Are my plants save able? Photos

My plants have just finished their first week and they aren't growing much.. although there still is growth... the leaves are pointing straight down.... I realize i have been over watering and am doing my best to correct my screw up... My question is, can these plants make it..... i am growing in soil (coco coir).. nutes (A&B Nutrients) they are under two 42 watt cfls and i recently bought a hydro farm grow system 125 watt...............

Please any help would be great... 1st time grower...



Active Member
The leaves have a healthy colour. I'd say those are easily salvagable. Just let them dry a little and don't give them too much nutes.


Well-Known Member
probably will be ok if you correct the overwatering prob. with plants that small, you realy only want the coco to be moist, not wet. those little plants arent going to take up a significant ammount of water from the coco, so if you add too much, it's kinda stuck like that and bad things will happen. another point, i would be realy careful about fertilizing plants that small, they don't need much.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
it'll grow. stay AWAY from the nutes for now: the plant is too young. use a mist bottle to keep the soil slightly damp for about 3" around the root ball to minimize over watering. GL