Willow Tree Water


Active Member
So I was searching around the different websites and came across this bit of information.

Willow Tree Water:
Find a live willow tree with new growth on it. Cut off some of this year's branches that has an inch diameter and remove the leaves. Cut the branch into 1 1/2 inch segments and stand them up in the bottom of a bucket. Fill the bucket with water and let soak for 24 hours.
After 24 hours take out the willow tree segments and use this water to cut clones with.

Apparently this water gives your clones 20% more survival rate because of something the willow tree provides. I will definitely be trying this the next time I clone to see if there's a difference.


Well-Known Member
That's very interesting, I never heard of such a technique. Please post and let us know how it goes :blsmoke:

Tom :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
hmm pretty cool if its real..imagining cross bredding a willow plant and marijuana plant..thats freaky..


Well-Known Member
It works great but I still prefer cloning gel or powder has the same stuff as willow water believe it or not.


Well-Known Member
It's the same as the hormones in rooting gel/powder/mixes, although I'd rather use a rooting powder.


Active Member
That is how I clone all my babies... I lost maybe 1 out of 30 clones... GREAT turn around roots your babies FASTER!!!!!!!!
:hump:I LOVE IT!!!:peace:


Active Member
It works great but I still prefer cloning gel or powder has the same stuff as willow water believe it or not.
This post was definitely intended for those who can't afford or find cloning gel or powder. Also for those who want it for sure organic or DIY.



Well-Known Member
I was just asked if I would be cutting clones and remembered about the willow water and I thought there was a sticky on it.
But anyway, thanks for the recap on how to make the stuff.
I also remember reading that it will stay good for quite a while if refridgerated.:peace:


Well-Known Member
hey if you spend more money on it maybe it'll turn out better? Man, I save my money wherever I can and STILL get results.
Cloning solutions of many kinds (liquid, powder, gel) can be had for like $4:roll: If you're that broke then I don't get how you produce any "results"


Well-Known Member
it is really suprising not many people know about this, in Jorges book (the cannabis bible) it talks about the willow tree water in depth saying how it helps clones ect... I am too baked at the moment to get my book and write it all at the moment..

but ya willow tree water is great for helping clones


Well-Known Member
Here is the excerpt direct from our very own GrowFAQs section:
Make your own rooting hormone

How do I make my own Rooting hormone?

Contributed by: ¤Spiritus†Domini¤ & Flowerman

Cut some willow branches (All willow species produce this natural rooting hormone), into 2" or 4" long pieces (enough pieces to fill a bowl).

Put the willow cuttings into a big kettle (or pot) on the stove, fill with water (all cuttings should be are covered by water). Turn on minimum heat setting, cover with a lid, and leave on low (but do not boil) for 2 hours. Then turn off heat and leave kettle covered for 12 hours.

After the mixture has cooled for 12 hours, the water should be a dark brown. Strain out the water, and discard the branches. Pour the mixture into a container with a plastic top with holes pre-made, and just drop your cuttings in. Let the clones sit in the hormone for 12 to 24 hours (thus allowing the cuttings to fully absorb the rooting hormones), then plant into your medium.

Use as much rooting hormone as you require, then discard the used portion. The unused hormone can be stored in the ice box for years
Added on: Saturday, March 24, 2007 Viewed: 1680 times
Here is the link to that: GROWFAQ:peace: