Iraq Vet Kills Himself After Being Ordered to Commit “War Crimes”

Jezzzz....pitty patty pity party......the DEA????

Do you know that everyone one has said this about war? Do you think Sherman's march to sea across my families cotton miles and tobacco miles was War Crimes?

How about the systematic rape of every rape-able (and then some) woman and girl in Berlin by the Red Army?

Was it a War Crime to firebomb civilians in Dresden? How about burning down Tokyo? How about obliterating entire cities with one bomb?

War crimes are defined by the winners. He has no reasons in his note. He may have had to shoot chickens and make a hard winter for civilians.

Is that a War Crime? Only if we lose.

So, this boob cleaned the gene pool for us, is all. War is hell, and the US gene pool is strong. Our national will is much stronger than in Nam.

And lastly, remember, this guy signed up for the benefits and got to see the elephant. It makes strong men puke their guts. Yes it does.
How about the systematic rape of every rape-able (and then some) woman and girl in Berlin by the Red Army?
Probably 'cause US soldiers were busy raping Women Army Corp. members - if what's going on in modern day military is any indication.
I don't think you can judge that generation by the mores of the present generation. I don't think you understand the extent of the Red Army rape of the German women. Thousands were raped to death. Many were young or elderly who died, but even strong, healthy women died. These were gang rapes involving dozens of men, sometimes over a hundred. Women in hospital beds were raped. Children were raped. Those who resisted or even didn't resist were beaten into submission. There are estimates that 1/8 the Berlin female population were killed.
I was wondering that myself.

For someone to commit suicide I am guessing women and children might have been involved :(

not necessarily, there are a lot of factors that can lead a vet down that path... It doesn't mean they were involved in any war crimes.
I know for a fact that in the beginning of the invasion of iraq, men women and children were run over with tanks if they happened to be in the way - no honking, no yelling, just run the fuck over. I also know by direct word of mouth that the US military planted mass graves of civilians (men, women, children) killed in the early stages of the war.

We can all say that shit happens in war but it doesn't make it right. Especially for a war we claim was to free the Iraqi people from a tyrant like Saddam Hussein - what the fuck did we free them from? Breathing?
I know for a fact that in the beginning of the invasion of iraq, men women and children were run over with tanks if they happened to be in the way - no honking, no yelling, just run the fuck over. I also know by direct word of mouth that the US military planted mass graves of civilians (men, women, children) killed in the early stages of the war.

We can all say that shit happens in war but it doesn't make it right. Especially for a war we claim was to free the Iraqi people from a tyrant like Saddam Hussein - what the fuck did we free them from? Breathing?

Might bold claims. Got any evidence of this? Did the US military shoot men, women and children behind the ear, topple them into pits and then cover them over? Or are you saying that the US military dug mass graves and covered over the bodies for reasons of hygiene and health?
Might bold claims. Got any evidence of this? Did the US military shoot men, women and children behind the ear, topple them into pits and then cover them over? Or are you saying that the US military dug mass graves and covered over the bodies for reasons of hygiene and health?
My source for the mass graves was a marine heavy equipment operator I met. Told me he personally buried 150 men, women, children. And told me, "there are a lot more people like me - you do the math." Take it for what it's worth - that's why I said it was second hand info - "direct word of mouth". Maybe he was lying to impress me :P