gettin a medical growers permit or whatever


Well-Known Member
" ........... that the persons health would benefit from the use of marijuana in the treatment of cancer, anorexia, AIDS, chronic pain, spasticity, glaucoma, arthritis, migraine or any other illness for which marijuana provides relief."

Medical Marijuana / California Prop 215

yeah. also it varies from state to state what they will give you a license for but its basically about convincing your green friendly doc that it helps you medicinally.

not to mention i think a lot of people are just lazy or don't want to pay the fees to protect themselves which i think is stupid if you're growing. make it at least state legal.

(p.s. I hate that the font color doesn't work if you do an advanced response. whats up with that!)


Well-Known Member
ok guys i didnt want to piss anyone off so this thread is not going well. i didnt think that all people with cards had actual ilnesses it just seemed to me that there were too many people and that not everyone who grows has a med. card.

sorry for making anyone mad. it just seemed easy to do like everyone has been saying and i didnt think that me getting a card would make it any harder for people who need a card to get one. they dont have a limited number of cards... i doubt that if i got a card that it would hurt someone elses chances of getting one.

i dont know how to close a thread but whoever does should close this one.


Well-Known Member
Lacy please explain why you can smoke weed and herbtoker shouldnt be able too
thank you! it really gets under my skin sometimes to see the medical users show off and have this 'holier than thou' attitude just because of their location (living in a legal state)... c'mon guys we're all here because we like to get HIGH:joint:


Well-Known Member
Tell the pot doc you have chronic migraines. If you want to get a little technical tell him you've been prescribed medication like maxalt in the past. Boom, you're in.. just like dat. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
it's not the pot doc you gotta convince.

You have to go to your "regular doctor" and get yourself diagnosed. then you get copies of your records and take them to the "pot doc". he reviews your already determined condition and approves you for mmj.

if you can go to a regular dr and get a prescription then you have an illness. if you have an illness, regardless of what it is, then you are eligible for mmj.

there are "crocked dr's" that for a higher fee will sign off anyone. these dr's get shut down daily and your card gets revoked. you can risk doing it this way or you can go the "legit" way.

this is how it is here.


100% Authentic A$$Hole
I believe medical marijuana is something that needs to be taken advantage of..It is there for the sole purpose for your state to make loot...Basically what they are doing is just segregating the so called "sick" from the "smokers" and giving them a reason to smoke marijuana....It is for the sole purpose of money people, they are making money off of something that should be legal anyhow.....The state might as well make theres also, the smokers and growers are regardless:hump:


New Member
Thats NOT what I am on about. Of course 'everyone' should have the opportunity to smoke weed. Its just if there is a system and it is set up for people that are using weed for medicinal purposes and are trying to get a card, it is somewhat of a slap in the face to have someone just come out and say yeah I want to be a part of this system but I don't have anything wrong with me.:twisted:

Why does this upset me so??

It is just like with any system that gets set up intially. You have Food charity for the homeless, shelters for the needed. There are usually rules that apply to these organizations so that they do not get taken advantage of. I have no problem with people trying to get their cards but for some of these people to just suggest making something up is insulting to people like me.

To me it is almost like someone sneaking in line for food at the homeless shelter because its cheaper. To me it is about moral integrity.

I've been waiting since last October to get my aplication put through and it mkaes me wonder how many bogus applications have been processed before mine.????

That is the part that upsets me. I do think medical marijuana should be taken advantage of but I there is a reason why they prioritize the illnesses the way they do.

