Reef's Perpetual TGA-THC Lovefest - Come All Ye Cannabis Lubbers Budporn Be Here

Yeah a lot of companies sell F1's anyways.

But I hear that and can't be mad about it!
I just wanna be smoking my own strain of my own grown, and BX and BX and BX until it's stable.
Then I'll write a song about it and jump it off lol.

PS...i wonder how long GSC will carry the hype?
why bx your own strain unless you're going to sell seeds? you can go cuttings without ever bxing once you find the plant you love.

Haha yeah some people are already moving past it... but it's like what's in my garden.. it's got a place until something better comes along ;) shit i've never even have GSC... may not be my thing at all... but i fuckin love gsc thin mints (the real cookie ;) ). someone should make an imitation of gs thin mint cookies made with gsc hash butter...
While there may be a bunch of hype around GSC, it's still really good. Once it's in your stable it may not be your number 1 go to smoke, but I bet it will at least make your top 5.

I did get a chance to try the real thin mints straight from Kenny Powers, and that one is really good. You can tell the difference. But the forum cut ain't bad. Not bad at all. :)
I bet it is... you don't get that much hype around something for being shit ;)

What is the difference between the two? And how do you even get your hands on real deal GSC flowers are they available in certain dispensaries or do you just have to know the right people? I still think it's kinda shitty how closely guarded they keep it, even though I can see why they do. Weed that good should be shared with the world :) But to each their own they gotta do what's right for them I guess. I still think it's really badass that a guy who goes by Kenny Powers was involved lol. Love that show. Makes me wonder what the guy is like in real life. Oh shit new (last) season of EB&D starts later this summer too I believe! TITE

Watered a bunch of plants this morning and pulled off bottom leaves until the lights went out on me :) Gonna take cuttings on the ones I watered this morning and cuttings on the rest i water tonight in the morning... rearranging them too will have pics when done
Well, honestly i got lucky. I ran into Kenny (aka Pieguy) at the LA cup right after he got done "chatting" with Swerve. I asked him to check mine out, and he smoked me out. If you look through the GSC thread in the So Cal forum I think there is a link to a video with him and others discussing it, and a pod cast of him chatting with Swerve.

As far as I can discern from all the babble is that the forum cut is probably a sister of the thin mints cut. The original seeding was an accident and the thin mints pheno was one of many, along with the forum cut. But don't take that as gospel. That's the best I can tell from all the people arguing and hyping. When I smoked them side by side the diff was that the thin mints did have a mintier or mentholier taste than the forum cut. more potent than my forum cut but that could also be the grower.

It's really really frosty. It just dumps kief while you're trimming it. :)
Sounds yummy I'm gonna have to go back in that thread I didn't start from the beginning :) Lights are on in the garden and wanna go water but on baby duty :)
Awww yeah... just scored tickets to Macklemore near the stage in November when he comes back to town - at a discount. If you're interested in seeing him ticket sales just opened up this morning they are discounted for fans buying early until thursday - I thought about going and seeing him for the final show of the tour in Seattle (figure his final show in home town he's gonna blow it the fuck out) but i'm still thinking really hard about going to seattle in august for hempfest.

Pics below are from a day or two ago... day 5 or 6 flower... flowering tw-14s should be around day 30-32 (too bad i didn't give'm more nutes in early flower)

Happy girls! Ready for cuttings

LED Ace of Spades
HPS Aces


TW-14 #1
TW-14 #2

Last but not least, Apollo 13
The LED side def offers better veg growth, but the proof is in the budding :eyesmoke: I am looking forward to see how this grow is going to turn out for you, I use my blackstar only to finish plants, maybe you will convince me to put it back in action but until you prove me wrong here I honestly think you just need better lights!! some that would be on par with your growing skills.

PLUS I CANT STAND WHEN I CANT SEE MY PLANTS BECAUSE OF 100% RED DIODES :lol: That's one reason why I like the AF-600, I can actually see my plants! just like daylight.

Nice even canopy btw...
Haha yeah I'm thinking the next light upgrade may need to be a California Lightworks 800w... but those things are like $2k and I got a lot of other things I need money for :)

I've noticed something new I'm gonna have to look into too... LEDs without fans... hydro store has one and then I just saw one advertised somewhere else... maybe the next big thing... guy at the hydro store says with the one they have one of their customers is able to grow in his garage (in the texas heat) -- not sure I buy that but.... he must have a pretty cool garage normally if so mine's too hot for plants light or not.. ;)

It's not all even, but it's close... it seems like the timewrecks that stretched so much last time may have been partially due to night/day temp differences after all... those TW-14s did not stretch a lot and so far not a ton of stretch from this batch after almost a week in... think tonight's day 7. Can't wait to start pumpin' in the CO2 in a week and a half :) It's going to see how those TW-14s turn out they were almost identical when separated last week.
Because it was requested... now have all the aces, one chernojill and apollo cloned as well as one timewreck... gotta get the rest of the jills and a couple of timewrecks tomorrow... i ran out of rooters so gonna pick some up tomorrow at lunch and finish tomorrow night... some of these girls i think are gonna pop around 10 days they look like they're working on getting ready to open up flowers pretty quick

Oh yeah I heard jizz was good for helping cuttings survive so I made a semen tea and sprayed it on some of the tops...

