Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Staff member
well my canada day justgot fucking ruined. awesome. got called into work at 9:30 am boss said "oops sorrying for being a buzz kill" well what the fuck did you think a 22 year old was doing on canada day anyways drinking lemon aid?


Well-Known Member
Boo, fucking boo eh.

The good thing is you are young and don't require the amount of sleep someone my age does


Well-Known Member
How long is Canada day? The Fourth of July is at the very least two days.. For some a weekend
That depends on who you ask, for some it's like they're on a permanent Canada Day toot and others will head back to the grind after a 4 day weekend...not much difference between the two actually, both are celebrations of independence and coincidentally happen within days of each other.


Well-Known Member
We have better fireworks Mojo!

Good Morning buddy! How are those plants coming along?
Good morning to you my friend. Yes, I would have to admit you guys have some kick ass fire power down there, I had the chance a few times to enjoy the light shows available on the 4th, some in the bigger cities like Chicago and New York to the one horse towns of the mid west and all of them were amazing.

As for my plants, they're doing great {I think lol} they've started showing pre-flowers, that is the right terminology for when they show hairs right?...so I went and picked up some nutes and gave them a small dose.


Well-Known Member
I like everything about this thread hahah 'merica. I live near Plymouth the birthplace of America.. and its fucking insane here on the 3rd of july into the 4th.. they shut down basically the whole town because of the amount of traffic and known drinking and partying.. people from all over come down to get some sand in between their toes.. boats lighting off fireworks, people on the beach lighting them off, the town lighting them off.. its fucking nuts.. I already got all my supplies ready.. not a single firework haha its like bringing sand to the beach


Well-Known Member
That was one of the things I had noticed most while visiting, everyone and their grandmother was out in celebration, with all the homes nicely decorated and the constant aroma of BBQ wafting through the pines, music playing with the wind. Now if more of the world had seen those images of the states, I do believe their outlook upon you guys would be a horse of a different colour. I enjoyed myself while I was there :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
yeah we love our freedom.. talk about flag sales its insane how many stars and stripes you see this whole month.. and yeah I have partied down with a bunch of grandmas haha If the rest of the world seeing how much we love ourselves and our freedom would make them look at us differently so be it. I think they may resent us tho, either way I love being American but if someone wants to talk about politics of how fucked up we are I could care less im just a human enjoying my visceral experience of life.. as are they