I don't expect my application to go through before someone dying of aids or cancer BUT I do expect mine to go through before the likes of yours.
Lacy please explain why you can smoke weed and herbtoker shouldnt be able too
well honestly people that smoke weed typically are using it for some reason even if they may not know the reason. Youre in Canada so I'm not sure how hard it is to get cards over there but in the U.S. you can get it for nearly an illness if you can provide records showing that you have visited a doctor 2-3 times about said problem and can tell your cannabis doc that the only thing that worked was marijuana!

but again. its just like walk in and get my card. woohoo. you gotta provide lots of doctors charts (not a note. an actual chart of things from several visits siting illness) and then you gotta go in and sit around for about 4 hours and talk to 2 nurses and then a doctor and then sit through an hour talking to a guy about how to protect yourself what to do and what not to do. ect ect. Thats effort. If I were to list off all the things I have had to do so far for this card, it makes this look like a walk in the park.

so its not like it requires NO effort! it definitely does.
ok guys i didnt want to piss anyone off so this thread is not going well. i didnt think that all people with cards had actual ilnesses it just seemed to me that there were too many people and that not everyone who grows has a med. card.

sorry for making anyone mad. it just seemed easy to do like everyone has been saying and i didnt think that me getting a card would make it any harder for people who need a card to get one. they dont have a limited number of cards... i doubt that if i got a card that it would hurt someone elses chances of getting one.
It IS THAT easy for anyone to get a med card in some of the states it seems.
i dont know how to close a thread but whoever does should close this one.
thank you! it really gets under my skin sometimes to see the medical users show off and have this 'holier than thou' attitude just because of their location (living in a legal state)... c'mon guys we're all here because we like to get HIGH:joint:
it's not the pot doc you gotta convince.

You have to go to your "regular doctor" and get yourself diagnosed. then you get copies of your records and take them to the "pot doc". he reviews your already determined condition and approves you for mmj. done it. :blsmoke::peace:

if you can go to a regular dr and get a prescription then you have an illness. if you have an illness, regardless of what it is, then you are eligible for mmj.Have it. Two prescriptions at least in which I am substituting weed for and have off and on now for almost 3o years. :|

there are "crocked dr's" that for a higher fee will sign off anyone. these dr's get shut down daily and your card gets revoked. you can risk doing it this way or you can go the "legit" way.

this is how it is here.
I believe medical marijuana is something that needs to be taken advantage of..It is there for the sole purpose for your state to make loot...Basically what they are doing is just segregating the so called "sick" from the "smokers" and giving them a reason to smoke marijuana....It is for the sole purpose of money people, they are making money off of something that should be legal anyhow.....The state might as well make theres also, the smokers and growers are regardless:hump:Well yes of course they are but what else is new.

I look at the medical mj this way. It was first initiated due to the suffering of people whom were at dealths door. :( They then expanded it to allow more people to get use of it which I think is awesome. I honestly do. What gets me is people who seriously abuse this for selfish reasons.

To me it is a moral issue.

I wonder how many people would take advantage if a hospital were to lose a truckload of morphine? You would have some people who would steal it because they have a loved one at deaths door. Then you may have another person steal it justifying his/her actions with 'I think everyone should have the opportunity to try morphine.?' Why should it be just for the sick and dying?

I suppose I am looking at this via compassion centres in which there is a reason why it is prioritized.

When I read about people making up bogus symptoms it does annoy me some. :twisted: BUT I'll get over it. :hump:

I do realize that this is stretching it a bit but I am saying that when you get people abusing it then it ruins it for others.I'm for everyone using it who wants to but they set this sytem up the way the did for a reason. Hopefully the system will get better but for now, that is the way it is within the compassion clubs.:blsmoke::peace:

That was my beef. :blsmoke::peace:
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100% Authentic A$$Hole
The problem is that marijuana can help in so many different aspects that it doesnt take much at all to be considered "sick" Hell you can get a card for having GERD which is fucking heartburn, just tell your doctor you cant sleep at night, have trouble eating etc......I can guarantee you 95% of medical cardholders are those who get up off there ass and take advantage of whats there......not because they are sick and can't function without it:peace:

As far as Canada Lacy, I have no idea what it is like there, so I cant say much about it:hump:


Well-Known Member
It's nothing more than money and politics. If someone wants to smoke their dope then why should anyone care. In NorCal you can go to a bevvy of pot docs, not even your personal doctor, tell them what they want to hear and voila'; you're legal. Now why should that be an issue? If that's not the way it works in your state then move to someplace that's more marijuana friendly.



