Active Member
dude honeslty im not trying to be a dick, your just getting defensive because someone called you out on it, like he said, you just want to hear what you want to hear and the rest of us the opinion dont matter, well then why ask us? go ask 'strassman' what he thinks, im quite confident ive smoked dmt more times then all three of you combined, its neither here nor there. so i dont really give a fuck what any doctor or scientist says, a chemical is a chemical an extra-terrestrial being is that and a god is a god, they are 3 seperate things and 2 of them have nothing to do with smoking dmt. so whats up, u mad bro? if you didnt want to hear your theory for drugs get shot down, this was the wrong place to come, no one gonna hold your hand here. i dont need to be brighter than any one person or have more research than dude mcfuck, none of that matters to me, the drug dmt and its effects does NOT have anythign to do with aliens or god, i mean how could it? logically ask yourself this question and you clearly see how naive the logic is. its basically saying anytime 1 human being smokes deemsters aliens or god get a little pop up notice or an email saying 'hey dude smoked deemsters so fuck him up' i dont understand how anyone could get this confused a chemical is a chemical, dmt is an intense fucking trip and religion is an experience all in itslef and im sure encountering extra-terres. is a exp. all in itself as well, but none of it relates to one another, sorry, i calls em how i sees' em you can get as mad youd like to at me and call me any name you want or think im so stupid, but none of that will change the fact that dmt has nothing to do with a higher power of some sort. lolwow
What so i listen to you lot rather than strasman or mckenna or any of the reviews regarding the presence,just because you dont see elves, you're not qualified to give definitive answers to DMT ,but your opinion is at least valid having tried it, but you must agree that non users have no place trolling this particular thread?