Random Jibber Jabber Thread

You're telling me!

Each dentist you've been to has told you that the required procedures beforehand (xrays, consultation) will cost over $1,000?

I'm assuming you don't have dental insurance, and I don't know where you live, but that definitely doesn't sound right to me

I would recommend asking this question on this subreddit;
http://www.reddit.com/r/Dentistry/ there are professional dentists there who are there for this exact sort of thing, ask them if thats normal

If you don't have an account on Reddit I can do it for you, fuck spending over $1,000 before you even get treated

Not exactly. I'm actually taking about my mother in law going to see an oral surgeon. She is 70 and wants to be comfortable with the dentist because she needs 10 teeth pulled and wants to be out for the procedure. So, she wants to see four or five before making her decision, but if they all charge $250 each just to tell her how much they will charge to pull the teeth, she will spend $1,000 -$1,250 before anything is even done.
Funeral homes can be a rippoff.

SCI (service corp international) is the world's largest coproration in the death care industry. They use the name "Dignity". They own about 2,000 funeral homes in the US alone. What they do is buy the biggest local homes in a city and keep the same name so most never even know it is now corporate owned. They train their funeral directors to upsell families, services, caskets, urns, etc. They even have quotas and competitions, requiring the funeral directors to sell their expensive "plans" to at least 50% of the families.

So, if you ever need funeral services, make sure you call around and go to a non SCI/Dignity home. To put it into perspective, they charge up to $3,000 for simple, or direct cremation, when very capable and more often than not, more caring, privately owned places will do it for $500. Same exact services.

The corporations prey upon those with no idea of what to do at what is often the worst point in their lives.
Not exactly. I'm actually taking about my mother in law going to see an oral surgeon. She is 70 and wants to be comfortable with the dentist because she needs 10 teeth pulled and wants to be out for the procedure. So, she wants to see four or five before making her decision, but if they all charge $250 each just to tell her how much they will charge to pull the teeth, she will spend $1,000 -$1,250 before anything is even done.

First is she well off? If not contact well fare dept( DSS). Explain she has to have teeth out. They have a dentist who does this for elderly. Not maybe one she likes but cost 00000
Not exactly. I'm actually taking about my mother in law going to see an oral surgeon. She is 70 and wants to be comfortable with the dentist because she needs 10 teeth pulled and wants to be out for the procedure. So, she wants to see four or five before making her decision, but if they all charge $250 each just to tell her how much they will charge to pull the teeth, she will spend $1,000 -$1,250 before anything is even done.

Ok this is usually how it works. You take her in to someone for a first opinion. You pay for a full exam and X-rays. Then go for second opinions (much cheaper/only record review and speak to potential client).

.....removed all personal experience LOL.......

If I were in a position like yours I'd take her to the nearest Dental school that trained oral surgeons so at least you'd have an attending and real anesthesia available. The problem your MIL should really be worrying about dental anesthesia. I would not have a general without a board certified anesthesiologist at my head even just 'twilight' sleep as they call it. When things go bad they go bad really fast especially when you are in the head!
To put it into perspective, they charge up to $3,000 for simple, or direct cremation, when very capable and more often than not, more caring, privately owned places will do it for $500. Same exact services.

The corporations prey upon those with no idea of what to do at what is often the worst point in their lives.

GREAT information. I come from the healthcare industry that preys on everyone at the worst time of their lives. After 20 years of that it's why I do not have organ donor on my license. Whoever is responsible for disposal of my remains may give whatever to whomever AFTER I'm dead but I am NOT providing incentive, not after spending many on call nights harvesting.
Im going to Baylor college of Denistry,Its a teaching deal.
Its atleast 60percent cheaper....cost for teeth pulled is
25bucks,per tooth.

Im having dentures made, there less then a grand,But they want to add
4 titanium post,For the bottom ones 3k,So im gonna tryem without then go from there!
GREAT information. I come from the healthcare industry that preys on everyone at the worst time of their lives. After 20 years of that it's why I do not have organ donor on my license. Whoever is responsible for disposal of my remains may give whatever to whomever AFTER I'm dead but I am NOT providing incentive, not after spending many on call nights harvesting.

It is amazing how few donors actually end up "gifting" their organs to people who need them. It think it is like 1%. They really need to be alive when they come in and on support for their organs to be adequate for transplant. When you donate your body to science you usually end up as a cadaver for med students, a human crash test dummy, or on a farm for CSI to learn how long it takes for certain bugs to move in. Even if you are an organ donor, your family can step in and decline.
GREAT information. I come from the healthcare industry that preys on everyone at the worst time of their lives. After 20 years of that it's why I do not have organ donor on my license. Whoever is responsible for disposal of my remains may give whatever to whomever AFTER I'm dead but I am NOT providing incentive, not after spending many on call nights harvesting.

Yah, I don't want any part of that ​harvest
Seven billion people and 300 million in this country, yeah I'm not an organ donor...we are pollution and whatever helps clean us up or keep our numbers down, I'm all for.

We do the same to other animals right? They can't defend themselves like us so diseases, war, and greed helps them.

Circle of life, bitches.
Organ donors are suckers. They harvest your organs and sell the parts for $80,000 for a liver; $50,000 for lungs, $100,000 for a heart, etc. ...I wonder if the family could get a tax deductible receipt for that.
Organ donors are suckers. They harvest your organs and sell the parts for $80,000 for a liver; $50,000 for lungs, $100,000 for a heart, etc. ...I wonder if the family could get a tax deductible receipt for that.

i need a liver
i give u 50 bucks for one?

i will give u a reciept
Me and my son went to the Girdwood (aka Girdweed) Forest Fair. Thousands of hippies, lots of "art", plenty of food, and bands. Smoked some weed, bought some fudge, pad Thai, caseadillas (Mexican grilled cheese sammich).