Just checked the girls... a little excited -- it's day 8 and a substantial # are now opening up flowers already. Checking over them, about half have flowers opening up and the other half look like they'll be opening up over the next 1-2 days... apollo 13 (oldest cutting) has the most open flowers - pretty much all the way. The aces are also pretty well along... hopefully it means there'll be some fast finishers... and that they'll finish a lot quicker than last time with the full 12 hours of dark

They also won't lose light to watering unlike last crew. Really happy how things are shaping up... only real regret at this point is neglecting topping and keeping up with shaping the cuttings better... I wish they were more like the aces, which really all turned out just like I hoped (so far)

Hoping to get some good yields on those aces 3z/plant means I'll have over a lb of ace to place with... and I want a lb of ace to play with! Now that I've made some kick ass edibles, I need to make sure I have enough so that I always have some brownies or space cake around

oooh i'm thinking ace of spades strawberry space cake might very well destroy... guess what's coming after next harvest illtoxic? I'll be sure and save you some
Was getting bored of my pipe blue fyre... broke out the volcano and am vapin some timewreck... mmm pretty baked haven't finished the first bowl yet...
oooh i may have to send some of next harvest to my friend in cali and send him some $$ to get it tested

whatever ends up dankest... that apollo may be crazy i only ever had first run from seed before i had to cut her and the cutting itself is now a year and a half old... it's gonna be a pretty cool and monumental harvest this round... return of the aces in great style, first round of timewrecks from clones, first round of any plants from clones completed (all previously chopped due to various freakouts and inconvenient circumstances such as moving), first round of apollo from cutting, first flowering out of a plant that's a well aged cutting -- the first run from seed was pretty damn good (my favorite smoke of that round). Those plants also both yielded well over 3z each -- not sure which I have... hoping it was #2 but either is good. Going to be good to get some void going in here (relatively) soon.