thats so weird. You know Frank Zappa hated marijuana and all drugs, right beardo? fuck frank zappa
he needed to blaze. 6million songs recorded. wtf? all that talent all wadded up in what looks like Indiana Jones where the store the ark in the warehouse of boxes. It hurts my headI also hate MJ
I do have a soft spot for acid and H but otherwise I'm anti drug also, why are you so down of Frank Z
LOl I took some acid when I was about first trip..I ended up walking down a 4 lane highway...pretty lights...thank baby Jesus for a few friends who saved my ass...
I also took mdna a few months back..ended up licking this guy (while he licked back) for over 12 hours.. no sex just non stop kissing and touching..lots of licking lol truly an amazing experience..well b4 he cried and such lol
not sure if it was the funniest. but the pilrgram on the youtube ads talking about stove top stuffing was funny. oh i was high on shrooms. also watched i want to break free by queen 30 times.