Auto-Flower stunted growth.


I have a setup with several different strains and two of them are auto-flowering. Every plant in my setup got the same light(18/6), same soil and same nutrients in the water. Except recently I made a separate area just for blooming and transferred the auto-flowers and some others over to a 12/12 light cycle and switched up their nutrients. All of the plants are doing great except for the Cream Caramel auto-flower which is looking healthy, has pistils but is still only 2 or 3 inches tall after growing for almost two months now. All of the other plants are doing perfectly fine but I've never seen a plant look so healthy yet just stay so small. Any ideas of what could be the problem? Could it simply just be bad genetics or is there something I can do?
i do not know what your set up is ....could the one that........that is slow be near the fan or intake for your system
(cold roots)
the light might be little off for her have u tried rotating the planters spots so everyone has a chance in one spot
To weedgrower4life: Yes it's the only strain of it's kind out of the bunch which sucks because it's supposed to be some very good stuff. And it's been growing now for almost two months and it won't even reach 4 inches tall but it's furry, has pistils and is looking very healthy.

To justugh: I never tried rotating the plants or anything but I honestly don't believe that's a problem. Like I said all the others in the group would get the same amount of light and air and all the others are perfectly fine.

I'm really hoping one day it just shoots up but I'm pretty sure it would have already if it were going to. The size it is now I'll be lucky to get a gram from it and it's way too small to try and clone. 20130622_201326.jpg
try this it worked on berry ryder .....maybe u can tell other ppl it does work

2 cups of selzter water all natural sodium free pushed one of my plants into flowering i am not sure why but it can not hurt u
2 cups on the soil by the stalk that is it 5 to 7 days u see the flowering
It's already flowering though because it's an auto-flowering strain so will that really even do anything? My problem isn't getting it to flower I just want it to grow up and out more so I can get a decent amount of bud and hopefully clone it to keep the strain going.
Don't clone an auto, it's pointless. the clone is already going to have a shortened life span, you won't yield much at all. I must say though, that is the smallest plant I've ever seen.
2 possible things sinnce the plant is so small u can exp and not lose anything

1 u could try transplanting it to anouther container (see if the roots balled up chocked self into a small plant ) or if it is root or rock stubed it (confirm the gentics)
2 u could try the 2 cups with a hit of grow higher N (thoery is the roots get less air and there for push self deeper and it cuases the plant to strech)
It's already flowering though because it's an auto-flowering strain so will that really even do anything? My problem isn't getting it to flower I just want it to grow up and out more so I can get a decent amount of bud and hopefully clone it to keep the strain going.
I would transplant it into a bigger pot.. BUT BE VERY CAREFUL NOT TO MESS UP THE ROOTS... Be extra careful, have the other pot ready and just put it in slowly and don't press the soil down to hard.. also get it out of the 12/12room.. autos do better with more light.. I would put that bitch under 24 if u have room or at least 18/6 and the seltzer thing sounds like a good idea... I can see the logic in it by getting more air to the roots.. id transplant it the water right away with the seltzer and put more light on it..... AND GOD DAMN!!! that is the smallest plant ive ever seen also!!!
It's already flowering though because it's an auto-flowering strain so will that really even do anything? My problem isn't getting it to flower I just want it to grow up and out more so I can get a decent amount of bud and hopefully clone it to keep the strain going.

HOLD UP... did u get that plant as a clone???? or started it from a seed?? cuz u cant clone autos I think the plant would be that size if u did clone it..
The plant is actually already in a pretty big pot but I'll put the plant back in the other area with the 18/6 light cycle and I'll try the seltzer idea. And the plant started from a seed. I've never honestly done a lot of research on auto-flowers I just happen to get my hands on some. But I already much rather just use females and be able to control when they bloom.
Okay so now in the 12/12 room is the one other auto-flowering plant along with just some other regular plants. If one of my other plants just so happens to be a hermaphrodite and pollinate the auto-flower what would the genetics be like? Would the "offspring" also be auto-flowering or can the genetics be changed? And is there more of a chance the "offspring" will be female instead of just more hermaphrodites like they usually would with a hermi and a female..?
probably just a bad pheno nute sensitive or maybe that one plant has bad drainage or is over watered
over watering stunts growth so bad
Okay so now in the 12/12 room is the one other auto-flowering plant along with just some other regular plants. If one of my other plants just so happens to be a hermaphrodite and pollinate the auto-flower what would the genetics be like? Would the "offspring" also be auto-flowering or can the genetics be changed? And is there more of a chance the "offspring" will be female instead of just more hermaphrodites like they usually would with a hermi and a female..?
they would be photo plants
it would be border line act of god if you ended up with a auto
the 20% or less ruderalis would basically be thrown out the window
well whenu cut them down rem to stop and inspect the roots of that one

that small they should be fairly small and tight packed hight up .............if that is what it looks like then odds it chocked self out....but if the roots are deep phat and spread out then u know it was the gentics on that seed ..........figure 1 out of 100 seeds have issuses maybe more but u are the first i seen in almost 2 mionths here on autos

so the results u get i would like to know please ....if the co2 water is going to work for her u will see results with in 5 to 7 days ......the lower leaves might yellow for a day or 2 do to the low oxygen from the co2 water but they come back strong\

since u have one of the smallest ever seen ..............go play the lottoe for the next 2 weeks (karma balances itself out bad here might win 1000 500 bucks to by more equipment/seed to stock pile )
hey buddy

hit us back with the results .............i like to add the notes about this to my little notebook on growing .....hope it works
yikes, that's crazy! and i thought our 8" plant was small to flower lol. you said it's in a big container, how big? i do see perlite, but are you sure the soil/grow medium isn't too compacted? if it's too compacted the roots may not be able to get through the dirt.
I got an auto cream caramel freebie with an order from attitude, gave it to a friend, he planted it outside under the sun in his garden.
its now almost 45-50 days old and its only like 6" tall and flowering (the smell is so sweet).
It could be the genetics.