for real I wanna see the PORN!!!, Cause I'm still shocked about an OZ I have seen a lot of pc grows, and mostly all of them end with just shy of an oz like 16g-20g this grow fucking inspired me
hey guys, I`m back........apologies, but had a personal problem, kids who`d have them, just when you think life is good it kicks you in the nuts . now for the smoke and yield report , no final pics though. I will say that I exceeded my wildest expectations, the smoke was good and the odd occasions I had a neat grass spliff, well lets just say I didn't get off my arse for 4 hours, as for yield i reckon i hit the ounce . it lasted for 4 weeks, and i smoked every day morning, noon and night . fcuking awesome. good luck and happy growing.
Welcome back, sucks that we don't get any pics. What do you got in store for your next grow? Or is it classified?
If you check the second to last page of my thread I built a PC
Hey Emannn, there might be a slight deficiency but I hardly notice, your plants looks killer for a pc grow at 19 days. By day 30 should be a little bush. Good luck! Dont switch to flower to late lol. Peace brudda.
update......the police visited me as my next door neighbour's wife told them as she could smell the smoke going over her garden wall, spent 4 years under observation one way or another, did 6 months community service even though the cops tried to have me busted for commercial as i had expanded my grow to about 10 plants, word to everybody be careful n gl.