
Grow it and roll it!

Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, this is my first time growing and my biggest plant is almost 4 weeks old since the first sprouting day. I've looked around before I posted, but I'd like some input from everyone. Does this plant look stunted to you for 4 weeks of growth? It's in miracle grow soil, BUT I flushed the shit out of it to get rid of some of the nutes. Compared to other pictures online it just seems really stunted or something... I water approx. every other day, the lights are on for 19 hours, and a fan blows air around every other hour for an hour. No added nutrients because of a burning problem, just water.

Thanks in advance,
Grow it and roll it!



New Member
Um, yeah, thats tiny. this is what mine looked like at 3 weeks under CFLs in miracle grow...

It may be rootbound... Try a bigger container? Thats all i can guess... I had 2 plants that grew just like that my first grow, i had to ditch them after a month cause they were still 4-5 inches tall. I tried again with the same strain and better lights, and within 3 weeks they were 10 inches +.


Grow it and roll it!

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the answer! Well the pot it is in is huuuge, so the roots have plenty of room to grow. I'm using 2 CFL's, one is the bright daylight, and the other is more redish. (5500k & 3500k I think...) The lights are about I wanna say... 2-4 inches away from that plant. I burned it with nutes a while ago, and one night the fucking light fell on it and burned a leaf reaaaal good. I removed it and am hoping for the best. Would heat in the grow room affect this?


Well-Known Member
red is more for flowering right? might wanna try a blue .. at least i think so .. am i correct?

Grow it and roll it!

Well-Known Member
Would that be stunting it though? I already have a blue in there, but if two blues will speed things along, then I'll go to Home Depot tomorrow!

Grow it and roll it!

Well-Known Member
ok thanks, I'll look into it. The only thing is that it was nutrient burned, so I want to make sure that it really needs food before I give it any.

Grow it and roll it!

Well-Known Member
Okay... I'm using two CFL's which are approx. 2 inches away from the main plant. I actually see some growth today, so maybe the plants just had to get settled. It's just that IF they are stunted, I'd love to fix it you know:-?

Grow it and roll it!

Well-Known Member
You think? I just wanted to prevent reaching, or w/e they call it, can't remember right now. Plus CFL's give off so little light I figured the closer the better... But I can def be wrong! Thanks for the info:mrgreen:

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I think a big part of this could be genetic. Some plants grow slow and are also slow to recover from something like Nute Burn. It is stressed out and the answer is to relax and wait for it to recover. You may want to repot it in something with neutral soil until it takes off again.

Grow it and roll it!

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the ideas everyone! I think I'll plug in some more CFL's, and just let it recover and "take off". Seems like the only thing I can give it now is time and light. :mrgreen: