azdhs now says I'm within 25miles?

I know and dispensaries are popping like weeds without a heads up. What happens if someone submits a app because the sight says
there more than 25 miles and then before the card is processed (which is much slower now) one opens. This shit sucks!
Hi Coolman,
My best guess says
Your mmj status is effective from the day the state accepts your application [this I know]....if a dispensary opens after that date, regardless of processing time...I would say, you are good.,
Hi Coolman,
My best guess says
Your mmj status is effective from the day the state accepts your application [this I know]....if a dispensary opens after that date, regardless of processing time...I would say, you are good.,

I hope your right are you sure or are you assuming?
He's right. I would reccomend calling the AZDHS and asking yourself. They don't have any wait times and can answer your questions directly.

But he is correct. As long as your application was submitted before the doors open your good. They could open the next day, but since you processed the app beforehand it would be fine.
He's right. I would reccomend calling the AZDHS and asking yourself. They don't have any wait times and can answer your questions directly.

But he is correct. As long as your application was submitted before the doors open your good. They could open the next day, but since you processed the app beforehand it would be fine.

FYI... Just because you submit your application doesn't mean it is reviewed that day. example - say you submit app on Friday at 6pm. The AzDHS is closed until monday. So if a dispensary got the go-ahead (whether they were open or not the day you submit app) they check against their database as they review the apps not the day they are submitted!
My card gives an expiation date one year from the day the state accepted to application...that happened to be the day it was submitted.
Now, what happens in the case f you re-upping 3months prir to exp and one opens between the time you renewed...because that card retains your original exp date?
you are still good, for that year...

...I stand by my original statement
"Your mmj status is effective from the day the state accepts your application"
I do note the diff between "submit" and "accept".
this all makes me hope that my state stays illegal- what a mess

Well at least after paying 750 bucks in appointments / paper work processing fees over the last 3 years to maintain legality was worth it. I can now go to dispensaries and buy overpriced medication without any quality control!! Oh wait you're right this is a big mess.
I sent my renewal in just before a dispensary opened and received my card after the place opened. I can cultivate yet.
I live in San Tan Valley.
The closest dispensary I can find on the list is in coolidge
When I mapquest it, it says it's 27miles away
How can I dispute being classified as being within 25 miles
of a dispensary?

The dispensary on Power and Ray is closer to you than Coolidge. Probably 12 miles.
Let's get some scalpers setting up shop on the corner informing the naive patients how much it actually costs to produce a gram that Harvest of Tempe anally rapes you at $25 a g.
Update ...Havasu and Parker set to open soon Yuma (Yuma Green) and I believe Payson as well are getting delayed despite earlier posts by someone saying Payson was opening very soon
Payson is having severe issues with electric. Also of note Yuma seems to have some different requirements for dispensaries such as all public and patient areas must be open and able to be viewed by manager from one location with out cameras etc..all windows must be unobstructed etc and allow view in .

Also why not push for a 50 percent or so state sales tax on dispensaries as well as a 10 dollar per sale school funding surcharge fee. This could be supported by anti mmj people and growers alike and would seriously put the hurt on
these dispensary assholes while having a good chance of passing?