it... but it doesn't matter. The principle investors have already made a killing on this market and I'm sure have already made plans for their next move.

Bet on it!
as a matter of fact i just ordered from them and there july promotion and will keep everyone updated on the delivery, i ordered blue dream,grape fruit,medi bomb#1,papaya,OG kush, bubblelicious,c99,iced grapefruit,king kong and pineapple chunk..............ALL OF THESE ARE THROUGH ATTITUDE,, so the freebies are as follows ultra sour, lemon thai kush,denachem,underdawg OG,akorn AKA snowbud and sage n sour..all seeds are female and i went with the no stealth or guarantee. but i do like the breeders packs, denafem has cool lil tins and hso does also. but back to the real reason that were here,, i ordered with my regular email address and used my bank debit card,local address. this is also my 5 order in the last year n a half.. order is pending and will update tomorrow.. looking for delivery to be 2-3 weeks due to the july promotion going on.. see ya tomorrow
i will take that bet, the tude has been in business for many years and not about to throw in the towel yet.. let's see what ya got? u think they will close down completely or just usa orders???? i will bet nothing happens to them and they will continue to ship international orders.... now that the usa is kinda laxing on the possession laws ,and several states going to full legally recreation use the orders are flocking in. making money on seeds will never go away. growers will pay good money to have a breed designed to there needs instead of bag seed.. so you can bet the money is just now getting better not worse.not kissing attitude's ass but not trying to see a good business get a bad rep because of an unsatisfied customer or what ever has happened to you.. if your mad at the world then dude grab a :joint: and relax.. every business has it's own issue's and has there own way of rectifying these issue's but even pissed off people like yourself is not going to have any effect on them, sending orders to the usa even to non mmj states is all on the person who makes the order, not the business sending it..there insured from issue's like you.. so just let it go..
This is absolutely horrible logic.

I don't care if your order is $50 or $500, if it isn't secure then it's bad business. Period.

I said it before and I'll say it again... Attitude has gotten too big for its britches. She has taken her market share dominance for granted too long and now she will tail spin downward because of it... but it doesn't matter. The principle investors have already made a killing on this market and I'm sure have already made plans for their next move.

Bet on it!
i will take that bet, the tude has been in business for many years and not about to throw in the towel yet.. let's see what ya got? u think they will close down completely or just usa orders???? i will bet nothing happens to them and they will continue to ship international orders.... now that the usa is kinda laxing on the possession laws ,and several states going to full legally recreation use the orders are flocking in. making money on seeds will never go away. growers will pay good money to have a breed designed to there needs instead of bag seed.. so you can bet the money is just now getting better not worse.not kissing attitude's ass but not trying to see a good business get a bad rep because of an unsatisfied customer or what ever has happened to you.. if your mad at the world then dude grab a :joint: and relax.. every business has it's own issue's and has there own way of rectifying these issue's but even pissed off people like yourself is not going to have any effect on them, sending orders to the usa even to non mmj states is all on the person who makes the order, not the business sending it..there insured from issue's like you.. so just let it go..

Yep. Keep censoring and deleting my responses.... Well done RIU!