This is how your seed orders are being intercepted


Active Member
More of a reason for us to start making seeds of our own stash. Im pretty sure that alot of growers here have a hellava stash of seeds with some bomb ass strains to start chucking the shit out of pollen and not worry about ordering seeds. Some people have a freaking vault of its almost an addiction and the thrill of getting the genetics they want ( treasure of genetics). More power to us man! Its gonna get worst as we start losing more and more of our rights and privacy.

Have a good day folks


Virtually Unknown Member
Whoa...thanks for the 411 on this program. I had no idea it existed. Will definitely have to rethink anything coming thru the USPS. "According to FBI Agent James Spiropoulos, investigators accessed a
Postal Service computer system that "incorporates a Mail Isolation
Control and Tracking (MICT) program which photographs and captures a image of every mail piece that is processed."

no clue

Well-Known Member
You guys really think the feds are putting that kind of man-hours into finding a few seeds? Maybe if you order every week. Or if your name is Ahmad
They're not looking at us/ for us. we just happen to be there, so they look at our shit as it goes thru. if they wanted to snatch our seed orders, they could easily. I have had 3 shipments from attitude, I spent the extra $25 for super stealth shipping... just in case. All orders received looked identical... the international postage marks are a dead give away. I f they wanted to.... they could stop every seed order. But they don't. Don't kid yourself... in this post 9/11 world the US government has their eyes wide open. And we need them to do that, thats the sad part. /rant Happy 4th!!! imma get stoned on some cheese quake!!


Well-Known Member
One more reason to never ship seeds to your grow, use your credit card, your real name, or any address easily back tracked to you. If they get any of your "meta data" from the envelope, they will be able to cross check it with other databases and know exactly who you are, what you spend your money on, where you live, who you email, etc.

If a crack down ever comes, they will be able to use this database of scanned packages to find a lot of growers. (The analysis will be done by computer, not rooms full of FBI agents studying envelopes.) If you think it can't happen, remember Operation Green Merchant. Right now we are making a lot of progress on legalization, but a backlash is very possible. The current fed policy of messing with dispensaries is small-time compared to what a real crackdown could look like. What we can all do to help make growing legal and safe is to support NORML, MPP, the ACLU and the other great organizations fighting back on our behalf.


Well-Known Member
if they really want to find you they can use get your isp information and know exactly where you ordered your seed from. you house address that you logged into the seed bank site will show up very easily. they are looking for us we're just collateral damage. also if they crack down the easiest way to get peoples info is for them to take the licensed medical mj users records and get everything they need to know and come after you. this system that they are using to take pictures is for record keeping for after the fact investigations. say someone does something stupid like in boston, they would look up any suspects background mail on file to see if theres anything suspicious. its not a proactive program.

you also are not anonymous on this ste, if they wanted to they could subpoena the data from the servers and track down find your log in name, where you log in from, how long youre on the site and anything else they want. just dont give them a reason to come after you if you are not in a med state.


New Member
Here what makes sense to me.

MOst peeps dont order directly to their grow. The person ordering is not even the person actually growing. If this is not what you do you should b. Only makes sense. Now that is common sense. Therefore u think the gov police r gonna waste time knocking on the wrong guys door? 99 percent of the time this is how its done. U can order directly to your grow no prob no one will show up

NOw if you order 1000 seeds, you might get flagged, followed, raided... obviously

COmmon sense


New Member
Home grow reduce street crime, you pay for hydro right? The gov gets theirs, they dont give a hoot. Just supply your friends, enjoy life, lets stop making thug gangsters rich. Stop the guns and violence over something we can all provide for ourselves. They can deal the rock and go to jail. Weed is medicine not street drugs.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure they don't just have a giant unindexed database of 600 billion letters. Most likely they run optical character recognition on everything and stick the results in to the database and index it.

That means, if they want they can go back a year and find everyones seed orders based on the return address.


Well-Known Member
Everyone, calm down. This shit has been going on a long time. Guess what... Ceeds still come through the mail on a daily basis. Nobody is looking at these small packs, its just unlucky if you get a pack snagged.

For you all that are paranoid out there. Get a aeroponic clone machine. Or, I hope you stocked up on reg beans.

For all the rest of you level headed peeps reading this, don't sweat it.

A lot of us on this site are legit med patients, we have nothing to hide and feds will not bother you unless you are doing something really big. I know I pot smoke makes people paranoid, but look at the facts. If we were in any sort of real danger, we would all be in prison talking about 'I told you so'.

Everyone take time out of your day to embrace our independence. Although sometimes it seems we are losing the freedom's that our ancestors have died for, we still have a lot to be greatful for.

Stock reg beans. Make clones, pick strains that are good in quality. We will all be fine.

Happy 4th to all you paranoid pot heads here at RIU! Be safe tonight celebrating with fireworks.


Well-Known Member
Somewhere like Attitude gets popped and folks become collateral damage-- IF they are stupid enough to order to grow addy's. Think it would be hard for the local police to get a warrant if they had 5 likely orders in DEA database created automatically by character recognition software? Just like what happened when Emory got popped- all the folks that had orders in became evidence. The evidence against a place like Attitude, short of internal servers, will be those databased images with the unfortunates addy's right there in the image.

I think they were able to eventually force RC to turn his servers over (better deal?) because they had so much other evidence against him.


Well-Known Member
12/12 from the tude for me. got 2 in the wind with them and 1 with herbies at the moment. one stayed 4 days in CHI town but it was a friday-monday so prolly gonna be fine! Ive been told that the USPS just does randomly searches. now i know thats not customs but we can hope they are just getting lucky. i know lots are still comin through:bigjoint:

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
Thankfully I opted to NOT join any terrorist organizations back in the day. Mr. Pickering is lucky if he can pass thru TSA.


Well-Known Member
Thankfully I opted to NOT join any terrorist organizations back in the day. Mr. Pickering is lucky if he can pass thru TSA.

Yep. They are presenting this like it is every day practice with every single citizen of the USA.
Nope, this guy has ties that make him stick out.


Well-Known Member
More of a reason for us to start making seeds of our own stash. Im pretty sure that alot of growers here have a hellava stash of seeds with some bomb ass strains to start chucking the shit out of pollen and not worry about ordering seeds. Some people have a freaking vault of its almost an addiction and the thrill of getting the genetics they want ( treasure of genetics). More power to us man! Its gonna get worst as we start losing more and more of our rights and privacy.

Have a good day folks
your telling me I try to stay off seedbank sites cause I always end up either buying or almost buying somthing I just whent on seedbay the other day and left with 3 packs of spice of life blue satellite 2.2 not too mention I have to go back in and order the chimera beans I was going too get in the first place. I don't don't like big orders their as they don't guarantee and you have to send cash or MO but the price is right.


Well-Known Member
You guys really think the feds are putting that kind of man-hours into finding a few seeds? Maybe if you order every week. Or if your name is Ahmad
If they could take out another big seed seller like emery I think they'd put man hours in which case majority of the packages seized are from the new big kid on the block Attitude.