Designated Provider Questions - Please help.


Well-Known Member
Good Afternoon,

I am a patient here in WA State and during the last few months I have come across two other patients who have asked me to provide medicines for them. I've no experience as provider and can't find anything specific on the internet so I have come here with a few questions and hope in finding some answers. They are:

1.If I have two people who would like me to provide for them, could my wife provide for one and me for the other?
2. If I provide medical marijuana to a designated patient and then they sell it to someone who has no license, could I be held responsible?
3. What safeguards do I have that the patients license/prescription is genuine and do I need to register as a provider?
4. What do most people charge for providing meds, what is a fair price?

Thank you for your help,


Well-Known Member
No registration...

The rest is way over thought. do what is right, try to help those in need, and take what YOU think is fair.


Active Member
I agree a hint overthought but...

Good Afternoon,

I am a patient here in WA State and during the last few months I have come across two other patients who have asked me to provide medicines for them. I've no experience as provider and can't find anything specific on the internet so I have come here with a few questions and hope in finding some answers. They are:

1.If I have two people who would like me to provide for them, could my wife provide for one and me for the other? A: You can provide for both, just not at the exact same time... Due to HIPPA. It's... complicated. Your wife would work too though.
2. If I provide medical marijuana to a designated patient and then they sell it to someone who has no license, could I be held responsible? A: No, as long as you have "Plausible Deniability" I'd explain further but I am tired so... google is your friend.
3. What safeguards do I have that the patients license/prescription is genuine and do I need to register as a provider? A: Call the issuing clinic, the clinic I go through has online patient verification.
4. What do most people charge for providing meds, what is a fair price? A: A fair price? Don't use language like that, trust me. You are allowed to recoup your EXPENSES that's it. I know 99% of dispensaries are cash cropping but I somehow sense you would prefer not be in the "legal line of fire".

Thank you for your help,
Oh and in this state caregiver's are only valid if they provide some other service to the well being of the patient besides grow their cannabis. If you designate a provider and all they supply is cannabis, then they can be in big legal doo doo. To get around it many dispensaries claim they offer medical advice, or counseling of a naturopathic nature. Which in fact they technically do but it's riding a grey line that most cop's don't want to enforce.