I am a Old geezer,But damn I look so good in heels I cant help meself sometimes!Beech, I thought you were a guy this whole time. Unless you're a guy that wears heels of course.
Ahh yes my evil youth. I used to unscrew those suckers and use the spring for launching various items at assorted people. Those particular springs have one helluva K LOL! Many rotten avocado launchers were made and usedThey were a bit brittle though so you went through them almost as fast as the 'rents could swear and replace them and blame the dog.... ROFLMAO!!! Poor dog hated me even though I fed it ALL my crayons (idiot loved to eat crayons).
My new neighbors are sketchy. I don't like that. I cannot wait to be able to move back into the country.
lol @perfextionist i dont even look like that when im moving though eh? the girl stuffed me in a huge white tshirt , and taped my goddamn mouth shut i was stunned i look huge LOL
it is perhaps i happend to loose 15 lbs since that year, i was quite a fatty in those months,Huge how? Funny when u see a pic of yourself I always think I take bad pics not photogenic i think it's just because we judge ourselves in the pic.
looks fine to me though I like the no hate thing lol
it is perhaps i happend to loose 15 lbs since that year, i was quite a fatty in those months,
Sure your not being to hard on yourself?? I mean you know if your overweight but yas looks pretty darn healthy to me. Oh yea have fun on your journeys too! Looks like ya had a long week a break is deserved.
omg i tried adding you to a party earlier on xbox to chit chatlet me know when youre back on. no im not overweight. lol
I saw the dudes underwear covered ass because his shorts sag to his knees. One rental car between two people. Initial sketchiness. Hopefully it's just my now distrusting nature of people.Sketch'em for us.
they sure took awhile shipping it wasnt it over a week and half ago u got it ?got my waynes world hat today FUCK YEAH PARTY ON WAYNE
Where you been?