Only Dog semen works,Now go get it!

Just checked the girls... a little excited -- it's day 8 and a substantial # are now opening up flowers already. Checking over them, about half have flowers opening up and the other half look like they'll be opening up over the next 1-2 days... apollo 13 (oldest cutting) has the most open flowers - pretty much all the way. The aces are also pretty well along... hopefully it means there'll be some fast finishers... and that they'll finish a lot quicker than last time with the full 12 hours of dark :) They also won't lose light to watering unlike last crew. Really happy how things are shaping up... only real regret at this point is neglecting topping and keeping up with shaping the cuttings better... I wish they were more like the aces, which really all turned out just like I hoped (so far) :) Hoping to get some good yields on those aces 3z/plant means I'll have over a lb of ace to place with... and I want a lb of ace to play with! Now that I've made some kick ass edibles, I need to make sure I have enough so that I always have some brownies or space cake around :) oooh i'm thinking ace of spades strawberry space cake might very well destroy... guess what's coming after next harvest illtoxic? I'll be sure and save you some :)

Was getting bored of my pipe blue fyre... broke out the volcano and am vapin some timewreck... mmm pretty baked haven't finished the first bowl yet...

oooh i may have to send some of next harvest to my friend in cali and send him some $$ to get it tested :) whatever ends up dankest... that apollo may be crazy i only ever had first run from seed before i had to cut her and the cutting itself is now a year and a half old... it's gonna be a pretty cool and monumental harvest this round... return of the aces in great style, first round of timewrecks from clones, first round of any plants from clones completed (all previously chopped due to various freakouts and inconvenient circumstances such as moving), first round of apollo from cutting, first flowering out of a plant that's a well aged cutting -- the first run from seed was pretty damn good (my favorite smoke of that round). Those plants also both yielded well over 3z each -- not sure which I have... hoping it was #2 but either is good. Going to be good to get some void going in here (relatively) soon.
If I could discuss such things I might say that's what I'm doing but such subjects are forbidden here so we couldn't possibly be discussing that. Vaping tonight was a good choice. Once more unto the breach!
Just arrived in the mail from a fellow RIUer... 10 Space Dawg and 5 Void! Now I'm debating whether to go ahead and pop some space dawgs or wait til the Qush/JC2 comes in... decisions, decisions... the Qush/JC2 should be in any day now... based on previous orders it should arrive saturday or monday.


In fact, if you feel like it, feel free to rank the list in the order you want to see them grown... i'll be popping 6 seeds of a different strain every 2 weeks

Space Dawg
Jacks Cleaner 2
Mickey Kush
Dr Who
Ace of Spades (Ace of Spades will be last no matter what since I already have 6 running now and still need to run clones next flower)
Yeah the pics of the mother plant (I think tc posted'em) are even frostier than chernobyl/timewreck... so that x timewreck is just like hashbomb x hashbomb lol... i'm more curious about the mickey kush though definitely gonna be popping that before dr who... i'm not sure where to put pennywise... maybe should be first since she's the high cbd one and I don't have anything like her in the garden for sure... the Qush is nowhere near as high in CBDs as pennywise (supposedly over 10% CBDs in at least 80% of the females tested... Qush is down in the 1-3% range for the tests I've seen. Most interested in the Qush though to find a cherry pheno... i loooooove cherry :) and then i'd have apple jacks (timewreck),cherry, strawberry(ace), lemon (jc2) & lime (chernojill) :)
Yeah the pics of the mother plant (I think tc posted'em) are even frostier than chernobyl/timewreck... so that x timewreck is just like hashbomb x hashbomb lol... i'm more curious about the mickey kush though definitely gonna be popping that before dr who... i'm not sure where to put pennywise... maybe should be first since she's the high cbd one and I don't have anything like her in the garden for sure... the Qush is nowhere near as high in CBDs as pennywise (supposedly over 10% CBDs in at least 80% of the females tested... Qush is down in the 1-3% range for the tests I've seen. Most interested in the Qush though to find a cherry pheno... i loooooove cherry :) and then i'd have apple jacks (timewreck),cherry, strawberry(ace), lemon (jc2) & lime (chernojill) :)
where did you get more than 80% of pennies have about 10%CBD? makes it QUITE APPEALING TO ME