New Member
I have insomnia. I have days where I throw up. I have physical pain and mental pain, at times.
I have gotten off my ass and then some

The problem is that marijuana can help in so many different aspects that it doesnt take much at all to be considered "sick" Hell you can get a card for having GERD which is fucking heartburn, just tell your doctor you cant sleep at night, have trouble eating etc......I can guarantee you 95% of medical cardholders are those who get up off there ass and take advantage of whats there......not because they are sick and can't function without it:peace:

As far as Canada Lacy, I have no idea what it is like there, so I cant say much about it:hump:
To be brutally honest and fair with you all here I thought a LOT about this and what it boils down to is that 'I' AM jealous as ever of the systems that allow such easy access.

I suppose I am being defensive because of the very fact that I HAVE had to jump through loops with this and I do have some serious disorders that do benefit from mj.

Our system only sounds great on paper. The only problem with OUR system is that is all sponsored by the government. The doctors get paid via the government so there is absolutely no incentive on their part to give the authority to obtain a card. To go in with money would be totally frowned apon and considered a bribe and not something I could pull off even if it were allowed here.

In the states you actually are the ones that pay your doctors so they have an incentive. MONEY. In our country it is also all about money in the fact that ;
#1/ The Board of Directors of Physicians and Surgeons has told all doctors not to sign these forms as it will put their insurance up.
You pay for your own health insurance in the states, which makes a huge difference.
#3 Unless a doctor approves your application you can be at deaths door. It makes no difference here. :twisted: This is where our system fails and why people like me need to go to the compassion clubs.

I have already been to two specialist about this issue in hopes that they woud sign and they looked at me like I was speaking a foreign language. :confused::?

It's nothing more than money and politics. If someone wants to smoke their dope then why should anyone care. In NorCal you can go to a bevvy of pot docs, not even your personal doctor, tell them what they want to hear and voila'; you're legal. Now why should that be an issue? If that's not the way it works in your state then move to someplace that's more marijuana friendly.Yes I know. And THIS is why I AM so jealous. Sorry but :roll::cry:

I wish we had YOUR system here. AND I think at THIS point even IF I DID NOT have a legit reason to get an mm card......:twisted:.....:evil:.....Yes I would probably make one up. :roll::-?

So enough lectures from me. i think we are all on the saem page here so to speak. :blsmoke::peace:

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100% Authentic A$$Hole
Well I know here in the states you would have no problem getting it...and if it means a lot to you perhaps moving is an option...:peace:


New Member
I might go for it although hubby probably wouldn't even though his company is world wide. :?:roll:

I'm not goig to give up until a have one. :mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:
Well I know here in the states you would have no problem getting it...and if it means a lot to you perhaps moving is an option...:peace:


Well-Known Member
The wife a very good friend of mine is a doctor.....can she prescribe Med Mari to her spouse if they move to a weed friendly state?

which are the weed friendly states..?
colo. anyone else?


New Member
You people in the states have a list of doctors and the states they are in that will sign for you to use.

I just don't know the link but I am sure someone will jump in with it.

Good luck.:blsmoke::peace:

You guys are so lucky. I'm jealous :roll::twisted::confused:
The wife a very good friend of mine is a doctor.....can she prescribe Med Mari to her spouse if they move to a weed friendly state?

which are the weed friendly states..?
colo. anyone else?


New Member
So true. Its just my train of thought lately is to compare and judge because that is how it is done here.

We have do prove our condition and even then it is like pulling teeth trying to get a doctor to sign.

The way my gp is viewing this is that if I replace meds than he is not going to get his cut in all the prescriptions he has out to me. :evil:

Thats the bs I have to get past and it gets to me after a while.

I think if I could just go in like most of you all and apply and get my mm card I would be a much happier chick :hump:

:roll::blsmoke::peace: I'm jealous:evil:
everybody smokes it to relieve who's to say who should have a card or not have a card.