need help recovering from an overwatering

I discovered that i had overwatered my plants when i went to check on them this morning. i watered them once yesterday and when i checked on them last night they were doing fine. well this morning the leaves were completely limp and droopy. i moved them out of the cfls i was using and under the hps i was using to flower my other plant so they could dry out. they are looking better, with some green growth on the leaves. however some of the leaves look unlikely to recover and i was wondering what to do at this point.

would it make sense to remove the dying leaves so that they can focus on new growth or should i just wait it out? or is there something else i can do to help them? i have pics of 2 of the plants below. its pretty ugly stuff :cry:but you can kinda see green on small areas of the leaves near the top and at the nodes.



Well-Known Member
I dont think thats overwatering that looks like you cooked your plant whats the temp and do u have a fan on it? Are you using nute and ph tester?
i do have a fan on them and the temp stays right around 75 to 80 all day. i had them about 2 inches from my cfls and it didnt seem to bother them for the last 3 weeks. looked perfectly healthy. im not using nutes yet, i wanted them to get a bit bigger. soil ph is sitting right at 7. i am 99% sure this is overwatering as i transplanted them into dryer soil. the center of my pots was way too moist. the other 1% is just insurance against me being a noob.

im used to growing under hps in which case is just sucks the moisture right out of the soil. i watered in the morning and they did fine throughout the day. it was at night when the lights were off that my plants got bad.

i checked on them today and the drying seems to have helped some. the green spots are bigger, but the withered leaves are yellowing. at this point i just want to give my plants the best chance of survival even though in alot of ways it looks like a battle i cant win.:cry:


Well-Known Member
If there is enough green matter the plant CAN survive... It looks cooked to me and i would start over but i have tried to revive badly beaten plants before... They will most likely not recover to full potential...

I think moving them in to the hps was a bad move and was probably the cause of the dried leves... Over watering will not do that kind of damage by itself and most likely would have recovered better under the cfl by just waiting it out...

On the other hand there are no pics here of the plant before it was dried out like that... It may have not been over watering at all but something else like soil PH or other nutrient lockout or overfeeding... There ARE other reasons a plant will "droop" or curl its leafs other than too much water...
true. i guess i more reacted to what i expected it to be than anything. i am gonna keep trying to keep them goin since im out of seeds at the moment.

Black Light

Well-Known Member
Wow that looks dead as dead can be.

I would put them out in the sun varying on your weather though.

I'm in N.C. and it's the hottest place in the United states at the moment with no RAIN what so ever!

well we have a tiny bit of sun up here but not nearly enough. i fed them a tiny bit of superthrive to ease the shock and they all seem to be hanging on to one degree or another. they all lost their dead leaves. good news is i think at least 1 plant is gonna pull through. its got some new growth and looks pretty healthy considering what i put it through. 2 of them look ok, not great but not as robust growth as the first. the 4th is pretty iffy. it was allways the weird one in my crop. instead of growing leaves on both sides equally it would grow 1 set and then mutate the other. it looks the most likely not to make it but im not giving up on any of them. in a week or two i'll know for sure.
i think my plants are over watered it was very hot here and they got a lil in the dry on the meter so i watered them to a lil past the wet and now the top 2 leaves f each one are dead the plants are clones and are about a week and a half in to veg they are 3-4 inches should i wait till the soil drys out alil and do u think i over waterd them the rest of the plant is healthy just the top leaves and new growth in between the lower leaves lokk dead. should i clip off the dead ones or let them fall