I can't quote everybody cause a lot has been said in a half hour. Sunni my apologies
for thinking your tattoos and hair cut comment was a skin head insult. Im sorry for my post reply
. Maybe it's not religion ( Christian ). Maybe it's just ethnic morals that have been instilled by generations of religion. Like don't lie ,cheat or steal. I don't go to church. Lightning would strike me at the front door. lol But they are things I've been taught to believe in. Many people are like this. Oppression of the people is not something I believe in or was taught. Once again point taken by all. Reef you have some good points but hard to follow.No hard feelings and it's not serious at all. I just don't want to be labeled anti gay because of maybe some old views. If gay marriage is legal, Polygamy should be legal too and Im down for that . lol
After all isn't that oppression ?
Im out too, don't want to run into UB .