Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
dang....got to change cluch in browinlaws car tomoz looks like another busy day.........

Hey buddy. Did you get to see my updates lastnight :??: the 1 where I did my brading technique on Casey Jones :??:
Was stoned and really can't remember if you had seen it or not :??:


Well-Known Member
yer man I had a quick look earlier when I had 5 bro aint really had time to comment tho grrrrrrr been heptic today..............


Well-Known Member
yer man I had a quick look earlier when I had 5 bro aint really had time to comment tho grrrrrrr been heptic today..............
Well, what ya think.. {honestly}.. ;) I hadn't seen it done b4 I got to fooling round with her.. I'm really not sure what she's going to do! I am hoping it will make her on tight little bush, and also her buds really tight & compact...
Will have 2 see.. ;)


Well-Known Member
can't say yea or nay on the lst as i have never lst'ed, hell i got to grow something big enough to lst. lol
Gettem in the ground giggy! I keep hearin about how its comin soon but nothin......whats that they say? Necessity is the mother of invention....plant em :):):)


Active Member
this is how i feel right now



Well-Known Member
Marigolds sound fun,
U have fruits or veggies i could grow in my space(closet) or my balcony?
If you're in a closet or balcony, you don't want anything like Cucumbers or beans, because they are vines, but any herbs like Basil, Alfalfa Sprouts *not really herb, but I like them in place of lettuce on sandwiches), Dill, Chives or Green Onions, or veggies, Radishes, and tomatos finish pretty fast compared to others, but tomatos usually take a cage or trellis like beans, and you also want to keep in mind how deep of a pot you plan to use.
If you plan to use like a 5 gal. bucket, you can do carrots.
I can't really tell ya what would work, but there are some ideas.
Check out the gardening section, you might get more ideas there.


Well-Known Member
i thought i was going to get to go home for a week, but that isn't working out to well. so i'm gonna try in the next couple of weeks. been working on a small garage so i can clean the car port on the house out, it has been packed full since april 27 2011 after all the tornadoes. the daughter's house got cut in half by a big ass tree. hell i would love to work on my hot rod if i could just get to it (it's under all the other shit) so yes it has to start real soon.

Gettem in the ground giggy! I keep hearin about how its comin soon but nothin......whats that they say? Necessity is the mother of invention....plant em :):):)


Well-Known Member
If you're in a closet or balcony, you don't want anything like Cucumbers or beans, because they are vines, but any herbs like Basil, Alfalfa Sprouts *not really herb, but I like them in place of lettuce on sandwiches), Dill, Chives or Green Onions, or veggies, Radishes, and tomatos finish pretty fast compared to others, but tomatos usually take a cage or trellis like beans, and you also want to keep in mind how deep of a pot you plan to use.
If you plan to use like a 5 gal. bucket, you can do carrots.
I can't really tell ya what would work, but there are some ideas.
Check out the gardening section, you might get more ideas there.
Naw man i love the input:mrgreen:
Ur giving me so many ideas atm.
Im def gonna do a shitload of reasearch, i jus love first hand advice from personal experince.


Well-Known Member
Naw man i love the input:mrgreen:
Ur giving me so many ideas atm.
Im def gonna do a shitload of reasearch, i jus love first hand advice from personal experince.
Marigolds are my fav, LOL.
They're not fancy as some, but I remember as a kid, we had Marigolds lining one side of the walk way coming from the sidewalk to the front door, and as the flowers die off, I would pick them, and let them dry on a shelf or work bench, for a couple days, then when they get dry and crispy, you just take the flower between thumb and forefinger and roll it, and you get the long thin seeds falling out into your hand- probably 2-=40 seeds per flower.
And they come in about 4 diff. colors, so it's cool having a variety.
Good luck man, let us know how it turns out.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Got some nice roses and some other flowers comin in finally. Ill try n grab some pics tommorow after swimmin from the garden :)


Well-Known Member
Well good morning everyone. ;) hopes yalll are having a great 1. Well, I figured I would do alittle update 4 you guys.. when I walked in the door this morn from taking the wife to the Doc & to work, I noticed a faint smell of what I wonder :??: YUP! You guessed it! BUD! So, o do believe I am going to have to either start spraying scents like a mother here soon, burn some incense or some shit! Atleast until the wife gets paid! I really need to get a carbon filter, and make me alittle diy frame for it or something.. I will have to look into that here soon!!
Well, good news! All 3 beans cracked & have small taps on them. ;) Yay!! Haha.. OH! I had forgot to tell you all! I went ahead & threw Sour Blueberry & WW x BB into flowering aswell! All I am waiting on now is for the "Ice" to veg for about another week, then its on! Haha.. I know y'all herd me mention I am getting ready to make my famous "Iced Blueberry", its coming up real quick! I would say within another 2 months maybe 3 I will have the Iced Blueberry strain I've been wanting to make.. ;) can't wait!! Then I am going to turn around and back cross it with either a White Widow (for the weight) or a White Rhino for potency! Can't decide!

On another note, all the other ladies all are doing well. Had just a tad of crisp edge on Snowcap, so I mixed up some sensi-cal (bloom) this morning and dosed her with it. I'm sure she'll be a ok in a day or so.. ;)

Here's a few pictures for you guys.. :mrgreen:
If you have any :??: for me, don't hesitate to hollar at me. I will be on for alittle bit. Got to check into a few things.

Let me knows what ya think guys.. Each photo is labeled so you can see which girl is what..

Thanks for following the grow guys! I really enjoy speaking with each & everyone of you guys! And have made some good friends. I hope.. ;) haha


Ps. I took a small nug off Blue Mammoth to test! All I can say is she is super good already! Lol.. But I am going to let her go for a good while! I want her to turn blue damnit! Lol


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