My Grow.


Active Member
Okay, I've got my grow set up.

In the pot I have

- 1 part root soil
- 1 part vermicullite
- 1 part perlite
mixed all toggether.

The seed has already been planted, so I am just waiting for a sprout. There is a water vaporiozore right by the plant, because we don't have much moisture in our air here.

(Also keep in mind I am only growing one plant.) There is a fan blowing right behind it to keep the air flowing. I have some pictures, tell me what you think.



Active Member
There is three plants, I am 36 days in to growing, and it is an 150 watt agro light I picked up at the hardware store, I keep them on 24/7 and use potting soil plus. I have not used any fert yet.


Active Member
Yes indeed. However on the 38th day of growing I am going to switch over to flowering my plants. I have picked up some fertilizer from the store and light timer. This is my first grow so I am very interested to see the outcome.


Active Member
I haved moved the plants to 12/12 and am using 15-30-15 fert. I am starting to see signs of sex, all 3 of them are female! How lucky.


Active Member
June 1st, 2008

I will have a picture update soon, in 13 days it will be exactly 2 months of starting this operation. One of my plants is a male, sadly. I am going to put him to his death tomorrow. I hope he’s not to upset. One of my females is growing absolutely beautiful and budding up nicely and the other one is taking its time and is a little droopy. With the male out of the grow box there will be more light for the other two plants. 7th day of flowering.


Active Member
yeah the leaves are bending downward instead of upright like the other one. Other then that theres nothing wrong with them.


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By the way this is my second attempt at growing, this is my first successful attemept. I would like to encourage people to ask questions and post in my journal.


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From what I remember, it was seeds out of a sack of juicy fruit bud my friend ordered off of the internet. I'm on the 68th day of growing. I am two weeks and one day in to flowering. I have had some issues however, one of my plants being male had to die. The droopy plant also had a branch set that looked hermie. No hairs on them at all, and it looked like a complete male part, so I cut him off, as to clone him and now going to put him away on a 24/7 cycle to see if it's a she or a he, if it's a she, I will most likely continue the cloning process.


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The clone I took from the one plant completly failed. But my two plants are still growing very nicley, they are starting to get tons of hairs.