ASAP! Young plants (2 week) dying - what could be the problem ?


New Member
Hi there !

After numerous hours of unsuccessful searching through web, I have no other chance to ask for a help.

I was out for 36h and when I turned back home, the leaves were yellow and curling for two of my 3 plants.
It was very hot, through these days, so I did give a plant a bit more water (than usual) before going away.
The 3rd one started to curl this morning and I'm afraid, that it will continue the road to dark side as these two.
Grow-room temp : ~29 Celsium
Soil - Ph 5.5-6.5; worm castings, perlite, sand
I have looked after heat-stress, over-watering, under-watering, root rot and many more problems. But none of the posts gave me answer I was looking for. All the posts are about bigger plants, so it's hard to find similarities with 30 cm and 4 cm tall plants.

Please, give me some advice. The sooner, the better, 'cause doesn't look like they (plants) are getting better - only worse.

Thanks a lot !



Well-Known Member
They look far gone to me.:-(.....But to have any chance you need to rise the humidity for a couple days, you could do this by creating a propagator with plastic wrap or you could buy one? would have to be fairly large to fit your pots. Could you fit the top of a soda bottle over your pots and take the cap off for ventilation?.....Hope this helps


New Member
i had the same problems, i think most definitely its the plant type, the breed, some seeds come from powerful plants other don't, this is the only explanation , otherwise i don't know, i had best conditions and mine died too


New Member
btw I use 3x CFL's 25W, T2, 2700K.
Humidity is 31%.

I bought two 5L water bottles to try Budlewsowskis suggested method of a propagator use. Thanks a lot for this tip. I'm at point, where I'm doing anything I can to keep my plants alive.

This would be so bad, if they would die, as this is my first grow.

Please, if someone know what this might be, and/if need pictures of certain parts of plant to determine the problem, please speak out, I will add photos right away.

Thanks !
Too hot and too dry. :(

The plants have very limited root systems at that stage, and they can't keep up with the rate of transpiration required if the air is very dry.

Cover them with humidity domes (or plastic bags at a push) and try and keep the temperatures down a bit.
Take the domes/bags off a few times a day to prevent it getting too moist in there and encouraging fungus.

Best of luck!


Well-Known Member
Hey those cfls are 6 inches too close and your humidity should be between 60-80% at this point so listen to those guys that told you to put a bag or dome over them. Also you should just be using plain water at this point or water that has 250-300 ppm or your gonna kill your plants. I would water them with just water and put a clear bag over them or use plastic wrap on sticks and they should come back. Also if your foliar feeding them its too early to do so and that could have burned them like that. If you foliar feed use a very mild solution only (250-300). When you mix up your nutes only use like half a teaspoon of each nute to a gallon of water.

Also how r u gonna water them like that? lol u dont have to tape them down just put the bottle over them. I just saw ur pic n the lights r up much better now.


New Member
Yes, I'd put a few holes in the sides, just to allow a bit of air circulation.
There wasn't really any need to tape them to the pots... just resting them over would have done. :)
I thought that maybe the vents will blow them away. Falling they would catch the plants, and I, in that way - will never see, if this works or not. Safety first.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Get them out of the bottles! That was bad advice. Once they sprout domes and/or high humidity is not needed and can cause more harm than good. Like mildew or dampening off. Your plants are nute burned. Either you over fed them already or your medium is much too hot for young plants. And at such a young age there is not really much you can do about it. Other than getting a better mix for starting seeds and starting over.


New Member
I don't use any nutes. Just pure water. Lights are up about 15-22 cm. Ventilation is ok.

And I did find a solution to watering them. Should I water them once a day, or once in two ? or else ?

And some pics on how are they looking now. The leaves are now brown on top.

I will put in a bottle the last plant too.

Anything else I could do or some details needed ?

Thanks for all answers !


Well-Known Member
The plants are shot sorry to say. One lesson learned. Go to a hydro store and get some Happy Frog or Ocean Forest for the next seedlings.


New Member
The plants are shot sorry to say. One lesson learned. Go to a hydro store and get some Happy Frog or Ocean Forest for the next seedlings.
What does this Happy Frog or Ocean Forest contain ? I doubt that in my country it's easy to find these. Maybe something similar. What's in it ?


Well-Known Member
bat guano, worm casting and perlite come to mind.....I would google either and I'm sure you'll find the ingredients.


Well-Known Member
So much wrong here.

Without being an ass, do some research before you kill any more seeds. You need the proper soil mix, the proper ph'd water/feed, the proper lights, the proper temps, etc etc.


Well-Known Member
Its heat that's killing them. They don't like it over 26. Go back to one light ,reduce/stop feeding and watering and hope for the best.